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(ningbo university of technology in profile)
宁波工程学院是一所由宁波市政府举办的全日制普通本科院校,前身宁波高等专科学校创建于1983年5月。2004年5月升格更名为宁波工程学院。学校分东、西两个校区,占地面积1400多亩(西校区(翠柏路)300亩;东校区(风华路)规划1100多亩,其中已建成约400亩),校舍建筑面积30万平方米。现有11个二级学院,27个本科专业。有教职工825人,在校全日制学生9429人。ningbo university of technology is a full-time regular undergraduate program university which financed by ningbo municipal government,it was founded in may,1983 as ningbo polytechnic college which was upgraded and redesignated in may,2004.(east campus and west campus with total area of 1400mu and building area of 0.3 million square,the west camps at 208cuibai road ,the 400mu east camps at the fenghua road to be is constituted of 11schoolos ,27 undergraduate-programs, registering a staff of 825,full-time admission of 9429.学校综合办学条件良好,基础设施齐备。现有教学仪器设备总值8989万元,馆藏图书117万余册。目前学校专任教师511人,其中有硕士以上学位者297人,占58%,博士67人,占13%;副教授129人,教授56人,副高以上占36%,师资队伍建设呈现良好发展态势。
nbut is well-equipped,in the value of 89890000rmb and a library of
1.17million university registers a faculty of 511,of whom 297 have obtained master degrees and over 67 doctor degrees,(58% and 13% of the total respectively),and whom 129 associate professors and 56 professors(36% of the total respectively),the construction of teaching resource shows a favorable development trend.学校以学科建设为龙头,以市场需求为导向,精心设置专业,坚持工科为主,多学科协调发展。学校不断提高专业建设水平,办好优势专业,扶植特色专业,全面实施“321教学质量工程”。现有省级重点学科1个,重点专业2个,精品课程5门,省级示范基础实验室。
directed to the discipline building and market demand ,nbut attaches prime importance to program configuration with the focus upon engineering courses in cooperation with “321 teaching quality project” is underway,in support of advantaged and tly rated at provincial level is a parcel of fruits,a key note program,two key note major programs and five excellent courses,model basis laboratory.学校加强科研基地和队伍建设,大力开展应用性科技研究和发展,现有科研机构十余个2008年已获国家级项目5项,省级项目14项;发表论文282篇,其中三大检索论文48篇,cssci来源期刊论文14篇;实现专利转让2项。学校积极推进产学研结合,科研成果的应用转化成效良好。
nbut provides an impetus to the growth of research basis under personal,in view of applied r&ble on the campuses are over ten research 2009 saw the research proceeds in the amount of over 40million rmb,three state natural science fund,5 pnsf projects ,the publication of 282 theses,of which 56 are retrieved into sci,ei and istp,and 14 into cssci,along with the transfer of two patents.2008年,为进一步加强学校与地方政府、企业以及高等院校、科研院所之间的联系与合作,启动了“双合作”工作,初见成效。与镇海区签订了全面科技合作协议;与中国社会科学院合作共建国际港口与物流研究中心;与中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所共建专业实验室。
the double coo-program/scheme was launched in 2008 to keep in close contact with the local government and the above-mentioned ents were signed covering all round science and technology cooperation with zhenhai district, the jointly-built international sea-ports and logistics research-canteen with china of society science, the jointly-built specialized lib with ningbo medical technology and engineering institute under china of science.学校以应用开发型高级技术人才为培养目标,积极探索“知行合一,双核协同”的人才培养模式。学校注重培养学生的实践能力,组织参加省级以上专业竞赛,屡获佳绩。毕业生深受地方用人单位的欢迎,初次就业率一直保持在95%以上。
aimed to cultivating the advanced technical talents in applied r&d,nbut is seeking after about the educational mode of knowledge and practice in “oneness” and “double-kernel link” students are encouraged to take part in the specialized competition at province level with outstanding tes are welcome to local first employment rate is kept over than 95%.学校广泛开展对外合作,借鉴国外先进经验,强化外向型办学特色。1984年即与亚琛应用科技大学结对,是全国四所中德合作研究院校之一。先后与澳大利亚、德国等多国的大学建立校际合作关系并开展合作办学、师生交流和合作研究。学校设有宁高出国留学服务中心。
nbut extensive corporation with the foreign university is early as 1984,nbut set up the sister relations with aachen applied te-university ranked among colleges in china for sino-german join educational ral have been earlier or later established with a dozen of universities australia、german and some other countries in regular of the degree program, exchanges of teacher and students , joint research o-s-s is attached nbut.学校全方位、多层次构建高格调、高水平、高质量的校园文化,着力塑造“知行合一”的办学理念,积极发挥环境育人的功能,努力营造特色鲜明、文明和谐、健康向上的校园文化氛围,全面提高学生综合素质。
due efforts are distributed to the educational mode” knowledge and practice in oneness,double-kernel link” in the hope of achieving a lofty advanced and harmonious campus culture and training the well-developed students.
