
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-15 06:50:14
时间:2023-05-15 06:50:14     小编:cyyllee




1.广东省广州市 正确的写法是guangzhou, guangdong province,少数情况下可以略作guangzhou, guangdong。 可以注意到,这方面的”规范”包括:与人名一样,”省”与”市”是两个部分,各作一个单词对待; 这些单词要大写第一个字母,在绝大多数情况下只大写第一个字母;遵循英语的写作习惯,采用”先小后大”的顺序,行政区划级别上小一些的在前,级别大的地名在后.


3.机场路999号 这个地址可以分为两个部分,一是”机场路”,二是”999号”。”机场路”的英语写法应当是下列两者之一: no. 999 jichang road (或者no. 999 jichang rd)。 门牌号码使用阿拉伯数字写出号码即可,多数情况下在前面冠以no.即number的缩写;no.这个符号也有人写作”#”。

4.邮政编码 邮政编码应当是地址的一部分,无论汉语还是英语都是这样。邮政编码在英语版本里不能单独成为一行。规范的写法是放在省、市、自治区之后,又在国家名称之前,可以写成一行: guangdong province 510800 china 注意邮政编码的两端都没有逗号。



my robot last night, i had a beautiful dream. i was very excited that a robot came to my home. i called her pink because she was wearing a pink skirt.

she did all my work in the house. she cleaned my house, cleaned the floor, made my bed, cooked and handled my homework. whenever i asked her, she did everything she could, and she never complained she has physical problems and doesnt need to rest for a few days.

im glad that she has been serving me all day. suddenly, my dear pink disappears in my tears. i find a message saying: my dear friend, im not a real girl.

im treated as if i didnt feel it, but in fact i want to be free and play like a real girl, but in your house, i may i feel like im being treated as a maid, regardless of anyone. i think im hurt. goodbye, my little master.

oh, im sorry for what i did before pink. youre right. i should treat you as my real friend.

remember, robots are also human beings.







lectures or discussions





learn english not only to international demand, more important is for the sake of our own knowledge expansion. this how do because western science and technology leading us, progress and there are many good articles, good research books are written in english. in order to further explore the research, the extension of my knowledge and professional skills, first must learn english well, there are ways to not only off the hand of others translation, and can get the most authentic first-hand information. the olympic games soon, will certainly to many foreigners. as a world language, everybody! how can we chinese will be better, not line? at the very least, also want to be spoken. speaking is the most basic english, be sure to learn oh! dialogue with foreigners fluently and said, how glorious.


one fine day in spring, it was monday and april. i found a black wallet lying on the road on my way to school. at that time, there was no one around me.

i didnt know whose wallet it was. so i opened my wallet and saw some money and some business cards. in the wallet, i was very happy to find an id card, but i didnt know her so i called a business card and told him the name of the lost wallet and id card.

fortunately, the person told me the phone number of the owner of the id card. they were good friends. then i went to school.

when the school was over, the owner of the wallet was waiting at the school gate. she was very happy and said thank you to me.




