
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-20 10:16:00
时间:2023-05-20 10:16:00     小编:cyyllee



boys and girls! welcome to our happy english!



a: hello, boys and girls. i’m … from class … grade ….


b:my name is … from class… grade …


ab:.nice to meet you .

a: 同学们,上期我和大家说说怎样学英语?相信同学们一定每天都坚持听读英语了吧!今天的“say you say me”,说你说我。和大家一起谈一谈欧美国家的一些礼仪习俗。


一、 greetings 问候

我们中国人见面打招呼时习惯说:您吃过了吗?(have you eaten? / have you had your meal?)或者说:您上哪去?(where are you going? )。而英美人见面时如果是上午则说:good morning. 如果是在下午则说:good afternoon, 在傍晚就说:good evening. 如果与熟人打招呼则说:how are you? 如果是与较熟的人或朋友打招呼则说:hello, 或hi. 如果用我们中国人见面打招呼时常说的"have you eaten?"去问候英美人,就会引起对方的误解,因为"have you eaten?"在英语里不是打招呼用语,而是"邀请对方去吃饭"。如果见到英美人时说:"where are you going?"他们会很不高兴。因为"where are you going?"对英美人来说则是"即干涉别人的私事。" a:二、 parting 告辞

到别人家串门或作客,告辞时,英美人习惯说:"i should go now." 或 " id better be going now."意思都是"我得走了"。英美人在告辞时从不说:"ill go back."(我回去了。)或"ill go first."(我先走了。)因为在英语里, "ill go first."的意思是:"时间不早了,客人们该离开了。我先走给大家起了头,其他客人也应该马上离去。"

b:三、 addressing people 称呼

平时,我们常听到学生称呼老师为"teacher wang"(王老师),"teacher li"(李老师),即便对外籍教师也是如此称呼。其实这是不符合英美人习惯的。

在英语中,"teacher"不能用于称呼。那么怎么来称呼老师才符合英语习惯呢?一般来说,英美人称呼中小学的男老师为"sir",或mr,女教师为"miss",如 mr wang miss zhang miss green

b: 节目的最后是我们的魅力音乐。今天将听到的歌曲是《 》,希望大家喜欢。

a: ok , so much for today , good-bye!


w:good morning, everyone. 同学们, 早上好!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播,i’m miss li.我是李老师。

how time flies! 时间过得真快啊,我们已经开学两个多月了,大家每周都可以享受英语组的老师们准备的英语广播,are you ready? ok, follow miss ye and enjoy it! 准备好了吗?和我一起享受吧!

在今天节目开始前,我们来公布一下上星期miss li抽出的十位幸运听众得奖名单。以下读到名字的同学请于今天早上之内到五年级


可口可乐 coca cola

麦当劳 macdonald

日立 hitachi

菲利浦 philips

本田 honda

丰田 toyota

请同学们大声跟我念:black tea i like black tea.


blue monday blue monday的blue表示“不开心的”,monday表示“星期一”,不开心的星期一叫做blue monday。read after me.

blue monday 刘子锐,英语是不是很有趣呢? 好,下面是有奖问答的时候了。三、四年级的同学听好了,今天我们学习的”black tea”的中文意思是什么呢?



thank you for listening. 谢谢大家的收听。


w:good morning, everyone. 同学们, 早上好!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播,

i’m miss li.我是李老师。

how time flies! 时间过得真快啊,我们已经开学两个多月了,大家每周都可以享受英语组的老师们准备的英语广播,are you ready? ok, follow miss ye and enjoy it! 准备好了吗?和我一起享受吧!在今天节目开始前,我们来公布一下上星期miss li抽出的十位幸运听众得奖名单。


五年级生活中,同学们经常会在不同的地方碰见一些似曾相识的,但又不知道如何用英语来表达的东西。如:诺基亚手机上的nokia;肯德基的标牌是kentucky;雪碧饮料上的sprite;福特汽车上的ford等,多有意思。你想知道更多的有关国际品牌的外语原名吗?下面我就给大家介绍一些生活中常见的国际品牌:可口可乐 coca cola麦当劳 macdonald日立 hitachi菲利浦 philips本田 honda丰田 toyota

请同学们大声跟我念:black tea i like black tea.

