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格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-05-15 11:59:54
时间:2022-05-15 11:59:54     小编:王同学




The forest is a valuable wealth of mankind, it will not only provide us with wood and forest products, but also soil and water conservation, water conservation, wind
eak and sand play an important style of the protection of agricultural production and improve the rural environment. The fire is the enemy of the forest, it will give peoples lives and property caused serious losses, will wreak havoc on the living environment to our production, protection of forest resources is the bounden duty of every citizen.

Now the majority of the people for personal gain, the forest burned trees is about to bec e extinct, "You see, the mountains bare treeless land, most of which are to be burned to a fast land farming, it burned to destroy the forests, those people are so hateful! I appeal to:

People want to protect the forest, protection forest that the original green, forest also my mother that the original appearance! Let us hand in hand with the protection of forests.

Since the science developed, the human slowly to lead a good life. Can of green trees and woods where? Have you thought about?

Due to human over-felling of trees, making the dust weather around the world continue to increase, the air is getting bad, this is caused by humans. I They can not look at Mother Earth b s bare, we must have action, the earth mother changed back to its original appearance.

Of course, picking up trash is to protect the environment a. Somewhere you see garbage, as long as you bend about the waist, to pick up the garbage, it is For the Earth to gain more vitality.

We need to prevent people presumptuous as tree felling, after as little as possible with the kind of napkins, and more with a handkerchief. It is said that in order to meet the needs of the countrys population,We will lose half a Daxinanling forest. If this continues, then our country will turn into an uninhabited desert. "In this case The world has be a desert instead.

All in all, on the sentence: "the protection of forests, I start from, start small, from the early start."


The forest is the security of your natural resources, the basis of humanity is to pillar, and called the "lungs of the earth. Plays an important role in maintaining ecological balance So, if people want to protect forest resources.

Why is the forest to maintain ecological balance has an important role? First of all, everything in nature all need oxygen to sustain life, and the forest Is the natural oxygen machine, if the forest and other green plants destroyed, the creatures have lost protection. In addition, the forest can adjust the temperature to block the acid Rain, dust, attenuation of noise, reduce wind, natural disaster reduction. Destruction of forest resources is a very serious impact on the environment and ecological balance.

Caused by temperature change, air quality deterioration also caused the extinction of wild animals.

Thus, the forest with our lives are closely related. People around the world are now pensate for the consequences of the destruction of forests. I think Too, the protection of forests should start from me, take good care of plants and trees from the start.







金灿灿的稻谷,红彤彤的苹果,还有五彩缤纷的公鸡,这就是我生长过的地方。门前的稻田,春有油菜,夏有冬瓜,秋有苹果,冬有白菜,一年四季都是一片翠绿。我喜欢到田野里,欣赏那多样的水果、蔬菜 ,更高兴牵着表妹的小手,到田野里散步,摘一些诶野花,插在翘起的小辫上。










一天,森林里举行一年一度的游泳比赛,作文 森林游泳比赛。有许多动物都来看热闹。只见长颈鹿裁判员举起了发令枪,“啪”一声,运动员们迅速跳入河中,像飞一样的游了起来,拉拉队边蹦边跳一个劲地喊“加油”。运动员有小鸭子、河马、小狗、小乌龟、小青蛙、小田鼠,还有很多很的动物······天上的小鸟们在叽叽喳喳的.叫着,好像在为运动员们加油,运动员们游泳的姿势都不一样,有的狗刨、有的蛙泳、还有的蝶泳······水面上绽放开一朵朵水莲花。