科技英语翻译答案下载 科技英语翻译赵萱版答案篇二
unit 7 1.到目前为止,还没有一个竞争者能像ipad一样对消费者形成如此显著的影响。(so far)so far,none of these contenders like ipad has gained any significant influence on consumer.2.如果应当得当,新一轮全球化也许对中国这样的发展中国家更为有利。(be favorable for)when properiy handled, the new-round globalization can be more favorable for developing countries like china.3.她通常不随便花钱,要花也只是花她所挣的一小部分。(a fraction of)generally, she is careful with her money, and spends only a fraction of her earning.4.演讲者应当向观众表述一些有意义,有见解的发言,让观众在思想上受益。(deliver…to)speakers should deliver to audience a meaningful and insinghtful speech and make audience benefit from it.5.我得改掉每天晚上看电视的习惯。(wean oneself from)i have to wean myself from watching tv every 8 1.除了过强的北风外,此处为建设零碳环保建筑提供了理想的地理环境条件。(with the exception of)
with the exception of too-strong winds from the north, the location offers ideal geographical and environmental condition for a net-zero, environment-friendly building.2.此外,生态建筑挑战还限制了建材到工地的运输半径。(in addition)
in addition, living building challenge places limits on the transportation radius from the construction site.3.为了充分利用当地的天然资源,项目小组将能源实验室设计成沿地形逐渐降低的三部分。(to make the most of)
to make the most use of the local natural assets the project team developed the energy lab into three volumes that step down with the landscape.4.建筑管理系统在实验室能效监控方面起到了重大作用。(play a significant role in)the building management system plays a significant role in minitoring the lab’senergy efficency.5.考虑到项目小组为满足苛刻认证条件所作出的努力,该项目是真正的可持续建筑。(given….)
given all the effort involved in meeting the demanding requirement for the certification ,the project is a real sustainable 10 1.我们需要的一切是一些创造力和大量的时间和练习。(along with)all we need is some creativity along with plenty of time and practice.2.工厂由于未能遵守政府的安全条例而被关闭。(comply with)
the factory was closed for failing to comply with the government safety regulations.3.这个国家最终可能只是成为一个低成本的生产基地,而不是创新的发源地。(end up)this country could end up becoming simply a low-cost manufactoring base , not a source of innovation.4.为了帮助他们开拓新的市场,你有何具体计划?(open up)do you have any particular plan to help them open up new market? 5.中国不惜一切代价去阻止台湾“独立”,包括发动战争。(wage)
china is willing to wage war with taiwan to prevent from declaring independence-whatever the cost.
科技英语翻译答案下载 科技英语翻译赵萱版答案篇三
1.1 翻译的标准 第1节 翻译练习1 the power plant is the heart of a power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节 翻译练习2 semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many d conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节 翻译练习3 the removal of minerals from water is called softening.a typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求 第4节 翻译练习1 einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such four(outer planets)probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。(直译)
这四颗外层行星的内核可能都由金属、硅酸盐和水构成。(意译)the designer must have access to stock lists of the materials he adjustment and repair must be performed on regular basis if an acceptable printed product is to be the end product.设计师必须备有所使用材料的储备表。(意译)
第4节 翻译练习2 the most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of doctor analyzed the blood sample for apparent change in size of the sun is caused by dust in the air near the horizon.植物生长的各因素中最重要的是水的供应。(合译)
these fragments of rock and iron range from thousand kilometers in diameter to less than cturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.这些石块和铁块的碎片大小不等,大的直径有1000公里,小的不到1公里。(分译)制造过程可以分为单件生产和大量生产。前者指的是生产少量的零件,后者则是指生产大量相同的零件。(分译)第4节 翻译练习3 cartography is the science of making elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes.制图学是研究绘制地图的科学。(增译)
the two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is the unit of voltage and that of like charges repel but opposite charges attract is one of the fundamental laws of electricity.电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特:后者是电压的单位,前者是电流的单位。(增译)同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸是电学的一个基本规律。(省译)
第4节 翻译练习4 almost any insulated body processes to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric angular contact bearing provides a greater thrust properties of the weld can be altered by varying the grain orientation.几乎任何一种绝缘体都多少具有保留电荷一段时间的能力。向心推力轴承有较大的轴向承载能力。通过改变晶粒的方向可以改变焊缝的性能。2.1 词义的选择 第1节 翻译练习1 the spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each earth isn’t completely round;it is slightly flattened at the each round of operation the particle picks up energy from the oscillating electric field.锭子同时绕两个互相垂直的轴旋转。(介词)
an electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an waist measures forty inches round.电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。(动词)她腰围40英寸。(副词)
第1节 翻译练习2 rate of penetration was found to be proportional to the net pressure applied by the ists are constantly striving to find fast and convenient way of obtaining quantitative find the area of a square or oblong, you merely multiply its length by its n isotopes are not found in nature.人们发现钻孔速度与工具所受的净压力成正比。
new fibers find expanding applications in engineering and oos are found in plant is found in the sea near the mouth of omputers have found their application in the production of genius cs find wide application in our daily life.大袋鼠产于澳大利亚。
新发明的纤维在工程和工业领域得到越来越广泛的应用。微型计算机已经应用于智能传感器的生产中。塑料在我们的日常生活中得到广泛应用。第2节 翻译练习1 the cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it ionally, nc programming has been performed offline with the machine commands being contained on a punched occurrence of large mats of floating algae may result in the death of many fish from lack of oxygen.滚动阻力的起因在于滚动体的配合面和它滚动的滚道的变形。(技术性引申)
the splitting of the uranium or plutonium nucleus is accompanied by the release of very considerable amount of major contributors in component technology have been in the distance between the two plates is small compared with their linear as different solids and liquids vary in density, so do gases and vapors.元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。(具体化引申)两板之间的距离相对于其宽度和长度而言比较小。(具体化引申)
随着铀核和钚核的裂变,会有极其巨大的能量释放处理。(修辞性引申)正像不同的固体和液体的密度不同一样,不同的气体和蒸汽的密度也不同。(具体化引申)the curies believed that there was something in nature that gave out sly, there is much room for the improvement in the present coal is the most common food of a steam facts have been set down in black and white.显然,其结构还有较大的改进余地。(抽象化引申)目前,煤是火电厂最常用的能源。(抽象化引申)
居里夫妇坚信,自然界中有一种物质能放出辐射能。(具体化引申)这些事实已经清清楚楚地记录下来了。(抽象化引申)2.3 词类的转换 第3节 翻译练习1 each time a sample was drawn for color is certain is that the oil spill has delivered a devastating blow to the ecology of the persian should get familiar with different systems of units.每次取一个标本测定颜色。
these decision-making processes are applicable to the entire field of engineering design---not just to mechanical engineering en instead of air is frequently used for cooling large the war was over, it was discovered that the germans were nowhere near success in developing nuclear weapons.常以氢气代替空气来冷却大型汽轮发电机。
这些判定过程可以应用于工程设计的整个领域,而不仅仅限于机械工程设计。various precautions have been taken against inside the oven, panels are subjected to a temperature of 365° is defined as a numerical ratio, the ratio of the function, or performance, to the new model should appeal to potential buyers.一旦进入烘干炉,板材就处于365华氏度的温度条件下。价值的定义是功能或性能与成本的数值比。
galileo’s experiments are not difficult, nor is there any evidence that he performed them with exceptional mes a scientist observes an object and its features, for example a star or a bird;sometimes he observes an event, which is something that happens at a particular uakes are generally more destructive of life than volcanic eruptions.有时科学家观察一物体及其特征,例如一颗星或一只鸟;有时科学家观察某一事件,即在一特定时间所发生的事。
伽利略的实验并不难,也没有证据表明他是以非凡的技能来做实验的。heat should be applied slowly to avoid localized rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen or is why a coil is often referred to as an inductor.一种燃料燃烧的速度有多快,取决于它与氧气或空气混合的均匀程度。这就是线圈常被叫做电感器的原因。
应当慢慢加热,以避免发生局部过热现象。第3节 翻译练习2 practically all of the useful properties of materials are strongly dependent on their internal metal casts well.a wire for conducting electric current is covered with plastic;the plastic is insulation round the wire.几乎材料的一切有用特性都与其内部的结构有密切的关系。这种金属有良好的铸造性能。
there are many ways of determining the distribution of the magnetism about a lubrication keeps the bearings from being in a power plant is of great modern transmitters employ solid state circuits.安全在电厂是非常重要的。现代发报机大多采用固体电路。有许多方法来确定磁场周围的磁力分布状况。润滑良好可保护轴承不受损伤。
e-chemmerce now offers two main levels of online business intelligence on chemical, plastic and energy images tend to exaggerate the robot’s similarity to human anatomy and um remained an expensive rarity till the discovery of the electrolytic process for reducing aluminum in 1886.这些概念常常夸大了机器人与人类在形体和行为方面的相似之处。《电子化工商务》目前主要提供两个层次的有关化学、塑料和能源电子商务的在线商务信息服务。
since some materials are not damaged easily as others, the possibility exists of developing radiation-resistant parts.由于有些材料不像另一些那样容易被损坏,所以有可能研制出防辐射的零件。2.4 词的增译