接着,我们再来学习第二个关于颜色的用语:blue monday blue monday的blue表示“不开心的”,monday表示“星期一”,不开心的星期一叫做blue monday。read after monday

英语是不是很有趣呢? 好,下面是有奖问答的时候了。

三、四年级的同学听好了,今天我们学习的”black tea”的中文意思是什么呢?五、六年级的同学,你们的问题是“不开心的星期一”怎么表达呢?同学们,我们今天的'英语广播节目到这里就结束了。记得踊跃参与我们的有奖问答活动,并把纸条投入五年级办公室的抽奖箱里。

thank you for listening. 谢谢大家的收听。




a:hello,boys and girls.


ab:welcome to our english corner.

a:im deng jiajia

b:im deng zeying

ab:were from class 12,grade6.






a:今天是我们英语角栏目广播的第一天,大家肯定很期待吧。 首先,就请同学们进入我们的第一个版块:“say you say me."你说我说。






a:今天的“say you say me"节目中我向大家介绍的英语学习方法,大家课都要记住哦。


hello. this is china academy of art english broadcasting station. my name is lvanqi. i’m the hostess today. it’s a pleasure to spend the lovely time with you.. the theme today is american tv serials. i’m a big fan of it. hope you love it, too.

the first tv serial i want to recommend to you is super natural. it’s the most popular supernatural tv serial in america. if you are a fan of american tv serials, you must have .heard of it. if you’re not, .super natural may make you one.

as what it is called, super natural is a story about haunting. not haunting beasts of course, but the ghosts and all kind of freaks like demons, even angels. the main characters are the winchesters, dean winchester and sam winchester. dean is the elder brother, sam is the younger one. the story begins with the missing of their father, john. dean haunted with his father after sam chose to give up the family business and went to college. to find their father, dean asked sam for help. at that time, sam had a girlfriend and they had lived together already. sam agreed to help dean unwillingly because he hated the haunting life. on the way to find their dad, sam and dean solved a great deal of weird cases. but when sam came back to his old apartment, he found his girlfriend dead—the same way his as his mother. to find the killer, sam devoted himself to the old business together with dean, following the leads their father left..

at the end of the first season, sam and dean found their father. however, he was possessed by the yellow-eye demon—the demon that killed their mother and sam’s girlfriend. john asked sam to kill him, but the demon escaped before sam fired. john was angry and desperate about his sons letting that demon run away. therefore, argument aroused. in the meantime, a car drove directly towards them. what happened? let us move to the second season.

after the car accident, they were sent to the hospital. however, dean was hurt too much that his soul left his body and the death tried to take him away. to save his son, john make a deal with a demon which cost his own life and the gun named colt – the only thing can kill demons. dean was back, but john was gone. the brothers were drowned into the sorrow. to ease the pain, they went on haunting. in the mean time, they found sam had the ability to drive the demon out of the human. nonetheless, sam paid for it. whenever he used his ability, his nose bleed and he would be hungry for the demon’s blood, the climax in this season is also at the end, sam was brought to a town that gathered a group of people like him—had some special gift. they were asked to fight and only one would survive. it was all the yellow—eye demon’ s plot. he told sam that all people there were fed with demon’s blood when they were babies, and all those moms were killed in the same way. he told sam that he had a preference for him and would like him to win the game—tobe the leader of all demons, that is , the king of hell. during the fight, only sam and a man named jack survived. sam had put jack on the ground. on that point, dean showed up. sam was too excited to notice that jack was crawling up and stabbing him in his back. dean broke down, he held sam’s body and cried out loud. of course the story won’t end up like this. “main character will never die” is the golden rule in all tv serials, in the next season, dean made a deal with a demon, exchange his life for his brother’s. dean had only 2 years to live. the main string in this season is to find a way saving dean. hard as they tried, the brothers failed. demon came back and took dean away. sam had to carry on and kept haunting all alone.

