
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-19 19:07:10
时间:2023-05-19 19:07:10     小编:cyyllee




分类: 新概念英语第2册辅导



no matter how 不管怎样

wave to=signal to 打招呼, 招手

just in time 刚好,不迟不早=only just

insist on 坚持

prevent…form 避免

follow around 跟着转

there(be)plenty 有不少……


avoid meeting him 避开他

come running 跑过来

it was no use pretending 假装没有用

enjoy meeting him 喜欢见他

insist on coming 坚持要来

(be)busy doing… 忙着干

(would you)mind opening 你是否介意打开……(请你打开……)finish speaking 讲完了

fancy meeting 真想不到见着……

it’s not worth worrying 不值得担心

i can’t stand shouting 不能容忍大叫大嚷 smell(something)burning 闻到什么烧焦味

go dancing(swimming,shopping)去跳舞(游泳, 购物)forgive(somebody)for being rude 原谅别人卤莽

三、come和现在分词连用表示“来”的方式:come十ing wind came blowing 风吹来

letters of thanks came pouring in 感谢信不断涌来 she came hurrying in 她匆忙赶回来


lesson 9 a cold welcome e: n./v.欢迎

gave the stranger an unfriendly welcome 对那位陌生人的接待很不友好

give visitors a warm welcome 给来访者以热烈的欢迎

receive a cold welcome 受到冷冰冰的接待

welcome a foreign friend 欢迎外国朋友

we welcome your kind help.我们欢迎你的热心帮助。

adj.(1)受欢迎的;可喜的(2)[用作表语]可随便享用的;可任意使用的(3)不必感谢的, 不必客气的

a welcome visitor 一位受欢迎的宾客

welcome news 可喜的消息

you are welcome to any book in my library.我书房里所有的书你尽管用。

you are welcome.(对方表示感谢时, 常用的答语)不用客气, 不用谢。

w-to china!欢迎你到中国来!

you are welcome to join us.我们非常乐意邀请你加入我们。

you are always welcome to our house.欢迎你随时到我们家。: n.(1)人群, 一群人;观众

draw a large crowd 吸引大批观众

a crowd gathered at the scene of the fire.许多人聚集在火灾现场。(2)[the crowd]一般群众, 大众;一伙人

you can do what you want to do, but never follow the crowd.你想做什么就做什么, 可别随大流。

he writes all his books for the crowd rather than for specialists.他的全部作品都是为一般大众所写, 而不是为了专家们。(3)(cn.)大量, 许多, 大批, 密集

a crowd of lookers –on 一群围观的人

the desk is covered with a crowd of books and papers.堆满了一大堆书和文件的桌子。

i saw a crowd of magazines and papers on her desk.我看见她桌上放着一堆杂志和报纸。vi.涌向(某处), 聚集, 拥挤;被挤满

the children crowded around the tv.孩子们聚集在电视机周围。

they crowded into my room.他们挤进了我的房间。

people crowded into the cinema.人们挤进电影院。vt.推挤,挤,塞

police crowded the spectators back to the viewing stand.警察强行把观众推回观众席。

crowded the clothes into the closet 把衣服塞进衣柜中

books crowded the shelves.书架上堆满了书。

swimmers crowded the beaches.游泳者挤满了海滩。

passengers crowded the platform.站台挤满了乘客。

he crowded more books onto the shelf.他向书架上又塞了一些书。

the room was crowded with guests.房间里挤满了客人。区别用法:crowd指“无秩序地聚集在一起的一大群人”, 如: a crowd of people were waiting in front of the gate.一大群人在门前等着。throng指“蜂拥行进的人群”, 它不及crowd 口语化, 如: throngs of celebrators at times square 在时代广场举行庆祝活动的人群。swarm 指“一大群杂乱无章移动的人”, 如: a swarm of sightseers 一大群观光者。经典用法:a crowd of 一群, 一堆

be crowded with 满是...follow(go with)the crowd 随大流, 从众

: v.(1)聚集[拢](2)采集[摘];收集[获, 拾](3)逐渐获得[加快];渐增[强], 恢复(4)推断[测];揣想;了解;结论;得出想法

gather crops 收庄稼

gather flowers 采花

gather information [experience] 逐渐获得消息[积累经验]

gather strength 恢复体力

gather taxes 收税

gather one's brows 皱眉

the train gathered speed as it left the station.火车离站时, 速度逐渐加快。

a crowd gathered to see what had happened.一群人聚拢起来看发生了什么事。

people gathered round, curious to know what was happening.人们围聚拢来, 很想知道发生了什么事情。

what did you gather from his statement? 你推想他的声明是什么意思?

