
格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-11-25 19:37:41
时间:2022-11-25 19:37:41     小编:zdfb



the ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". here one by one between chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose writing, leaving the country attracts blond "laowai", linger here, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.

the ancient city of history can be traced back to began years, nazhaowang geluofeng built my sheep baa city (now near the city of the west tower), for its new capital. ancient city was built in ming hongwu fifteen years (ad 1382), around 12.

on february 8, 1982, the state council announced dali is one of china's first batch of 24 historical and cultural city.

the gate of the ancient city of dali in yunnan province, the first batch of key cultural relics protection "emperor sai-jo flat yunnan tablet", it stands on the march street street field.

in 1 km northwest of ancient city, is listed as the national first batch of key units to be protected by the state council of the dali three towers, and, at the southwest corner of the ancient city a holy temple tower, is relatively and added a layer of bright colors for the ancient city.

dali city roads are still maintained the chessboard type grid structure since the ming and qing, known as the nine street 18 lane. the north-south confrontation of the two towers have been restored.

foreigners' street in the city from south to north, across a street, deep deep and remote street lane, from west to east, across the city to the polished tile roof, the wall of the cobble stones, according to the ancient city of of primitive simplicity, chic and elegant.

seen from the features of dali, the literature building, south gate house, five china building, beicheng gate house, where towering magnificent, the ancient city has an attractive artistically. streets, bai nationality ancient sweet patina.

an aerial view of dali ancient city first floor - literature. in dali ancient north gate 1 km literature building, known as the ancient city of the first door, is the landmark of the ancient city of dali. founded in the qing emperor kangxi years. building the frontal hanging yunnan prefect partial figure yu kangxi forty years (ad 1701) the title of "literature of nations" plaque, therefore the literature. literature building into a dali passage across the south road on both sides liushucheng shadow, stroke yiyi, quite a picturesque, is the government guideline dignitaries portal. literature building is two layers of jehiel mountain type civil structure of dysprosium floor, with typical bai architectural features, it stands in the masonry structure above the door, magnificent.

foreigners' street - nation road. the ancient city of east-west nation road, known as the "foreigner street". here one by one between chinese and western restaurants, cafes, tea houses and gift shops, trademark, advertising, multi-purpose, leaving the country writing blond "laowai", linger here naked, looking for ancient east, gradually into a unique scenery.

dali ancient nanzhao "world first" - five degrees. 5 china building is ancient nazhaowang state guesthouse, also called to a building. since nanzhao, five china building burned down many times, and rebuilt many times, the smaller is built. five floor area, has formed a certain scale of calligraphy and painting market, operating varieties include calligraphy, chinese painting class, character of landscape painting of flowers and birds, etc., and leather trade such as painting, oil painting is very active.

dali christian churches. dali christian church is located in dali changfu promotes heping road intersections, was founded in 1904 in june, called "chinese christian church". in 1956, changed its name to "dali christian unity". in 1980, changed its name to "dali christian church". again in 20xx changed its name to "dali christ church". in 20xx is listed as the municipal cultural relics protection units. church timberwork, four left the main structure of soil water tile roof, maintained the style of the western church, but also has strong bai architectural characteristics, is a combination of chinese and western church.


