最新美国精算专业排名 精算专业美国大学排名精选

格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-23 11:30:10
最新美国精算专业排名 精算专业美国大学排名精选
时间:2023-04-23 11:30:10     小编:zdfb


美国精算专业排名 精算专业美国大学排名篇一

线性代数linear algebra



保险与风险insurance and risk

财务会计financial accounting

成本会计cost accounting


概率与统计学probability and statistics i-iv

利息论theory of interest

精算数学actuarial mathematics




美国精算专业排名 精算专业美国大学排名篇二

are you ready to...?

visit the be an actuary website

join the national fraternity for risk management, insurance, and actuarial science students, gamma iota sigma

study hard for actuarial exams

use computers to solve problems

take tough exams to break into the field and to advance in your career

make calculations and use statistics

make predictions

explain technical matters to others

help create new financial products

testify in court or before public agencies

solve complicated problems in math and statistics

it helps to be...

someone who loves the idea of using math and statistics to solve various social and business problems. you'll need to be a self-motivated, goal-oriented communicator. finally, you should feel right at home in front of a computer.

someone who loves crunching numbers and enjoys using computers. you'll also need good communication skills, especially if you choose to work as a consultant. finally, be ready to keep up with changes in areas such as health and business.