i gather she's ill, and that's why she hasn't come.我想她是病了,所以没有来。: v./n.呼喊,呼叫

shout(out)orders 大声发布命令

shout oneself hoarse 叫得声嘶力竭

shout from the bed 大声把某人喊醒起床

they shouted their disapproval.他们喊叫表示反对。

he shouted with pain.他痛得大叫。

the children on the sand were shouting with excitement.沙滩上的孩子们兴奋得大喊大叫。经典用法:shout for help 呼救


she refused to help me.她不肯帮助我。

joan's mother refused to consent to let her go abroad.琼的母亲不答应让她出国。

he asked me to marry him but i refused.他向我求婚,但我拒绝了。

i refuse to answer that question.我不愿回答那个问题。

we were refused permission to enter.我们被拒之门外。: v./n.笑,讥笑,洋洋得意

don't laugh at him.不要嘲笑他。

laughed to herself at the memory 想起这些,她暗自发笑。

they are talking and laughing.他们边说边笑。

green pines laugh in the breeze.青松迎风欢笑。

laugh a hearty laugh 由衷地笑

laugh a reply 以笑作答

he laughed his dissent.他笑着表示不同意。

you won't be laughing when the truth comes out.一旦真相被揭露,你就不会洋洋得意了。 laugh [美口]纵声大笑;逗人发笑的事物

horse laugh 捧腹[哈哈]大笑;嘲弄的笑声

he told me the news with a laugh.他笑着告诉我这个消息

经典用法:laugh at: to treat lightly;scoff at 不以为意;对…一笑置之

laugh up(one's)sleeve 或laugh in(one's)sleeve : to rejoice or exult in secret, as at another's error or defeat 幸灾乐祸/ she knew the truth all along and was laughing up her sleeve at us.她早就知道真相,却一直在暗中笑话我们。

burst out laughing 放声大笑

die of laughing 笑得要死

don't make me laugh.[口, 讽]你太可笑了, 你真荒谬。 would strike twelve in twenty minutes’ : v./ struck /stricken(1)打;击

he struck me with a stick.他用棍子打我。

the bombers made a sudden strike on the harbor.轰炸机对这港口进行了一次突然袭击。

it was not long before tragedy struck again.没多久,灾难又再次降临。(2)突然想到;猛然悟到

an idea suddenly struck me.我心中忽然产生一个念头。

i've struck on a plan for solving the problem.我突然想起一个解决这个问题的办法。

the thought struck me from out of the blue.我突然有了这想法。(3)罢工

the workers were striking because they wanted more money.工人们在罢工,因为他们要求增加工资。

the strike is due to begin on tuesday.罢工预定于星期二开始。

the workers are on strike.工人们在罢工。(4)敲钟报时

the clock strikes the hours.这钟每小时报时一次。

i didn't hear the clock strike.我没有听到钟响。

the clock struck nine.钟敲了九下。(5)给予印象

the plan strikes me as ridiculous.我觉得这项计划可笑。

how does the idea strike you? 这想法你觉得怎样?

she was struck with alarm at the news.这则消息使她感到警觉。经典用法:s-while the iron is hot.趁热打铁, 趁机行事。8.…but nothing :(1)发生

the accident happened outside my house.这个事故发生在我家房子的外面。it happened quite by chance.此事纯属偶然。

a funny thing happened in the subway yesterday.昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。

the accident happened at six o'clock.事故发生在六点钟。(2)(与to连用)碰巧

do you happen to know his new telephone number? 你可知道他的新电话号码? i happened to be in the market yesterday when a fire started.昨天发生火灾时,我正好在市场上。

i happened to be out when he called.他来访时,恰巧我出去了。

i happened to see her yesterday.我昨天碰巧见到她。(3)(与on, upon连用)巧遇;偶然发现 i happened on just the thing i had been looking for.我偶然发现了我所要找的东西。

i happened on an old country hotel during the last summer holidays.去年暑假期间我偶然发现了一家古老的乡村旅馆。

i happened on just the thing i'd been looking for.我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。9.时间介词(1)at


