2023年美国研究生院申请指南 美国研究生申请网站优质

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2023年美国研究生院申请指南 美国研究生申请网站优质
时间:2023-04-22 22:20:18     小编:zdfb


美国研究生院申请指南 美国研究生申请网站篇一

第一所:university of texas-austin

我们先来看看开设在school of information的university of texas-austin。在usnews2009排名中该校综合排名在47位,专业排名第三,是一所很有竞争力的学校。专业名全称叫master of information studies,我们来看他的课程设置:


introduction to information studies

understanding and serving users

organizing and providing access to information

managing information services and organizations

introduction to research in information studies


第二所:university of arizona

我们再来看看开设在商学院下的university of arizona该校的mis全称master of science in management information systems,设在kelley school of business下.其课程设置如下:

responsible information management

management of information technology

it strategy

software design & integration

business communications

web computing and mining

social and ethical issues of the internet

management of technology i

management of technology ii

business foundations for it

information security in public and private sectors (cnss and nstissi certified)

privacy, security and business continuity (cnssi certified)

bio medical and security informatics

systems modeling and simulation

models for decision support

introduction to enterprise computing environments

business process management systems

enterprise data management

data management: technology and applications

software agents and multi-agent systems

introduction to artificial intelligence

analysis and design of service-oriented systems

operations management

managing for quality improvement

production and operations management

production and operations management

the supply chain and logistics

project management

knowledge management: technologies and practices

strategic management of information systems

business intelligence

data-driven knowledge and intelligence for decision making

collaboration computing

virtual teams and technology

master's report projects


美国研究生院申请指南 美国研究生申请网站篇二

mis专业主要有三个方向:图书管理、理工学院下面信息决策(偏重数学)、商学院(分为管理类和 mba类,mba要求要有工作经验)。就美国目前的 mis 教育状况而言,mis主要涉及以下一些专业领域:

信息系统(information systems ):包括 data communication、database、programming language、client/server computing、system analysis and design等内容。

管理科学(management sciences ):包括 mathematical programming、optimization、operation research等内容。

生产运营管理(production and operations management ):包括 decision theory、organization theory等内容。

统计学(statistics )

其它专业领域:包括 marketing、finance、management、accounting、business law、economics 等。