第4节 翻译练习2 第4节 翻译练习1 this action externally appears like the discharge of a out of the earth’s gravity, an astronaut is affected by still another minimizing the microscopic imperfections scientists are making far stronger ceramics.这一作用从外表上看来像电容器的放电现象。
一旦离开了地球的引力范围,宇航员又遇到了另一个问题——失重。科学家们正通过最大限度地减小微观缺陷来制造强度高得多的陶瓷。atomic cells are small and very light, as compared to ordinary dry stors can make previously large equipment much omers have evidence of a few other stars too, which might have black holes as companions.天文学家有证据表明,还有其他一些恒星也可能有黑洞作为伴星。和普通电池相比,原子电池体积小、重量轻。晶体管能使原先体积大的设备变得小得多。
the key to the new materials is researchers’ increasing ability to manipulate substances at the molecular largest and most expensive products cannot, because of their size, be testable in the rolling enables the operators to produce rolls of accuracy and uniformity, and with a better surface finish.最大最贵的产品,因为体积大,在该工厂里是不能检验的。
冷轧可使操作工生产出精确度高、均匀度好的轧制件,并具有更好的表面光洁度。all these factors play a key role in formulation of the are not the most stable, and with video editing you have to be extra method makes it easy to identify the various components.在拟订模型时,所有这些因素都将起到关键性的作用。这个方法使人们很容易识别各种不同的构成成分。
个人电脑一般并不太稳定,所以,进行视频编辑时需要加倍小心。第4节 翻译练习2 it was estimated that the power of an average horse is equal to 500 feet-pounds per patch is one gauge heavier than thickness of original s have shown that information can be communicated to people many times faster in a graphic form than in written form.据估计,一匹普通马的功率等于500英尺-磅力/秒。
众多研究表明,以图形表示的信息被人们接受的速度比以文字表示的快许多倍。the chemist is making an analysis of the appears that the construction of the dam has had a considerable effect on the ecology of the receiver will operate reliably no matter what happens.无论发生什么情况,这台接收机都将可靠地工作。药剂师正对毒性进行分析。
radiant, electrical and chemical energies can all be turned into frequency, wave length and speed of sound are closely figure is minimized by parametric amplifier.频率、波长和声速三者是密切相关的。
in the absence of sufficient knowledge confusion exists in classifying a specimen as a butterfly or a can be hammered into very thin sheets without being are a number of devices that give an electric current when light falls on them, without any chemical changes taking place.如果没有足够的知识,就分不清标本是属蝶类还是蛾类。
有许多器件在受光照射时能产生电流,但不发生任何化学变化。铅能被锤成很薄的薄片而不破裂。2.5 词的省译
第5节 翻译练习1 the fact that the concrete is slow in setting is no sign that it is of poor an engine is called an internal combustion symptoms of hepatitis are similar no matter which virus is involved.混凝土凝固得慢并不表示其质量差。这种发动机成为内燃机。
this critical deficiency was itself due to three factors which interacted with each other over the entire properties change in going from carbon to design choices hinge upon considerations of gain, noise figure, and so forth.设计选择的关键在于考虑增益、噪音系数等等。
这个关键性的逆差来源于三个始终互相影响的因素。碳转变成石墨时,其性质也发生了变化。temperatures may reach 700°c and surface oxidation becomes the atomic nucleus of a heavy element is split, a large amount of energy is discovery of enzymes is very important because it gave impetus to a series of experiments.分裂一重元素的原子核,会释放出很大的能量。温度高达700摄氏度,表面氧化便成为关键问题。酶的发现很重要,因为它推动了一系列试验的进行。
apart from the fact that it may become hot, no apparent change occurs in a metal when it is carrying a equipment forms an integral part of many advanced re was a rise in temperature, and as a result, the component failed.金属有电流通过时,除了金属可能变热外没有什么显著变化。温度升高了,结果元件出了故障。
if there is little cooling water available, a diesel engine makes an excellent prime mover for generation below 10,000 was a block in the pipe and the water could not flow away.如果能利用的冷却水不多,则柴油发动机可以成为极好的发电10000千伏安以下的原动机。水管被东西堵住,水流不出去。2.6 重复法
第6节 翻译练习1 the properties of gas are quite different from those of electric resistance of copper is not so large as that of three gas laws are true of all gases, as well as of air.气体的性质与液体的性质大不相同。(重复名词)气体三定律不但适用于空气,也适用于所有气体。(重复动词)铜的电阻不像铁的电阻那样大。(重复名词)matter changes not only in state but also in uous data can be expressed in either fractions or whole numbers.物质不仅形态改变而且体积也改变。(重复动词)连续资料可以用分数表示,也可以用整数表示。(重复动词)3.1 名词的译法 第1节 翻译练习1 in an unusual application, this organization uses a fingerprint scanner to monitor the comings and goings of its residents.a capacitor is used to eliminate sparking when a circuit containing inductance is suddenly opened.一个不同寻常的用途是:这个机构使用指纹扫描器监视居住人员的进出。当含有电感的电路突然断开时,可用电容器消除火花。第1节 翻译练习2 the comparison reveals that the error is due to scans confirmed that the subjects’ brains dealt with words in ways that contradict one hoary old latest research with radioactive isotopes has shown that this assumption is quite wrong.比较结果表明,误差是由于名称不同而造成的。
