2023年英国留学文书信息填写须知怎么填 英国留学文件大全

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2023年英国留学文书信息填写须知怎么填 英国留学文件大全
时间:2023-05-16 17:32:22     小编:文友


英国留学文书信息填写须知怎么填 英国留学文件篇一

不同学校对此类文件的命名不甚相同,叫personal statement, state of purpose或者statement of interest的都有。招生官主要想通过这个文档来获得一些没有在成绩单,推荐新乃至简历上体现的信息。个人陈述的组成如下:

2. 阐述自己的学术背景,相关的学术经历,校园活动和社会实践活动。

4. 对专业的理解。有自己独到的理解最好,实在没有的话可以交给文案老师。3. 我的家庭影响/学术经历/校园活动/社会实践活动让我萌生了进一步学习的兴趣,去英国学习的动机。

注意:personal statement的结构是先说人,再说想申请什么专业和对专业的理解,state of purpose或者statement of interest先说我想申请什么专业,为什么申请该专业,对专业的理解,然后再用个人经历去支持前面的表述


比如: 伦敦艺术大学对学生的学习目的比较看重,而且英国学校对personal statement的定义主要是学生的自我介绍,不是学术论文,而且对于学校来讲,想要去伦敦艺术大学就读的学生应该是有活力有想法的,personal statement不应该过于生硬,把学生的优势穿插进文章,显得更自然和流畅。长度:一页a4纸即可。



5. 职业规划。注意,短期职业规划指的是毕业后三到五年的规划,不能从读研写起。

6. 结尾,宜干脆,不能再出现新的或者之前提到过的信息。

英国留学文书信息填写须知怎么填 英国留学文件篇二





institutional email addresses are preferred. other email addresses can be used, and are sufficient at the application stage, but we would need to take extra steps to verify such references when we make an offer. this might include asking for the reference to be sent again, on paper, if authenticity cannot be confirmed by other means. ——university of cambridge


to save you time, you simply need to provide the email addresses for two referees who are then contacted automatically and asked to complete an electronic reference once you have registered them. the system provides each referee with a login and password by email which they use to complete the reference online. please make sure you supply your referee's official academic or professional email address as we cannot accept references sent from personal accounts such as g-mail, hotmail, yahoo, etc.


when you apply online you should use the system to request references. subsequently you can send a reminder to your referees, or add a new referee to your application. you should always use an academic/professional email address for your referee in preference to a webmail address. it is usually best to let your referees know in advance that you will be nominating them on your application.


your application must be supported by two academic references. these must be provided online with your online application. at least one of your references must be:

academic and from someone who has taught you at degree level.

if you wish you may provide one professional reference in place of the second academic reference.

you will be asked to enter the details of your referees in your application form. when you submit the application they will automatically be sent an email asking them to write a reference for you and to submit it online. please ensure you have spoken to your chosen referees prior to this so they are expecting the invitation and are happy to provide a reference for you online. it is your responsibility to continue to check in the applicant portal if your references have been submitted and to ensure that both references are received in good time.

when providing the email address for your referee please use an academic or professional one rather than a personal one, e.g. [email protected]/*


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