2023年励志演讲 英语(汇总五篇)

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2023年励志演讲 英语(汇总五篇)
时间:2023-05-13 22:32:55     小编:文友


励志演讲 英语篇一

as middle school students, what habits do we have to develop?

1. show your respect and appreciation to your teachers.

2. preview your lessons well.

3. listen to the teacher carefully.

students should concentrate on in class,

4. observe attentively and think actively.

5. be good at asking questions. the best students are those who are willingto ask questions and those who are creative.

6. learn from others.

everyone has his own advantages and disadvantages. what we should do is tolearn from each other and get improved.

7. do your homework independently.

homework is an important part of teaching activities and it is a continuouspart. it is the basic and independent practice. at the same time, it is the wayto test how much students learned.

some students don’t have a clear purpose and attitude towards it. theycheat in different ways. some students are afraid of doing something bad habits influenced the efficiency of learning. so, we should pay muchattention to our homework.

8. think over when you take a test.

9. reflect after doing exercise.

10. learn to summarize.

at last, make a list of your mistakes.

mistral , one of the winners of nobel prize in chile, said,“we may wait forlots of things we need, but students can’t do that. they are growing up. weshouldn’t say tomorrow to them. their names are today.

thus, let’s start from today, from now on, from every little thing andcultivate one good habit and another. let all the good habits b

励志演讲 英语篇二

i do not know who wrote those words, but i have always liked them as areminder that the future can be anything we want to make it.

we can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything thatwe can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone.

we are all in the position of the farmer. if we plant a good seed, we reapa good harvest. if our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.

i want the future to be better than the past. i don’t want it contaminatedby the mistakes and errors with which history is filled. we should all beconcerned about the future because that is where we will spend the reminder ofour lives.

the past is gone and static. nothing we can do will change it. the futureis before us and dynamic. everything we do will effect it.

each day will brings with it new frontiers, in our homes and in ourbusinesses, if we will only recognize them. we are just at the beginning of theprogress in every field of human endeavor.

励志演讲 英语篇三

some fishermen went out drawing up their nets.


they felt the nets were very heavy when they did so. they danced about forjoy, and supposed that they had taken a lot of fish.


when they had dragged their nets to the shore they found but few fish, and  that the nets were full of sand and stones, and they were in lowspirits not because of the disappointment which had befallen them, but for thereason that they had formed such very different expectation. one of theircompany, an old man said, “let us stop feeling sad, my mates, for, as it seemsto me, sorrow is always the twin sister of joy; and it was only to be looked forthat we, who just now  were overjoyed, should next have something tomake us sad.”


励志演讲 英语篇四







励志演讲 英语篇五