扫描结果证实,受试者的大脑处理词的方式同一种古老的旧观念不一致。对放射性同位素的最新研究结果表明,这种设想是完全错误的。metals differ in the ease with which they give up electrons and enter into chemical al-shoe drum brakes provide better protection from water and on earth are protected from the dangerous ultraviolet radiation of the sun by a layer or ozone that spans the planet and absorbs the radiation.各种金属放出电子和参与化学反应的难易程度不一。内蹄式鼓形制动器的防水、防尘性能比较好。
according to the molecular theory the temperature of an object depends on the average speed of its iveness of temperature control depends upon the amount of lubricant supplied, the ambient temperature, and the external cooling.根据分子理论的原理,物体的温度取决于其分子的平均速度。
温度控制的效果取决于润滑剂的用量、环境温度以及外部的冷却设施。第1节 翻译练习3 particular attention should be given to hoses to ensure that chafing does not primary concern of electrical engineering is the doing of work by the delivery of piracy is not plants and animals need carbon for growth.要特别注意软管,保证没有擦伤。窃取基因不是新鲜事。
电工学主要关注的是通过输送能量做功的情况。所有动植物均需要碳才能生长。第1节 翻译练习4 the experiment was a nductor devices can perform a variety of control function in electronic equipment.这个试验是成功的。
半导体在电子设备中能起各种各样的控制作用。3.2 冠词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 a polymer is a substance of high molecular a good insulator, rubber is often used in patient was administered the mixture twice a machines may be oiled once or twice a month.聚合物是一种高分子的物质。这种混合剂病人每周服用两次。
橡胶是一种良好的绝缘体,所以经常使用在电缆上。这些机器每个月可以加一次或两次油。第2节 翻译练习2 a bearing can be defined as a member specifically designed to support moving machine a transformer and power at low voltage can be changed into power at high object at rest has no kinetic energy, its velocity being zero.轴承可以定义为一种专门用于支撑运动着的机器零件的构件。静止的物体没有动能,因为它的速度为零。使用变压器可将低压电转变为高压电。第2节 翻译练习3 作为固定词组时的省译: on a large scale a majority of a wealth of as a result 结果,因此 大规模地 大多数的 大量的
第2节 翻译练习4 the machine is intended for grinding the top and bottom surfaces of tungsten carbide mechanism has been termed cumulative feedback inhibition.该机床是供磨削硬质合金刀片上下表面用的。这种机制就叫做累加反馈抑制。第2节 翻译练习5 the basic job of the computer is the processing of main effect is to raise the fundamental slosh mode frequency.计算机的基本任务是处理信息。主要作用在于提高基本的晃动频率。第3章 总复习题
other factors affect the configuration of the total normal flight the hatch doors fair into the can neither be created, nor destroyed by any means known to man.另一些因素则将影响整个系统的结构。飞行正常时,舱门与机身平整贴合。
it is customary to refer to design levels as high or low on component main economy of the system stems from the ability to move cars in a continuous train without is a stranger to the operation of the electronic computer.他对电子计算机的操作是陌生的。
此系统的主要经济之处在于它能移动列车的车厢而不必将它们脱钩分开。a key element in system capacity planning is the financial cost of assembler can expand the key words in the assembly code into their full instruction flame does not touch the flask directly.这种汇编程序能把汇编码中的关键字扩展成完整的指令集。系统能力计划中关键因素是性能的金融成本。火焰没有直接接触烧瓶。
the study of the strength of solids involves the study of the defects in the crystalline problem was solved by the provision of a compensating rusting of iron is the slow chemical combination of the elements iron and oxygen in moist atmosphere.研究固体的强度,就必须研究晶体结构中的缺陷。铁生锈是铁元素和氧元素在湿空气中缓慢化合的现象。通过安装一个补偿喷嘴,解决了这个问题。
the decay of organic matter is a slow oxidation by oxygen in the order to improve a certain kind of battery, edison spent almost ten years and made nearly 50,000 experiments.有机物的腐烂是空气中的氧引起的一种缓慢氧化过程。
为了改善一种电池的性能,爱迪生花了差不多十年时间,做了近50000次试验。4.1 代词的一般译法 第1节 翻译练习1 in this cell the light incident on the sensitive surface of the cell causes the photo-electric emission of electrons from the surface, and these electrons are attracted to the other owl can hear a mouse chewing and fly down on it, even though it is hidden from sight under a pile of leaves.在这种电池中,照在电池光敏表面光电效应而发射电子,而这些电子被吸引到另一电极。即使老鼠躲藏在一堆叶子下看不见的地方,猫头鹰也能听见老鼠咀嚼的声音而飞下来袭击它。
this might be compared with the mumble of wavelengths of sound that go to make up ordinary noise.这可以与杂乱的声波相比,一般的噪音就是由这种杂乱的声波组成的。
第1节 翻译练习2 drawing electrons away from the atom causes it to have a net positive electric crystal should have a shape as much like that of the other crystals as possible.将电子与原子分离会使原子带上纯净正电荷。每一结晶的形状应与其他结晶的形状尽可能相似。第1节 翻译练习3 every element retains its identity no matter how it is finely omers can estimate the size and brightness of a star by its color.每种元素不论分得怎样细小,它仍保持其特征。
