南洋理工大学住宿费 南洋理工大学宿舍hall7篇一
参与下面项目的学生(cnyang 学者项目,lkcm临床医学学士项目,大学学者项目),学校确保住宿的提供:分配在新月楼和先锋楼。前提是你必须申请分配。
南洋理工大学住宿费 南洋理工大学宿舍hall7篇二
applications from local & international students are made online after your online acceptance of admission to ntu. students who are offered admission after the closing date will be given a hardcopy application form in their admission package.
new students are guaranteed housing for their 1st two years at ntu when they apply by the closing dates for hall applications and are randomly assigned a room in a hall.
students assured of housing under the following programmes, (cnyang scholar programme, lkcmedicine mbbs programme and university scholar programme) will be assigned to either crescent hall or pioneer hall. you must apply to be assigned.
students under the renaissance engineering programme will be assigned to the north hill halls - binjai, tanjong, banyan. you must apply to be assigned.
specifying a roommate
you may specify any new student (ntu/nie) or senior student who is your sibling (of the same gender) as your roommate - if your sibling who is a senior student is successful you will be assigned to the same room. your prospective roommate must also submit an application, naming you as a roommate.
new students may indicate their preference for either a single or double room (twin-sharing), air-conditioned or non-air-conditioned room. assignments to preferred room types are subject to availability from the rooms set aside for new students in each hall. you will be assigned to another room type if your preferred room type is unavailable.
do familiarise yourself with the information provided on this website before you submit an application.