b)用于固定的短语:at midday/noon(在中午);at dusk(在傍晚);at dawn(在黎明);at night;at midnight(在午夜);at the weekend;at tea-time;at lunch time

c)用于节日之前,但不表示确切的某一天: at christmas, at easter(2)in

a)用于一段时间之前:in+一段时间表示再过多久某件事就要发生,或表示某事持续多长时间。如:ask me again in three or four days.而“in…’s time”通常指未来。如:i will see you again in about a week’s time.b)用于季节、年、月、周之前

c)用于一天中某一段时间,与定冠词连用(3)on 用于具体的某一天(4)from…till/to…(5)during在…期间

a)during 和in在许多情况下没有区别,如:during / in the summer;during / in august

b)但在某项活动之前只能用during。如:during the meeting;during the boxing match;during the concert(6)till/ until



lesson 10----not for jazz we have an old musical is called a was made in germany in clavichord is kept in the has belonged to our family for a long instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ly it was damaged by a tried to play jazz on it!she struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were father was we were not allowed to touch is being repaired by a friend of my father's.本文参考译文:

我们有一件古老的乐器,叫击弦古钢琴.它是1681年德国制造的, 我们这架钢琴放在客厅里.我们家拥有它很长时间了,这件乐器是许多年前我祖父买来的.最近它被一位客人弄坏了,她用它弹奏爵士乐!她按键太猛,把两根弦按断了.我父亲为之震怒.现在他不允许我们再碰它.父亲的一位朋友正在修理这件古老的乐器.词汇:

jazz n.爵士音乐

musical a.音乐的instrument n.器具

call vt.叫做

clavichord n.击弦古钢琴

germany n.德国

keep vt.保存

living-room n.客厅

belong vi.属于

recently ad.最近

damage vt.损坏

play vt.弹奏

key n.琴键

strike vt.敲

hard ad.重重地

string n.弦 break vt.弄断

shock vt.震惊

touch vt.碰

allow vt.允许

repair vt.修理

lesson 11—one good turn deserves another 课文内容

i was having dinner at a restaurant when tony steele came worked in a lawyer's office years ago, but he is now working at a gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it saw me and came and sat at the same has never borrowed money from he was eating, i asked him to lend me & my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.'i have never borrowed any money from you,' tony said,'so now you can pay for my dinner!' 课文注译

1、one good turn deserves another.这是句谚语,意思是对于别人的善意或帮助应作相应的回报。

2、gets a good salary.有一份很高的薪水。

3、never pays it back.从不归还。本文参考译文


lesson 12—goodbye and good luck 课文内容

our neighbour, captain charles alison, will sail from portsmouth will meet him at the harbour early in the will be in his small boat, l is a famous little has sailed across the atlantic many n alison will set out at eight o'clock so we shall have plenty of shall see his boat and then we shall say goodbye to will be away for two are very proud of will take part in an important race across the atlantic.课文注释

n charles alison.查尔斯.艾利森船长 atlantic 大西洋,全称为'the atlantic ocean'.本文参考译文


lesson 13—the greenwood boys 课文内容

the greenwood boys are a group of pop present, they are visiting all parts of the will be arriving here will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the ow evening they will be singing at the workers' greenwood boys will be staying for five this time, they will give five usual,the police will have a difficult y will be trying to keep is always the same on these occasions.课文注释

parts of the country,全国各地。 be arriving,将要到达。


train,乘火车(来),因此类推,我们可以说by air,by sea,by bus 等。 usual,和往常一样。 order,维持秩序。本文参考译文


lesson 14—do you speak english? 课文内容

i had an amusing experience last i had left a small village in the south of france, i drove on the next the way, a young man waved to me.i stopped and he asked me for a soon as he had got into the car, i said good morning to him in french and he replied in the same from a few words, i do not know any french at r of us spoke during the journey.i had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'do you speak english?' as i soon learnt, he was english himself!课文注释

1.i drove on the next town.我继续驶往下一个城镇。句中的副词 on 有“继续地”,“不停顿地”意思。 the way,在途中。 for a lift,要求搭车。 form,除了……以外。

i soon learnt,he was english himself!我很快就知道,他自己就是个英国人。本文参考译文

去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道“你会讲英语吗?” 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!

