北海道大学交换生项目申请要求 北海道大学申请条件(10篇)

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北海道大学交换生项目申请要求 北海道大学申请条件(10篇)
时间:2023-03-13 09:37:11     小编:zdfb


北海道大学交换生项目申请要求 北海道大学申请条件篇一


hustep provides a safe and caring environment in which to carry out your academic studies and broaden your horizons. participating in hustep will help to prepare you for the future with knowledge and experiences that will last a lifetime. in addition, you will have a wonderful opportunity to meet and make friends with many japanese people as well as international students from all around the world who come to study at hokkaido university. we would like to invite motivated university students from all disciplines to participate in hustep.


一、eligibility requirements

to be eligible to apply for hustep, students must:

1. be enrolled in full-time undergraduate degree programs at overseas universities that have concluded a student exchange agreement with hokkaido university.

2. be enrolled and pay tuition fees at their home universities as full-time students during the entire period of study in japan.

3. have completed at least two years of undergraduate study at their own university prior to arrival in japan.

4. have a cumulative grade point average (gpa) of 3.0 or better on a 4.0 scale or equivalent.

5. be proficient in english. non-native english speakers must have a score of at least toefl ibt 79 or ielts 6.5.

6. be able to arrive by late september or first week of april.

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number of students accepted

approximately 50 students for each course

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there are a limited number of scholarships available so most students will have to cover their own costs. although it varies by inspanidual, the cost of living in japan is about 100,000 yen (roughly $850 us) per month. thus students should have enough money saved up to pay for one year of living costs or make other financial arrangements before coming to japan. students should be clear that hustep is strictly a study program.

even if students receive a scholarship, the first payment will be made one month after the arrival. students must bring money to pay for both the first month dormitory fee and living costs.

可供利用的奖学金数量有限,因此大部分学生得自付费用。生活费因人而异,不过日本的生活费一般是每月100,000 日元(大约为850美元)。因此学生来日本之前需要有足够的钱,支付得起在日本一年的生活费,或者通过其他渠道解决经济问题。学生要知道,北海道大学短期交换项目是严格意义上的学习项目。



students interested in hustep should first consult with an academic advisor at their home institution. on approval by the advisor, applicants may obtain the necessary forms from the office of international studies (or its equivalent) at their home institution, complete the forms, and submit them to hokkaido university through the home institution’s office of international studies (do not send applications directly to hokkaido university).

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please download the following hustep application form and other required documents.

1) cover page hustep2017-2018 application form

(2) hustep application form 2017-2018

3) recommendation letter

(4) certificate of health

(5) certificate of enrollment





(4) 健康证

(5) 注册证

三、jasso scholarship

to assist international exchange students, the japan student services organization (jasso) offers the following scholarship to a limited number of students. the student exchange support program (scholarship for short-term study in japan) includes a monthly stipend as follows:

¥80,000 (approximately u.s. $ 700) per month for five or eleven months.

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为了支持国际交换生,日本学生服务组织向部分学生提供有以下奖学金。学生交换支持项目(用于日本短期学习的奖学金)包括的月度补贴如下:每月80,000 日元(大约 700美元),持续5到11个月。


in addition to the hustep eligibility requirements, students who meet the following requirements are eligible to apply for this scholarship:

1) applicants must, upon completion of the term of exchange, return to their home institutions to resume their studies or to be awarded their degrees.

2) applicants must not be recipients of scholarship awards from other organizations, if the combined value of these additional scholarships exceeds ¥80,000 per month.

3) applicants who may have difficulty covering the costs of their studies in japan on their own.

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conditions for completion of course:

a certificate of completion of the program will be given to students who satisfactorily earn 24 credits (13 credits for the half year program) or more of courses throughout the period of the program.

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the japanese language and culture studies program (jlcsp) is a ‘junior year abroad’ type program for undergraduate students majoring in japanese language and culture. each year international students from our partner universities as well as government-sponsored students come to japan and take this enriching course. the jlcsp is the leading course of its kind in japan and has a long history catering to different skill levels from intermediate to advanced japanese. you can also choose courses from our english curriculum or courses from the standard curriculum taken by japanese students. if you would like to deepen your understanding of your particular field of independent study, or learn business japanese, this course can help you achieve your goals. hokkaido university is set on a large campus widely viewed as the most beautiful campus in japan. in such a wonderful environment, together with other international students as well as japanese students, let us help pave your future.


objectives of the program:

to improve students’ japanese language proficiency to enable them to interact with japanese speakers and conduct research in japanese;

to acquire basic knowledge and methodologies for japanese studies – particularly relating to japanese general and applied linguistics;

to gain a deeper understanding both of japanese language and culture. in the second semester (april – august) of the one year program, students can study a research topic in their field of specialty and complete a final report under the guidance of a supervisor.

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entry requirements:

applicants must be a japanese language and/or culture major enrolled in an undergraduate degree course at a partner university of hokkaido university. first-year students are not eligible to apply.

applicants should have n3 (or higher) on the japanese language proficiency test or the equivalent or higher proficiency in japanese at the time of application. in particular, applicants should know 500 or more kanji and have the skill to understand conversation spoken at natural speed and read/write simple sentences. any students who are found to have inadequate language skills after arrival will not be able to complete the course.

applicants must possess a good academic record at university level.

applicants must be between 18 and 29 years of age on the date of april 1, 2017.

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where to apply:

the application form for the next intake is available now. please submit the application form and any additional documents to the office responsible for student exchange at your university. application documents must not be sent directly to hokkaido university. the deadline of submission at hokkaido university is as follows:

one year: february 20, 2017

half-year (2017 fall semester): february 20, 2017

half-year (2018 spring semester): october 31, 2017

*half-year (2018 spring semester) applicants should submit their applications in october, not february.

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number of students accepted:

one year: 40

half year: 20 for each





