
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-14 13:50:33
时间:2023-05-14 13:50:33     小编:cyyllee



a bird in his hand is better than two braggers and liars in the jungle. he is a cousin. a bully is always a coward.

a burden of choice. he doesnt feel the candle lighting someone else. he consumes himself.

a cat has life. a cat may look at the king and cant catch flies on his mouth a frequent visitor is never welcome. action is better than eloquence.

adversity leads to prosperity. adversity makes a man wise, not rich. a fair death honor.

a faithful friend in life is hard to find a fallen into a pit. the harvest of your wisdom may turn grey. a good friend in need is a true friend.

a true friend who is lost is easier to be lost and recovered. it is not until someone needs to know whether a friend is a good beginning is half done. a good beginning has a good ending.

a good book is a good friend. a good book is a good friend. conscience is a soft pillow.

a good reputation is better than a good face.




a bad beginning brings bad results. bad things never happen. a bad worker always blames his tools.

the birds in his hands are cousins than two bragging and liars in the jungle. german bullying is always a coward. the burden of ones choice is not to light others and consume itself.

a cat has life. a cat can watch the king shut his mouth and cant catch the eternal guests. its never good news action is better than language university leads to prosperity, succesul career makes people wise, unfair death glory life a loyal friend is difficult to find one to fall into the pit and gain an interest in your wisdom.

the fox may turn grey, and the friend in need is the real friend. friends are more likely to lose friends than friends. friends are never known until they are not needed.

a friend without faults is never found. _after you_ is a good man. a good beginning is a good beginning.

a good beginning is a good beginning. a good beginning is a good friend. a good book is the best friend.

the same thing today, a good conscience is a soft pillow. a good reputation is better than a good face. a good huand is a good wife.

good medicine tastes bitter. good wife health is a mans best wealth a great speaker is a great liar. the fence between them keeps friendship green.





advantages and disadvantages of part-time work more and more college students are keen on part-time work. it is estimated that more than% of students are busy with part-time work in their spare time. this trend seems to have an upward trend.

i believe that part-time work has advantages and disadvantages. it is important for students to keep a proper balance between study and work. students can benefit from at least two aspects: first, part-time students can in order to obtain a certain amount of income, the money helps to reduce the financial burden of parents.

in addition, it is necessary for students to participate in some real-life courses to learn more social knowledge in order to keep in touch with the outside world, which helps students prepare for future work psychologically. if a student spends too much time and energy on part-time work, it will inevitably reduce his time and energy for academic study, and worse, for part-time employees it is estimated that more than% of the students are busy with part-time work in their spare time. this trend seems to be on the rise.

i believe that part-time work has advantages and disadvantages. it is very important for students to keep a proper balance between study and work. students can at least benefit from two aspects benefits: first, part-time students can get a certain amount of income, which helps to reduce the financial burden of their parents.

in addition, it is necessary for students to participate in some real-life courses to learn more social knowledge in order to keep in touch with the outside world, which helps students prepare for future work psychologically. if a student spends too much time and energy in part-time work, it is bound to reduce his time and energy in learning. whats worse, excessive part-time temptation will even destroy it the motivation of students learning success.




some people say that the college entrance examination will be reformed by the ministry of education. in recent days, people have been waiting for the results. this is a big event for students, because the college entrance examination now determines their future.

the reform has come out, and the arts and science will not be separated in the future. on the one hand, this decision can improve the overall education of students, because there will be no separation between arts and science, and students need to pay attention to holistic education. they must learn all the subjects popular in western education, let students participate in activities and make decisions.

they can learn more skills by themselves. i believe our education can catch up with western education. on the other hand, everyone has his own talent in some subjects.

for most girls, it is difficult for students to learn all subjects. they are good at arts, for boys, if they have to study all subjects, most of them are interested in science. they cant focus on their advantageous subjects.

it takes time for students to adapt to the reform, which i believe will be beneficial to the future development of students.




fame is like an animal chasing its tail. when he catches it, he doesnt know what to do. he just keeps chasing it.

along with its delightful popularity, celebrities are forced to participate in his or her own destruction. those who gain fame are often acquired by having a talent or skill: singing, dancing, painting or writing. succesul performers develop a style of active marketing and gain some popularity.

it is this popularity that usually persuades performers to continue to perform in the same style, because this is what the public seems to want and like, but eventually the performers sing in pairs the song is tired of singing the same song in the same way year after year, or the painter is tired of drawing similar scenes or portraits, or the actor is tired of playing the same role over and over again. if an artist tries to change his writing, dancing or singing style, public demands will damage his or her own reputation for success. the audience may turn around and expect to give it a rapidly changing reputation.

fame and its influence, the reality and illusion of success and failure are all neatly woven into a seamless fabric in some way, we laugh at for the sake of reality, i say to those who are desperate for fame and fortune: good luck to you, but what? when you grab your tail, do you do that? if you catch your success, your reputation will continue to chase it. if you do, stick to it, because falling is not as painful as landing, and you will soon become famous, almost famous.





today, with the rapid development of the media, people can find celebrities everywhere. in business, in television and movies, the mass media provides many opportunities for people who wanted to become famous many years ago. now it is the age of fame.

but now, we can find that many stars have become famous very early. now it is the average age. it is the age of agers.

many people recognize that the earlier you become famous, the better. because for me, young people will die soon. i think that youth fame means that agers must give up learning.

they need to receive training from the company. in order to make their career perfect, most people have no chance to become famous. because they have not received higher education, they live a hard life.

i think agers should concentrate first energy learning.




a bad beginning leads to a bad ending. a bad thing never dies. a bad worker always blames his tools.

a bird in his hand is better than two braggers and liars in the jungle. he is a cousin. a bully is always a coward.

a burden of choice. he doesnt feel the candle lighting someone else. he consumes himself.

a cat has life. a cat may look at the king and cant catch flies on his mouth a frequent visitor is never welcome. action is better than eloquence.

adversity leads to prosperity. adversity makes a man wise, not rich. a fair death honor.

a faithful friend in life is hard to find a fallen into a pit. the harvest of your wisdom may turn grey. a good friend in need is a true friend.

a true friend who is lost is easier to be lost and recovered. it is not until someone needs to know whether a friend is a good beginning is half success. a good beginning has a good ending.

a good book is a good friend. a good book is the best friend. conscience is a soft pillow.

a good reputation is better than a good face. a good huand has a good wife. a good medicine tastes bitter.

a good wifes health is a mans greatest wealth. a good talker is a great man a joke never gets an enemy, but losing a friend a leopard cant change it. a liar is not believed when he tells the truth.

a frivolous heart can live long.




