
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-19 19:25:22
时间:2023-05-19 19:25:22     小编:cyyllee



parents’ daughter

39.a photo of my family/ my family photo 他父母的女儿

我家的家庭照/全家福 morning! afternoon! evening! night! english chinese 7.a green jacket 8.a yellow map 9.a red quilt 10.a pink cup 11.a purple ruler 12.a brown pen orange orange 14.a black key color

number/telephone number name/given name name/ family name china

school mother father parents brother grandfather friends

a good day! tree

nice photos of my family the first photo picture two/2 the next picture two girls three boys my family

name of my dog ’s son

早上好!下午好!晚上好!晚安!用英语 用汉语

一件绿色的夹克衫 一幅黄色的地图 一床红色的被子 一个粉色的杯子 一把紫色的尺子 一支棕色的钢笔 一个橙色的桔子 一把黑色的钥匙 什么颜色 电话号码 名 姓 在中国 中学

我的妈妈 你的爸爸 他的父母亲 她的哥哥/弟弟 我们的祖父 他们的朋友 过的愉快!家谱

两幅漂亮的家庭照 在第一幅照片里 在第二幅图片里 在下一幅图片里 这两个女孩 那三个男孩 在我的家庭里 狗的名字 bob的儿子

pencil eraser books

dictionaries green pen you for help

’s schoolbag ’s books id card

50.a computer game the school library …for…

money help do to do keys

classroom 7e 60.e-mail

id card 63.a set of keys the table the sofa

your schoolbag your bed on

your grandparents’ room their bed your head player plane the radio

the model plane in the bookcase the tape player 这支铅笔 那块橡皮 这些书 那些字典

他的绿色的钢笔 感谢…… 你的帮助 eric的书包 anna的书 一张身份证 一个电子游戏 在学校的图书馆里 请求,恳求 向某人要钱 向某人询问某事 向某人求助 要求某人做某事 要求某人不要做某事 一些钥匙 在7e教室里 发邮件给某人 拨打电话给某人 学生证 一串钥匙 在桌子下 在沙发上 在你的书包里 在你的床下 快点儿

在你祖父母亲的房间里 在他们的床上 在你的头上 录音机 飞机模型 在收音机下面


white model plane and tapes ball -pong bat ll bat ball -pong ball late for basketball volleyball tennis ping-pong soccer baseball

my jacket and hat three soccer balls a tennis ball

four ping-pong balls computer games tv

to the same school school

our friends class to do doing ice-cream ay dinner week about orange tomatoes strawberries pears milk

/what about…? good.那个白色的飞机模型 书和磁带 网球

乒乓球拍 棒球球棒 足球 乒乓球

迟到,晚了 让某人做某事 打篮球 打排球 打网球 打乒乓球 踢足球 打棒球

拿到了我的夹克衫和帽子有三个足球 有一个网球 有四个乒乓球 玩电脑游戏 看电视

去同一所学校 在学校

和我的朋友们 通过电视 下课后

喜欢做某事 喜欢做某事 吃冰淇淋 生日晚餐 下周思考,思索 一个桔子 八个西红柿 九个草莓 六个梨 一些牛奶 ……怎么样? 听起来很好。 star ball star well habits

/eat breakfast /eat lunch

/eat dinner/supper y food last question dinner to do do much is this/ that shirt?

it’s thirty dollars.i’ll take much are these/ those shorts? they are forty yuan.i’ll take dollar dollars red t-shirt big sweater long socks black shorts

a sweater for school to do looks dollars for one pair dollars for two pairs 141.a pair of shoes

pairs of trousers s store

and buy your clothes our great sale sale

sb.= buy sb.= sell all our clothes 运动名星 排球名星 吃的好 饮食习惯 吃早饭 吃午餐 吃晚餐 健康的食物 最后一个问题 晚饭后 想要某物 想要做某事 想要某人做某事


这些/那些短裤多少钱?它们40元。我买下它们了。一美元 七美元

这件红色的t恤衫 那件大的毛衣 这些长的袜子 那些黑色的短裤


它看起来很漂亮。两元一双 三元两双 一双鞋 两条裤子 服装商店 来买你的衣服 在我们在大甩买中 打折,廉价出售 给某人买某物 卖给某人某物


very good prices= at a very good price sweaters for only $15 in purple= purple skirts january months

june 3rd= on june the third twelfth month the morning

on monday morning

the morning of december 25th the afternoon the evening saturday

three this afternoon noon


father’s birthday of birth you!

an english test a school trip

a basketball game a soccer school day a book sale english day an art festival sports day a birthday party term

to our school month busy free

busy doing sth.1 busy with a good time!= have fun!en’s day al day 以非常合理的价格 绿色的毛衣仅15美元 紫色的裙子 在一月 12个月 在一月三号 第十二个月 在上午


在12月25号的上午 在下午 在晚上 在星期六 今天下午三点 在中午,在正午 生日快乐!你爸爸的生日 出生日 再见!