in season 4, dean was back, being saved by an angel called castiel. dean had been through a lot in the hell so he changed a lot. again, tow brothers got involved in a troublesome event—the apocalypse. despite all the efforts, lucifer, the king of hell revived. it turned out that dean and sam were meant to be the vessel of the archangel, michael and lucifer. there was supposed to be a fight which would ruin most of the world. in that way, the balance between the kindness and evil would recover. nevertheless, the brothers refused to accept the fate like this. they fought against demons as well as angels. to end this mess, sam and dean made a plan. sam let lucifer possessed on him intentionally, and at the very moment, sam’s will conquered lucifer’s, jumping into the crack of the hell along with michael. there is no doubt that the story goes on. sam and dean net many other monsters like eva, liviatans, evil angels, the girl from oze… i’m deeply impressed by screenwriter’s imagination. oh, besides the fascinating plot, the actors are also one of the reasons the make the serial popular. jensen ackley and jared padaleki are hundreds of girls’ dream lover. i cling to the belief that you’ll enjoy watching 2 cute guys haunting.


1. a: good afternoon, everyone.同学们,下午好!welcome to the english broadcast.欢迎大家收听我们的校园英语广播.

b: i’m your english teacher miss sun.

a: i’m your schoolmates …

2. b:刚才我们听到的那首歌,你是不是觉得很有趣呢?其实这首歌的名字也很有意思哦---“who let the dogs out” 翻译成中文就是―

a: <是谁把狗放出来的?>

b: funny, isn’t it? 很有趣吧,我们再听一下

: 这首歌节奏非常欢快,大家是不是有种在非洲大草原上的感觉呢?

a: 说到非洲草原,我真的很想去呢!

b: why? 为什么呢?

a: because there are a lot of animals.因为非洲草原上有很多的动物啊!

b: yes. 有哪些呢?同学们也想想看!

a: 有斑马

b: yes, i like it. do you know how to say in english? 同学们知道 “斑马”用英语怎么说吗?

it’s zebra. z-e-b-r-a, zebra. follow me, everybody, 同学们请跟我念 zebra.

a: zebra.

b: very good. 还有哪些动物呢?

a: 长颈鹿,脖子好长好长的.

b: 长颈鹿, lovely, i love that, too. how to say “长颈鹿” in english?

a: oh, i don’t know. please tell us.

b: it’s giraffe. “长颈鹿” 的英文说法是 giraffe, g-i-r-a-f-f-e . follow me, students, giraffe.

a: giraffe.

b: well done! 还有一种动物是我最喜欢的,大家来猜猜看,这是一种大型食肉动物

a: 是什么呀?

b: 听听看就知道了! (play)

同学们都知道是什么了吧! it’s lion. lion, l-i-o-n, lion, lion, “狮子” i love lions. they’re the king of the beasts.

b: 还有什么动物呢?

a: 大象 elephant, 鼻子好长好长的.

b: yes, it’s elephant. how to spell? 会拼的同学一起跟着拼哦.

a: it’ e-l-p-h-a-n-t, elephant.

b: very very good!

a: miss sun, i want to tell you and all the schoolmates a secret!孙老师,我要告诉大家一个小秘密!

b: secret? 秘密? what secret?

a: a secret about the elephant!哈哈,关于大象的秘密!

b: really? tell us! 哦,说来听听!

a: the elephant is the only mammal that can’t jump!

b: you mean that the elephant can’t jump!? it can’t jump?! are you sure?

a: yes, i’m sure. 大象是唯一一种不会跳的哺乳类动物!

b: wow, that’s funny!我还是头一回知道呢!

ok, students, let’s review the words. 同学们,现在让我们回忆一下今天学到的有关动物的单词,它们分别是, 记得的同学也跟着说哦!

a: 第一个zebra, z-e-b-r-a, zebra 斑马 zebra

第二个 giraffe, g-i-r-a-f-f-e, giraffe, 长颈鹿, giraffe

第三个 lion, l-i-o-n, lion, 狮子, lion

第四个 elephant, e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t, elephant,大象, elephant

b: 恩,非常好,同学们,你们是不是也记住了呢!

a:接下来让我们进入到今天的最后一个版块 “charming music” 魅力音乐. 今天将听到的歌曲是来自aqua (水叮当乐队)的一首歌 “happy boys and girls” 《快乐的男生和女生》

b: and we hope all of you a happy afternoon!

a: 希望大家度过一个欢快的下午,就像这首歌唱的那样做快乐的人! just be happy!

b: yes, just be happy! ok, so much for today, thanks for your listening! bye bye!

a: bye!