天文学家根据恒星的颜色可以估计它的大小和亮度。第1节 翻译练习4 many processes have already been proposed, and one possible future process is a smelting is possible to work backward from the known strength and determine what factor of safety was is a solid sphere with a metallic core surrounded by silicate shells.我们能够由已知的强度反过来求出所用的安全系数。
人们已经提出了很多方法,未来可能的选择之一就是熔融还原法。第1节 翻译练习5 in this chapter our task is to find out what the air is made we have a fairly clear idea of what goes on inside of cally all of the heat energy received by the earth comes from the sun.现在我们对原子内部的情况已相当清楚了。地球所得到的热能几乎都来自于太阳。
在这一章中,我们的任务是弄清空气的构成成分。4.2 人称代词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 you can decide what resolution and compression level is best for your ’ll do everything possible to improve the supply of can find the density of a body providing you know its mass and must be very careful to avoid trying to express energy in terms of power units.我们将尽一切努力来改善电力供应。
只要知道物体的质量和体积,就可求出物体的密度。你可以决定哪种溶解和压缩程度对成品最好。必须注意避免用功率单位表示能量。第2节 翻译练习2 it may require the taking of a large sample as in macro an atom contains three protons, it must have three electrons to be electrically neutral.如果一个原子有三个质子,这个原子必然有三个电子来使其呈电中性。它可能要求像宏观分析中那样采用大的样本。4.3 形容词性物主代词的译法 第3节 翻译练习1 the density of anything is its mass per unit substance shows an inspanidual structure of its of the drawbacks of the early lasers was their inability to operate continuously.每一种物质都显示出它自己的独特结构。任何物体的密度是它的每单位体积的质量。早期激光器的缺点之一是它们不能连续地工作。第3节 翻译练习2 in their workshop there is no one who understands how a computer uses its stors are more advantageous to vacuum tubes for their being small and transformer cannot be called a machine because of its having no moving parts.晶体管优于真空管,因为它尺寸小、重量轻。
在他们车间,无人能理解计算机是怎样使用其电子管的。变压器不能称为机器,因为它没有转动的部件。第3节 翻译练习3 according to their ability to conduct electric current, all materials may be classified into three major categories: conductors, semiconductors and shouldn’t have touched the wire with your wet hands.你不该用湿手触摸导线。
根据导电的性能不同,所有的材料可分为三大类:导体、半导体和绝缘体。第3节 翻译练习4 heating semiconductors means increasing their les can be classified according to their angles or the relative lengths of their ing to their composition, these raw materials may be separated into three brain has its managing system.三角形可按照其角度或其相对边长来分类。
根据这些原材料的构成成分,它们可以分为三种类型。加热半导体就会增加其导电率。大脑有自己的管理系统。4.4 指示代词的译法 第4节 翻译练习1 all atoms, except those of hydrogen, contain one or more neutrons in the speed of the object approaches that of geometry of the test specimens differs from the geometry of those used in tension tests.所用试件的形状和尺寸与拉伸试验的试件不同。除了氢原子外,所有的原子都有一个或几个中子。该物体的速度接近光速。第4节 翻译练习2 it diffracts the diffracted beam and this means that it generates an inverse is a form of energy and that is known to all of used the transformers of poor quality, and this caused the whole power supply system break down.他们用了一批劣质的变压器,使得整个供电系统陷于瘫痪。热是能的一种形式,这是大家都知道的。
它对衍射光束发生衍射,这意味着它产生了一个逆变换。第4节 翻译练习3 this is a simple criterion that guarantees the existence of such a percentage of such cases among surgical patients can be determined in the following manner.在接受手术的病人中,这样的病例所占的百分比可用下述方法确定。这是确保这种等值表达式存在的一个简单标准。第4节 翻译练习4 as a rule solids and liquids expand when heated, water does the same except near its freezing same is true when an alternating voltage is applied to a resistance.按照固体和液体遇热膨胀的原理,水除了接近其冰点的情况之外也是如此。当交流电压加在电阻上时,情况也是一样的。
第4节 翻译练习5 all motion in this universe is the form of successively rising and do have the advantage of increasing resistance to reduce current when this is desirable.串联电路的确有这样的优点:在需要时可以增加电阻来减少电流。宇宙内的一切运动,均处在连续上升和下降的状态中。4.5 不定代词的译法 第5节 翻译练习1 all these elements can be used in semiconductor transformers and electric machinery use magnetic the shafts were cut from heavy planks of wood.所有的变压器和电机都使用磁性材料。在半导体生产中,所有这些元件都能用上。箭杆都是用厚木板削制而成的。
almost all who die of aids actually die of the currents at node were not to add up to all the energy from an antenna is radiated in the main all people who test positive for the aids antibody get the disease aids.几乎所有丧命爱滋病的患者都是死于饥饿。并非所有节点上的电流总和为零。天线能量并不都是由主波束辐射的。
并不是所有的爱滋病抗体试验为阳性的人都患有爱滋病。第5节 翻译练习2 the equipment will compensate for any dimensional variations caused by wheel portion of the flight control system may be readily removed in any sequence by the removal of attaching bolts and , if any, of the three statements below are false? 拆卸了原装的螺钉及螺母,便可很快地按任意顺序拆除飞机控制系统的任何部分。该装置对砂轮磨损引起的任何尺寸误差给予补偿。下面三种说法中如果有错,那么是其中的哪一种?