lesson 15

good news

the secretary told me that mr harmsworth would see me.i felt very nervous when i went into his did not look up from his desk when i i had sat down, he said that business was very told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large people had already left.i knew that my turn had come.'mr harmsworth,' i said in a weak voice.'don't interrupt,' he he smiled and told me i would receive an extra &1000 a year!new words and expressions 生词与短语

secretary n.秘书 nervous adj.精神紧张的 afford v.负担得起 weak adj.弱的 interrupt v.插话,打断



然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。


§ lesson 3 please send me a card 请给我寄张明信片

【new words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★send v.寄, 送 寄信 : send a letter 用法 : send sth to sb/send sb sth 类似的用法还有give,take,pass,read,sell...send/take children to school 区别 : take : 强调某人亲自送;take flowers to his wife 自己送

send则是通过第三人去送, 如美国的校车 send flowers to his wife 叫店里的人送 postcard n.明信片 [注意]/t/和/k/前者失去爆破音 send him a card 简写为card, 由此引申出 : namecard/visiting card : 名片

here is my namecard.(口语常用, 同时伴随着递出的动作)id card:身份证;id : 身分, 身份(identification, identity)credit card:信用卡

cash card 现金卡, 储蓄卡, 工资卡(不能透支的那种)

★spoil(spoiled or spoilt)v.使索然无味, 损坏(重点词)几种破坏 :

break: 打破;break the windows 打破玻璃 damage: 破坏, 程度不一定很重 destroy : 破坏, 彻底摧毁

以上三个是指物理上的破坏, 而spoil主要指精神上

spoil: 把东西的质量变得不好;生活中不顺心的事;宠坏, 溺爱

1、宠坏 his parents spoiled the boy.2、 spoiled my you said spoiled arrival spoiled my hoilday.★museum n.博物馆 palace museum:故宫

★public adj.公共的

这个词我们在第一课见过了, 基本用法和private一起记.下面再说两点 : public house简称pub : 酒吧;public place 公共场所

in public:公开的;in private:私下里的(介词短语在英语中往往充当状语)let’s have a conversation in private.让我们私下谈谈? why not have a conversation in public? 为什么不公开谈呢?(当面说呢?)

★friendly adj.友好的

以-ly结尾是形容词, 同样的还有lovely ly单独用, 形容词, 一般做定语来用

作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好, 用短语in a friendly way

waiter n.服务员, 招待员

waiter(男服务员), waitress(女服务员), 只出现在餐馆里 领班 : chief waiter 商店里的店员 : shop assistant 其他公共场所的服务员:attendant

★lend v.借给 lend to / lend sb/ lend .借进 : borrow: borrow from;但borrow不能用 borrow sb sth.★decision n.决定 make a big/great dicision(重大/伟大, 更重大)

★whole adj.整个的

all the...: all the day(the可省略)the whole..: the whole of后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修饰词 一旦要加名词, 前面一定要加the all of us;all of the students

★single adj.唯一的, 单一的 反义词 : double 双倍的


lesson 3 please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片

first listen and then answer the question.听录音, many cards did the writer send?

postcards always spoil my summer, i went to italy.i visited museums and sat in public gardens.a friendly waiter taught me a few words of he lent me a book.i read a few lines, but i did not understand a ay i thought about holidays passed quickly, but i did not send cards to my the last day i made a big decision.i got up early and bought thirty-seven cards.i spent the whole day in my room, but i did not write a single card!参考译文

明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁.去年夏天, 我去了意大利.我参观了博物馆, 还去了公园.一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语, 之后还借给我一本书.我读了几行, 但一个字也不懂.我每天都想着明信片的事.假期过得真快, 可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片.到了最后一天, 我作出了一项重大决定.我早早起了床, 买来了37张明信片.我在房间里关了整整一天.然而竟连一张明信片也没写成!


the baby spoilded my n[]于italy[] : 注意读音不同 and 先后往往是对等的概念, but也是如此 teach teaches our english.(错)he teacher us english.(对)语言不可数, 所以要用a little italian或a few words of italian i can speak a little english/a few words of english think about/of 考虑, 思考, think of还可指想到 think over:仔细考虑

last summer里的last表示 “上一个”

last:表示 “上一个” 或 “最后一个” , 表示 “最后一个” 时要加冠词the 具体到一天及一天的早中晚都要用on i spend the whole day in my +时间+地点 : 在什么地点我花费/度过了多少时间 i spend three hours in the sea.i spend my weekend at my mother's.i spend three hours in the classroom everyday.i spend a lot of time in traffic jam.(交通堵塞)review回顾 : spoil send/lend/teach /lend/teach sb