举办校外活动/学校旅行举行篮球赛 举行足球赛 举行校庆日 进行图书甩买 举办英语节 举办艺术节 举办运动会 举行生日聚会 这个学期 来我们学校 下个月 繁忙的空闲的,有时间的 忙着做某事 忙于某事 玩的开心!儿童节 国庆节

’s year’s favorite subject

favorite subject is english.= i like english history

1 a history lesson/class history lessons/classes next day sure

phy class …to… doing an art lesson

妇女节 新年

我最喜欢的科目 我最喜欢的科目是英语。有历史课 有历史课 有历史课 第二天 确信,无疑 地理课

从……到…… 完成做某事 有一节美术课


积累一些表述不同观点的方法,对于我们写作的速度和质量都会有很大帮助: two sides of an argument

give the other side's opinion, and then give your opinion

give the other side

some people think that…

 although many people feel that…

 it is claimed that…

 some people feel that…

one sentence(while, although)

while it is true that… … i believe…

 despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke. although many people think that…., i feel that

 although it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is true two sentences

it is undoubtedly true that… …however…

 it is often argued that… however, it is

 some people say that… they claim… however, i feel…

 supporters of this viewpoint say that… however, it is

one sentence(while, although)

while it is true that… … i believe…

 despite the fact that millions of people die every year from lung cancer, many people think it is cool to smoke. although many people think that…., i feel that

although it is often said that…, in fact the opposite is true



hello, my name is ××.i’m a student.i am in yu cai middle school.i’m in class 5, grade birthday is on may telephone number is ××.i like english ’s easy and favorite food is milk.i like blue very much.i am a good boy/ friend(我的朋友)

i have a good name is is 12 years telephone number is birthday is march likes playing favorite subject is e he thinks it’s is a nice are good friends.3.寻物启事


i lost a set of keys, i must find me at ××.thank you!




some keys are in the school they yours? my phone number is ××.call


hello!i'm li !this is my family is my is is my is a is 36, and my mother is 36, ’s that boy? oh, he is my is 13 and i am brother and i are students.6.假设这是tom的房间,请你介绍他的房间。

look!this is tom’s photos are on the t-shirt is on the keys are on the computer is on the desk, is tom’s baseball? oh, it’s under the is on the floor? they are tom’s shoes, socks and computer loves his room.7.写一篇文章介绍你的朋友jim所拥有的体育器材和他喜欢的体育运动。

jim has a great sports has 10 basketballs, 4 soccer balls, 2 ping-pong balls, 15volleyballs and 9 doesn’t have a ping-pong bat, but he has 8 tennis all the sports, he likes tennis likes sports very much, because he thinks sports are good for often plays tennis and basketball with his friends after school.8.介绍你的一日三餐。

hello, everyone!i don’t like sports, but i like eating very much.i eat a lot of food every breakfast, i like milk, eggs and lunch, i like chicken, noodles and dinner, i like fruits, vegetables and rice.i like healthy food.i don’t want to be fat.9.为自己的服装店写一则广告

sale at ×× clothes store

come and buy your clothes at ××!do you like sweaters? we have sweaters for only 20 much are our jackets? only 25 to our store now!邀请你的朋友参加你学校的活动

dear ××,do you like sports? do you have a basketball? please come to my school next have a basketball is on may you there!

9.以 my favorite…为题,写一篇短文

my favorite subject is english.i like it because it is interesting.i have english every day.i can speak a little english.i join the school english club.i can read english books.i think it is useful for me.i want to learn it well.i like english very


八上英语句型汇总 to do sth.决定去做某事

/would like to do sth 想要做某事 do sth.想让某人做某事

sb.(not)to do sth.要求某人(不要) sb.(not)to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事 is+ adj.+ to do sth.做某事的……的。

is+ adj.+for do sth.对某人来说,做某

/start doing e doing sth.不喜欢做 like doing sth 喜欢想要做某事 doing sth 喜欢做某事

fun/a good time doing sth.做某事玩的开心事……的。(difficult/hard/necessary/easy...)

