clearly, harvard university and princeton university are both among the world’s
taking a look at the qs world university rankings by subject provides some more detailed insights into the inspanidual subjects for which harvard and princeton each school is best known.
in 2017, harvard university ranked as the world leader in 14 different subjects. although princeton isn’t considered the best in the world for any particular subject, it’s featured in the top 10 for 10 different subjects.
the table below lets you see how the two schools directly compare for each subject. if no rank is given, it’s highly likely the subject isn’t available at that particular university.
harvard can be found in the university town of cambridge, massachusetts, just to the north of the city of boston. named after the university of cambridge in the uk, cambridge, ma, is also home to the world’s current number one university, the massachusetts institute of technology (mit). unsurprisingly for a town with two prominent universities in such close proximity, the city has a longstanding history of being an academic hub, with a student-centered community.
with river banks lined with trees, historical architecture and a thriving arts and culture scene, cambridge is, in many ways, the archetypal student location. for those who want a bit more of a cosmopolitan experience, it’s an easy trip to neighboring boston, one of the leading urban centers in the us.
traveling southwest from massachusetts, through the states of connecticut and new york, down through manhattan and the bronx, you come to the state of new jersey, where princeton university is located, in the town from which it takes its name.
much like cambridge, ma, princeton very much has the feel of being a “college town”, with its student population playing a key part in local life and culture. the college campus itself, which features architecture from the 18th century onwards and the manmade lake carnegie, has been listed as one of the most attractive among us universities.
harvard university, significantly larger than princeton, has a total student enrollment of 22,000, of which 15,250 are postgraduate students. princeton claims a total enrolment of 8,181, of which 2,781 are postgraduates. these large numbers of postgraduates, making up two thirds of enrolment at harvard and over one quarter of enrolments at princeton, reflect the
哈佛大学比普林斯顿大得多, 学生总人数为2.2万人, 其中15250为研究生。普林斯顿大学的总入学率为 8181, 其中2781是研究生。这些数量庞大的研究生, 在哈佛大学招生人数的三分之二, 以及普林斯顿大学四分之一的入学人数, 反映了每所学校对研究的强烈关注。
虽然 (如上所述) 国际多样性不是任何机构的最有力指标, 但两者都提供了相当高比例的海外留学生: 在这两种情况下, 大约22% 的学生都是国际性的, 大部分的普林斯顿国际学生都在攻读研究生学位。
as is the case for us universities more widely, tuition fees at the top ivy league schools are among the highest in the world. however, you certainly shouldn’t let this prevent you from considering either school, as both schools operate a “need blind” admission policy – meaning financial aid is always available for those who gain an offer of a place.
at harvard, undergraduate fees currently stand at us$44,990 annually (2017-18) with additional costs for accommodation, travel and personal expenses bringing this figure up to an overall yearly expenditure of between $69,600 and $73,600. at princeton, annual tuition fees are higher, at $47,140 (2017-18), with accommodation, travel and personal costs bringing the yearly spend to approximately $67,100. be aware that, for both schools, this latter figure depends on how frugal your lifestyle is.
other costs you may have to pay include the fee for health insurance if you don’t already have it. at harvard, the health insurance plan is $3,130, while at princeton it’s $1,800.
graduate fees are typically more expensive wherever you study, and also tend to fluctuate significantly depending on the field of study. at harvard’s graduate school of arts and sciences, tuition fees stand at $43,296 (2016-17 figures) with an advised additional living expenses budget of at least $37,320 for 10 months. princeton charges regular graduate tuition fees of $45,320 per year with additional approximate living expenses of $24,500 per 10 months.
if you’re considering studying medicine or business, however, costs will be higher still. at harvard’s medical school (for graduate students only) fees stand at $58,050 (2016-17 figures), while at harvard business school an mba program will cost $72,000, with a total recommended annual budget of $106,800 (2017-18 figures).
但是,如果你正在考虑学习医学或者商科专业,那么费用将会更高。哈佛大学医学院 (仅限研究生) 的学费为58,050美元 (2016-17学年数据),而哈佛大学商学院的mba课程学费高达72,000美元,建议的年度预算总额为106,800美元(2017-18学年数据)。
if you’ve read the last passage with a pained expression on your face, then help is at hand. you’ll be pleased to hear that, like most of the ivy league schools, harvard and princeton both offer generous financial aid programs. as many as 60% of undergraduate students receive need-based financial aid at princeton, while the figure at harvard is 55%.
harvard offers payment of full tuition for students of families earning less than us$65,000 annually, with more than 20% of student’s families paying nothing. at princeton, the average financial aid grant for a student admitted for the class of 2020 was $48,000.
both are among the five us universities to run a need-blind policy for all undergraduate students, both international and domestic. this means a pledge to admit all students based solely on merit and nothing else, even if you’re unable to pay any of the fees. if you then accept the offer, each school will contribute as much as is needed for you to attend their program.
and what about graduate students? yes, both universities offer funds to graduates too, often in the form of grants, loans, fellowships and scholarships, as well as paid employment. the amount offered is dependent on several factors, including level of study, program and financial situation – for information on exactly how much you can expect to pay, visit harvard or princeton’s graduate school website.
如果你在阅读这最后一段的时候脸上是痛苦的表情,那么帮助就是触手可及的地方。你会高兴地听到,像大多数常春藤盟校一样,哈佛大学和普林斯顿大学都提供了慷慨的经济援助项目。在普林斯顿大学,有多达60% 的本科生获得了基于需求的经济援助,而哈佛大学获得基于需求的经济援助的学生人数大约占55%。
qs world university rankings® 2018
ranked 13th in the world
ranked ninth in the world by academics and 33rd by employers
stronger than harvard for research citations
ranked third in the world overall in 2018
ranked first in the world by academics and third by employers
stronger than princeton for international students and faculty-student ratio
subject strengths*
ranked seventh in the world for arts & humanities
37th for engineering & technology
101st for life sciences & medicine
13th for natural sciences
joint 18th for social sciences & management
ranked third in the world for arts & humanities
13th for engineering & technology
first for social sciences & management
princeton, new jersey
also in the northeast, just southwest of the state of new york.
cambridge, massachusetts
on the northeast coast of the us, north of boston.
student community
about 8,181 students, of which 2,781 are postgraduates
1,831 students are international (22%), the majority at graduate level.
about 22,000 students, of which 15,250 are postgraduates
tuition fees & financial aid
undergraduate student fees for 2017-18 are $47,140.
60% of undergraduates receive need-based aid (averaging $48,000).
need-blind admission for all
undergraduate student fees for 2017-18 are $44,990.
55% of undergraduates receive need-based aid.
*based on the broad subject areas in the qs world university rankings by subject 2017.