
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-20 14:26:38
时间:2023-03-20 14:26:38     小编:zdfb




  赞同是政府责任的理由:1. 有义务保护未成年人;2. 有预算的情况下,为其纳税人(家长)提供便利 [这边“有预算”的前提,为下文做铺垫]// 反对理由:校车不是政府必须开销,预算吃紧的情况下应优先考虑其他领域需求,比如:医疗、基础教育、基础设施、脱贫、环境保护等

  vulnerable adj. 易受到伤害的

  be confronted with 遭遇到

  assume vt. 承担

  taxpayer n. 纳税人

  be wrapped up in把全部精力放在某事上〔以至于没有时间关心别的事〕

  strain vt. 使不堪承受

  make cuts to sth. 〔规模或数量,尤指政府或公司支出的〕削减,缩减,裁减

  elimination n. 消除,根除

  acting as the legal guardians of young children, parents undoubtedly ought to take the responsibility to ensure the safety of their kids. in addition, if there is a short distance between the home and the school, it is even more inconvenient for students to take the school bus, as their residences are not always on a school bus route. driving children to school by parents can instead save much time. // however, it is not always the case, since there are either instances where parents fail to coordinate the time of transporting their children and going to work on time due to the long travelling distance, or instances where impoverished families cannot afford private cars to drive their children to school.


  赞同家长接送的理由:1. 作为孩子监护人,理应为孩子安全负责;2. 距离近的情况下,校车的固定线路反而不便利 [这里“距离近”的前提为下文做铺垫] // 反对家长接送理由:特殊情况下,比如家校距离远、低收入家庭没有条件等,家长无法协调时间或金钱接送孩子

  guardian n. 监护人

  residence n.[c] 住宅

  on a …. route 在…的线路上

  impoverished adj. 穷困的

  in conclusion, government and parents should be jointly responsible for transferring children to school. if there is a short distance, then it is advised for parents to take such responsibility. if the travelling distance is rather long, then parents ought to send their children to the nearest school bus station punctually, and it is legitimate for government to charge parents a reasonable fee. meanwhile, low-income families should be taken into consideration, and government has to guarantee children from these families free access to school buses.



  jointly adv. 共同地;联合地

  punctually adv. 准时地

  legitimate adj. 合情合理的


it is claimed that people embarking on a career early and striving for it tend to gain higher work satisfaction than job hoppers who change their jobs frequently. generally, i hold the same viewpoint.

it is true that most people enter the workforce with limited ideas about whether they want to stay in a particular industry for their entire career. so it makes sense to allow themselves some chances to explore when it comes to career prospects. in addition, the digital age has changed the way an inspanidual perceives career development. nowadays, people are no longer confined to traditional vocational choices, such as engineers and lawyers; instead, there are more unconventional work options, for example, being an influencer on social media. therefore, the expanding employment scenario delays the decision making of many young minds. nevertheless, frequent changes are detrimental to adults’ career development prospects. employers today still highly value loyalty in many industries, and they usually offer additional incentives to long-term employees, including bonuses and reward schemes. long-time employees have the advantage of thoroughly understanding the operation at work and also becoming familiar with the staff and processes. if they work hard, their promotion prospects are good, and there is likely to be greater job security, with the promise of a good pension when they retire. in this case, young people should plan for their career early so as to explore their interests to the fullest and research for possible jobs or businesses in the specific field, then stick to the profession they enjoy, and grow together with the company. to conclude, modern society has enough examples to prove that it is never too early to plan one’s occupation, and one should commit to the career path that is carefully chosen in order to achieve the greatest job satisfaction.
