best way/time/place to do sth.做某事的最好方式/(时间)/(地点)

sth./help sb.(to)do to do sth.计划/ to do sth.希望做某事

to do to do ready to do sth.乐于做某事

one’s best to do sth./try to do sth尽力做某事 to do e to do sth.许诺去做某事

/disagree to do sth.(不)同意做某事

’s time(for sb.)+to do sth.到(某人)做某事的时间了

+ to do sth.如何做某事 +to do sth.需要做某事

do +地点.邀请某人到某地 +adj+to do sth做某事...be sad/surprised/glad...to do sth.做某事很悲伤/惊讶/高兴... afraid to do do sth.劝告某人做某事

’s best(not)to do sth.最好(不) to do sth 拒绝做某事

takes sb some time to do sth花费某人多少时间做某事

able to do sth 能够做某事

+(to be)+ adj.看起来……

up to sb to do sth由某人决定去做某事

33.主语+find /think it +adj+to do sth 某人发现/认为做.....(怎么样)

doing sth.尝试做某事try to do sth.尽力去做某事

doing sth.忘记做过某事 forget to do sth.忘记做某

er doing sth 记得做过某事 remember to do sth.记住做某事 doing sth停止做某事 stop to do sth停下来去做某事

doing t doing sth.没有做某事

time(in)doing sth花费时间做某事 good at doing sth擅长做某事

/ thank you for doing sth.感谢做某事 a role in doing sth.发挥作用做某事/在做某事方面扮演重要的角色

/what about doing…?做……怎么样?ce doing sth.继续/一直做某事 on doing sth.不断地做某事 doing sth.做完某事

a part in doing sth.参与做某事

is/are +sb./sth.+doing sth.有…正在做某事 forward to doing sth.期盼做某事

halfway to doing sth.部分地做成某事,完成事情的一部分

busy doing sth忙于做某事 doing sth介意做某事

sth.观看某人做某事watch sth.看到某人做某事

see sth.看到某人正在做某事 at sth.看到某人做某事look at sth.看到某人正在做某事 sth.注意到某人做某事notice sth.注意到某人正在做某事 sth.听到某人做某事hear sth.听到某人正在做某事 to sth.听某人做某事listen to sth.听某人正在做某事

why not .?/why don’t you .?为什么不做……呢?

make/let/have sb.(not)do sth.使某人(不)做某事


初一上英语书面表达 一介绍


开头: 我是一个七年级的学生。i am a student in grade 7./ 我是一个中学生。i am a middle school student.中段:分别介绍姓名,年龄,生日,电话号码,喜好(颜色,运动,食物,学科等)。









可根据情况加以适当评论。结尾:这就是我。this is me.2.介绍朋友

开头:我有一个好朋友。i have a good friend./ 这是我的朋友。this is my friend.中段:分别介绍朋友的姓名,年龄,生日,电话号码,喜好等。





结尾:她/他是个好孩子。she is a nice is a good boy.我喜欢她/他。i like her.i like him.3.介绍家人

开头:这是我的家人。this is my family./ 我有一个大家庭。i have a big family.中段:分别介绍家人的姓名,年龄,职业等。(一般由长及幼)




结尾:我爱我的家庭。i love my family.二 描述房间

开头:我的房间小而整洁。my room is small but tidy.中段:分别介绍房间里的物品及其位置(由左及右,由里而外---)

我有一个表。这个表在桌子上。结尾:我喜欢我的房间。i like my room.三 跟运动相关

开头:我喜欢运动。i like sports.中段:1.有哪些运动用品的收集2.喜欢或不喜欢哪些运动并且加以适当的补充评论。我喜欢乒乓球。



足球很无聊。/足球对我来说很难。结尾:你呢?what about you? 四 跟食物相关

开头:我吃的很好。/我的饮食习惯很好。i eat well./ my eating habits are good.中段: 1 喜欢或不喜欢哪些食物。2.一日三餐吃哪些食物并且加以适当的补充评论。




我晚饭后不吃冰激凌。我不想变胖。结尾:你呢?what about you? 五 跟服装相关 服装店广告




袜子只卖两美元三双。结尾:现在就来我们商店吧。六 跟学校生活相关 1 学校活动






结尾:这个学期好忙碌。this is a really busy term.2 学科学习





(2)介绍一天要上的课及活动 开头:我在周---很忙。





午饭从12:00到1:30.我的课3:10结束。结尾:我很忙。i am busy.