【special difficulties】 难点

双宾语 : 直接宾语(表示动作结果)和间接宾语(动作目标)give ./give sth to sb sb: 间接宾语 sth: 直接宾语

间接宾语在后面时, 其前必须加to(对……而言)或for(为……而做)give a book to me.i buy a book for you take flowers to my soup for you.可以翻译为 “给”、“替”、“为” 的, 就用for;如果只能翻译为 “给” 的, 就用to 与for相连的buy,order,make,find find sb.a favor 帮某人一个忙

do me a favor please./do a favor for me.帮我一个忙

exercise paid some money to the writer brought the man a bottle of beer.在日常生活中, 碰到熟人 : can i buy you a bottle of beer ? do you think of? what do you think of the weather today? 你觉得天气怎么样? cold,chilly,freeze, i'll freeze.我要冻僵了 what do you think of tv program last night?

send somebody something send something to somebody give, take, pass, read, sell, buy find something for somebody make buy

do a favor for i order something for you?

【multiple choice questions】多项选择题 ______ him a few words of italian? the taught did teach did he teach did he teach 找特殊疑问词的时候一定要根据答案来决定 who whom 人做主语提问——who

对宾语提问——whom 如果对主语提问, 则句子的的语序和陈述句语序一样

如果对非主语来提问, 则句子要使用特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的语序

a 正确

who既可以对主语提问也可以对宾语提问, 而whom只能对宾语提问 who/whom did the waiter teach a few words of italian? he was a friendly spoke to the writer friends friends a friendly way he spoke to the writer like a ...way :以...方式 d正确

friendly单独用, 形容词, 一般做定语来用

作为状语表示这个人做什么事情很友好, 用短语in a friendly way he spent the whole day in his was in his room ______ hole all of whole all the day;all of us c正确

all of 后面如果加代词, 代词前面不需要修修饰词 一旦要加名词, 前面一定要加the all of the friends all of my friends all of the students on the last day he made a big was the ______ day of his the last day, final——形容词

end——名词/动词 bottom——名词

形容词修饰 day latest:最新的 latest news

latest style 新款 he made a big t about it up his d his mind a wish think about:考虑、思考、想 make up one's mind:下定决心 change one's mind:改变主意

make a wish : 许个心愿, 愿望, 许愿 b正确

【key structures】 关键句型 exercise b my friend, roy, ______(die)last ______(leave)me his cd player and his collection of ______(spend)a lot of money on ______(buy)one or two new cds every never ______(go)to the cinema or to the ______(stay)at home every evening and ______(listen)to often ______(lend)cds to his mes they ______(keep) ______(lose)many cds in this 有具体的过去时间一定是具体的过去式 一般现在时

bought kept lent...


lesson 9 a cold welcome 生词和短语

☆welcome n./v.欢迎 n.a cold welcome 冷遇 e to+地点

welcome to e home/ are welcome.1.你是受欢迎的。2.不用谢 you are welcome to+地点

☆crowd n.人群

in the crowd: 在人群里 i spotted him in the crowd.a crowd of people:没有秩序的人群,拥挤的人群 a group of people:有秩序的人群

a large crowd of people/crowds of people:人山人海 拥挤,挤满

☆gather v.聚集

people gather:人们聚集在一起,尤指自发性的聚集

☆hand n.(表或机器的)指针

minute/second/hour hand:分/秒/时针 which is the oldest?--second hand 因为second hand还有“二手的,旧的”意思

wait for a moment/wait for a few seconds(secs.)secs.是seconds的缩写,在美国电影里经常能遇到

☆shout v.喊叫

=call out 大声喊叫;cry out:大声哭喊;scream:尖叫

☆a cold welcome:冷遇 cold:寒冷的;冷淡的 cold fish:冷漠的人

英语中有许多以动物代替人的词,如:lucky dog 幸运的人

☆town hall:市政厅

☆strike strike the clock listen,the clock is twelve 数字表示敲击的次数 敲门用knock,敲钟用strike hit和strike在一定时候可以互换,都是一次性打,strike:hit hard beat:连续不断的打 beat drums:敲鼓

☆in twenty minutes' time 20分钟之后


minutes' 名词所有格

1.有生命的东西:my mother's;kit's;tom's 2.可以用来表达时间:an hour's time 3.表示距离(在指路时常用)

