康涅狄格大学(university of connecticut) – rolla
university of nebraska lincoln
康涅狄格大学(university of connecticut)
university of utah
university of tennessee-knoxville
west virginia university
university of kansas
纽约州立大学—石溪分校(stony brook university–suny)
佐治亚大学(university of georgia)
密苏里大学(university of missouri)-columbia
oklahoma state university
louisiana state university-baton rouge
university of south carolina
杜兰大学(tulane university)
印第安纳大学伯明顿分校(indiana university–bloomington)
university of oklahoma
迈阿密大学(university of miami)
university of texas – dallas
ohio university –athens
university of houston –houston
michigan technological university
university of maine
university of kentucky
乔治华盛顿大学(george washington university)
university of central florida
301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306,
texas tech university
wayne state university
california state university, sacramento
missouri state university
new mexico state university
north dakota state university
university of texas-arlington
clarkson university
wright state university
university of tennessee chattanooga
图尔萨大学(university of tulsa)
portland state university
佛蒙特大学(university of vermont)
贝勒大学(baylor university)
villanova university
university of tampa
louisiana tech. university
new jersey institute of technology
idaho state university
wichita state university
university of mississippi
东北大学(northeastern university)
southern illinois university-edwardsville
university of alaska- fairbanks
pace university, ny
wright state university
chicago state university
south dakota state university
east carolina university
university of north texas
suny institute of technology
university of missouri at st louis
university of northern iowa
university of toledo
university of illinois at springfield
old dominion university, virginia
美国大学gre分数 > 308
309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314
northern illinois university
indiana university purdue university
university of memphis
university of nevada los vegas
university of alabama-huntsville
university of idaho
mississippi state university
university of missouri, kansas city
university of north carolina-charlotte
oregon graduate institute of science &tech
george mason university
university of indianapolis
university of nebraska omaha
university of south florida- tampa
middle tennessee state university
polytechnic university (ny)
university of new orleans
university of arkansas- fayetteville
tennessee technological university
university of south florida
university of louisiana-lafayette
florida institute of technology
illinois institute of technology
washington state university
georgia state university
291, 292, 293, 294, 295,
296, 297, 298,299,300,
northwest missouri state university
lamar university
illinois state university, normal
university of louisville
texas a & m university, commerce
colorado technical university, colorado springs
boise state university, idaho
montana state university, bozeman
south dakota school of mines & technology
north carolina agricultural & tech state university
southern illinois university, carbondale
florida international university
north dakota state university
western kentucky university
bradley university
cleveland state university
university of bridgeport –ct
代顿大学(university of dayton) –ohio
texas a & m university, kingsville
university of west florida, pensacola
eastern michigan university
minnesota state university, mankato
suffolk university, ma
university of north carolina, greensboro
new mexico institute of mining &tech.
university of central arkansas
southeastern university, dc
university of hawaii
university of texas, tyler
eastern washington university
southern oregon university, ashland
university of texas at san antonio
state university of west georgia
ball state university
university of texas el paso
columbus state university
arkansas state university
丹佛大学(university of denver)
north dakota state university
new york institute of technology
california state university, chico
dakota state university
st cloud state university
马凯特大学(marquette university)