what, if any, effect do you feel the imports of canadian gas will have on the american producer? there are few, if any, of them know the construction of the transformer.你觉得进口加拿大的天然气对美国的生产者可能产生什么影响吗? 他们当中几乎没人懂得变压器的结构。第5节 翻译练习3 both alternatives are presented on the ty is a vector quantity involving both magnitude and direction.速度是一种矢量,既有大小,又有方向。两种选择都在屏幕上显示出来了。第5节 翻译练习4 each of the bits has a different optimum cutting are many types of efficient water pumps, each designed to meet a specific element, no matter how it is finely spanided, retains its identity.效率高的水泵有多种类型,每一种都用来满足某个特定的需要。每个钻头都有一个不同的最佳切割速度。
每种元素不论分得怎样细小,仍保持该元素的特征。one half of the medium was renewed every three has an error rate of one or two words in every every minute difference is noted.每三天更换一半溶剂。
并非每一个细微的差别都被注意到了。第5节 翻译练习5 without electricity neither machine could be stared.i believe either method will do.我看两种方法中的任何一种都行。没有电,这两台机器都开动不了。第5节 翻译练习6 sometimes one finds in fossil stones the imprint of a last sound to reach the receiving ship is the one that hits the nos from a subsidiary decay process are the ones to be detected.传到接收船上的最后的声音就是碰到底层的声音。有时人们能在化石里发现一片树叶的痕迹。有待探测的中微子来自次要的衰变过程。
driving machines are always the opposite of driven of the most successful methods of achieving this depends on the use of of the uses of the triode is that it can amplify.主动机和从动机总是相反的。
ones who make the decisions on what went into the system are who claim ect is both effective and safe, in fact, cannot prove are two 300mw thermal power units in this power is made in china;the other is imported from germany.决定要把什么写进系统的人是专业编程人员。
there are two kinds of electric is the direct current;the other is the alternating current.电流有两种,一种是直流电流,另一种是交流电流。第5节 翻译练习7 this chemical is are poisonous, parts require a hard, tough metal and others may be made of softer coolant serves no other purpose than to remove excess atomic nuclei undergo spontaneous disintegration while others do not.冷却剂除了排除多余的热以外没有任何其他用处。这些化学制品有毒,别的化学制品也有毒。
有些零件需要由硬的韧性金属制成,而有些则可由软的金属制成。有的原子核会同时裂变,而另外一些却不会。第5节 翻译练习8 another method is available to increase the system is always being transferred in one way or another, where there is any difference in temperature.凡有温差的地方,热都会以这样或那样的方式传输。还有另一种可增加系统容量的方法。第5节 翻译练习9 some metals burn more readily than specify a distance, we must use some unit of an object is warmer than the surrounding region, it loses some of its heat by particles require some a day to reach the earth.为了确定距离,我们必须使用某种长度单位。有些金属比另一些金属更容易燃烧。
当一个物体比周围环境热时,该物体会通过辐射失去它的一些热量。这些粒子大约需要一天的时间才能到达地球。4.6 it及其句型的译法 第6节 翻译练习1 it moves or rotates by a fixed amount each time an electrical pulse is applied to help avoid information overload, it(virtual convergence)will do this earth rotates as it travels through current flows through a conductor, it sets up a magnetic field.为了避免信息过载,它(虚拟连接)将会智能化地进行操作。对它每加一个电脉冲,它就移动或旋转一个固定的量。地球在空间运行时,它还要自转。电流通过导体,便产生磁场。第6节 翻译练习2 it is a $12-billion industry whose factories, numbering in the hundreds, are found all over the is twenty meters in height.那个行业资金达120亿美元,工厂有上千家,遍布世界各地。高度为20米。第6节 翻译练习3 it is very far to the is raining hard.到机场很远。雨下得很大。
第6节 翻译练习4 it is recommended that the screw be used to increase accuracy of using a laser, it is possible to throw very large and very clear television pictures on to a was pointed out that while the lead obtained from the disintegration of radium possessed all the characteristics of ordinary lead, it differed from it in atomic weight.使用激光器,可以将很大很清晰的电视图像投射到屏幕上。建议使用螺杆调节,以提高测量的精确度。
前已指出,虽然由镭蜕变而获得的铅具有普通铅的一切特性,但其原子量与普通铅不同。第6节 翻译练习5 it necessitates careful design of the apparatus to get rid of the is unknown when to begin to make transportable is interesting to compare the energy needed to place a satellite in orbit with the energy that would be required to cause it to escape.什么时候开始制造移动式变压器还不知道。除热需要对设备进行仔细设计。
把一颗卫星送入轨道所需的能量和使卫星脱离地球所需要的能量进行比较是很有意思的。第6节 翻译练习6 it used to be thought that when you see a word and speak it, several stages of processing are must be remembered that the condition may be silent until haematemesis, melaena or perforation is known that electronic computers play an important part in science and technology.大家必须记住,在呕血、黑便,或穿孔发生之前,该病可能无症状。过去人们常常认为一个词从看见到念出来包括好几个处理阶段。我们知道,电子计算机在科学和技术方面起着重要作用。第6节 翻译练习7 it follows that any form of preheat adds to the welder’s difficulties and causes discomfort, particularly when welding at high preheat temperature levels inside can be concluded that temperatures on the surface of venus is too hot for life as known on had been calculated that actual error probability for the value was of the order of 0.5 percent.由此可见,任何形式的预热都会增加焊工的困难,使他们身感不适,在容器内高温预热下施焊时尤其如此。