-how far is the school from here?-3 minutes' walk.☆分钟的介词:past:过了;to:没到...minutes past...前半小时...minutes to...后半小时

☆the clock has stopped!现在完成时,强调过去动作导致的结果。看一般过去式,只要按字面意思理解即可。看过去完成式,要读出潜在的意思。

☆at that moment=just then 就在那时 at the moment=now 现在,此刻


1.„a large crowd of people had gathered under the town hall clock.„„一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。

had gathered为过去完成时,表示过去某个时刻之前已经完成的动作。(cf.第14课语法)

2.it would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time.再过20分钟,大钟将敲响12下。


(2)in+表示时间长度的短语可译为“„„时间之后”,一般与将来时连用: please wait a moment will be back in a few minutes.请在此稍候。杰克几分钟之后就回来。(3)strike的基本含义是“打”、“击”: she struck the man in the face.她打了那人的脸。

当用于钟、乐器等东西时,它有“敲”、“弹”的含义: when i entered the room, the clock struck five.我进屋时,钟敲响了5点。

3.we waited and waited, but nothing happened.我们等啊等啊,可情况没有变化。

动词 happen作“发生”、“出现”讲时,主语是物: have you heard what happened to sam this morning? 你听说今天上午萨姆发生了什么事了吗? an interesting thing happened last night.昨晚发生了一件有趣的事。

4.the big clock refused to welcome the new year.那座大钟不愿意迎接新年。

这句话中的两个动词 refuse和welcome在一般情况下主语都是人。我们可以说: susan's friends welcomed her with flowers when she returned from abroad.苏珊从国外回来时,她的朋友们用鲜花欢迎她。在书上的这句话中,用大钟作主语是一种拟人手法。


1.引导时间状语的介词 in, on, at, during, till与 until(1)用in的时间短语有: 表示一天中的某段时间: in the morning在早上

in the afternoon/ evening 在下午/晚上 表示月份、年份: in march 在3月 in september 在9月 in 1984 在1984年 表示季节:

in(the)spring 在春天 in(the)winter 在冬天

in+ 一段时间有两种含义。它可以表示“在某段时间之内”,这时它可以与现在时、过去时或将来时连用,一般与完成某个动作有关: i always eat my breakfast in ten minutes.我总是在10分钟之内吃完早饭。

i finished the examination in two hours.我在两小时之内做完了考题。

另外,它还可以表示“„„时间之后”,与将来时连用:mother will be back in ten days.母亲10天后回来。(2)用on的时间短语有: 表示星期: on monday 星期一 on friday 星期五

on monday morning/evening 在星期一早上/晚上表示日期: on june 1st 在6月1日 on 23rd march 在3月23日

(在书写日期时没有冠词,但在口语中则分别读为:on june the first, on the 23rd of march)表示星期+日期:

on monday, june 1st 在6月1日,星期一 表示具体时间: on that day 在那一天 on that evening 在那天晚上

my brother's birthday is on august 12th.我哥哥的生日是8月12日。(3)用at的时间短语有: 表示确切的时间: at 10 o'clock 在10点钟 at 5 'clock 在5点钟 表示用餐时间:

at lunch/ dinner time 在午饭/正餐时间 at teatime 在茶点时间 表示其他时刻:

at noon/ night/ midnight 在中午/夜里/半夜 at this time 在这时

liz came to see me at ten/ teatime.莉兹10点/在茶点时来看我了。

(4)during后必须跟一个名词,可以指整个一段时间。它有时可以用in替代: it was very hot during the summer.那年夏天很热。

he has phoned four times during the last half hour.在这半小时内他打了4次电话。

但在下面的例句中则不可用in替代during: i met him sometime during the week.我是在这一周的某天遇见他的。during the whole winter it never snowed.整个冬季一直没下雪。


the tourist season runs from june till october.旅游季节从6月一直到10月。

(6)当所用动词只表示一个短暂的动作(如finish, leave)时,则只能在否定句中用till/ until: i won't leave till/ until monday.我要到星期一才离开。

2.否定句的两种形式:not any与 no 对于一般疑问句,可以有两种否定的回答:

否定词no比not any的语气要强,但这两种否定的意义是相同的。no可构成复合词nobody, none, nothing, nowhere;any可构成复合词anybody, anything和anywhere: 在一个句子中通常只能有一个否定词(包括never, hardly等词): 而除黑人英语外一般不说:* i can't get no eggs.*