可以断定,金星表面的温度过热,地球上的生物是不能适应的。据计算,这个数值的实际误差概率约为0.5%。第6节 翻译练习8 it makes no difference when inducing an e.m.f., which moves, the coil or the is essential that the body of the machine is effectively earthed.在感应出电动势时,是线圈运动还是磁铁运动,这没有区别。这机器的机身必须有效接地,这一点十分重要。第6节 翻译练习9 the heating effect makes it possible to produce the find it possible to transform using a think it true that the human body is also a good conductor.热效应使产生光成为可能。
人体也是一种良好的导体,我们认为这点是正确的。第6节 翻译练习10 it is the voltmeter which we use to measure the is through this interface that the substation operator must control and monitor the entire was not until i came in that he began to repair the old generator.我们用来测量电压的就是伏特计。
it was not until the 19th century that heat was considered as a form of energy.直到19世纪,热才被认为是能的一种形式。第4章 总复习题
the rise in temperature could not have happened of the shape of a body complicated, it is possible to find out its more energy we desire to send, the higher we make the most typical humanlike characteristic of a robot is its arm.温度上升不可能是出于自身的原因。
in our studies of the implications for the first law, we were able to see the importance of the distinction between state and path first job of an electron tube is to get the electrons apart from their type of turbine usually rotates at a very low speed.那种汽轮机通常以非常低的速度运转。
small objects such as dust particles and water droplets fall only small distances before losing most of their same has happened to the central control re’s hardly any room for any impurities in such a microfiber.中心控制系统也发生过同样的事故。
his instances were lennard and stark, both of them were nobel laureates but later became fervent followers of primacy function of a regulator is to supply constant pressure to each best use of these equations is in checking the theoretical analyses using the other approaches.他举出勒纳德及史塔克为例子。这两个人都得过诺贝尔奖,但后来却成了狂热的希特勒信徒。这些方程式最大的用处是可对采用了其他方法的理论分析进行检验。调节器的基本功能是给每个装置提供稳定的电压。
it is desirable to characterize electrical noise as accurately as is known that local weather can be affected within a few days by meteorological conditions thousands of miles away from here.需要尽可能准确地表征电噪音。
我们知道,当地的天气在几天内会受到几千英里以外地区气象状况的影响。5.1 数词的译法 第1节 翻译练习1 liquid bromine boils at 58°c at which temperature it changes into a reddish-brown to the next operation after the voltage reaches have shown that the energy saving can rise about 40 percent.液态溴在58摄氏度时沸腾,在这个温度它变成红褐色的气体。等电压到了150伏时,进行下一个操作。试验证明,能量节约可增加40%左右。第1节 翻译练习2 of many thousands spare parts does not come up to the standard but one.a lot of counties have set up power stations, chemical fertilizer plants and a hundred and one other periodic table contains more than one hundred chemical elements belonging to eight families.在几千个备件中,只有一个不合格。
许多县已建立了发电站、化肥厂以及许多别的工厂。元素周期表由属于8个族的100多个化学元素组成。these materials become quite soft and flexible below 150° increase in the oxygen content of coal by 1% reduces that calorific value by some 1.7%.nearly 25 neurotransmitters have been found so far.这些材料在150摄氏度以下变得十分柔软、易于弯曲。煤的含氧量每增加1%,其热值就下降约1.7%。迄今为止,已经发现了大约25种神经传递素。第1节 翻译练习3 with the result of automation, productivity has increased by 5 times in that sales of industrial electronic products have increased to six output of the machine tools has multiplied four current has increased by a factor of three.由于自动化的结果,那个工厂的生产率提高到5倍。工业电子产品的销售额增加了5倍。机床产量增加了3倍。电流增加了2倍。第1节 翻译练习4 this type of furnace uses 4 times more electricity than that type rod is 4 times longer than that oxygen atom is nearly 16 times as heavy as the hydrogen atom.这种炉的耗电量是那种炉耗电量的4倍。这根杆比那根长3倍。
the atomic weight of helium is four times heavier than that of rolling bearing the starting friction is about twice the running friction.氦原子量比氢原子量重3倍。
滚动轴承的启动摩擦大概是转动摩擦的2倍。第1节 翻译练习5 the leads of the new condenser are shortened by six operation of cost decreased by five loss of electricity was reduced by a factor of pipe is four times lighter than that one.新型电容器的引线缩短了5/6。成本运行降至1/5。
这根管子重量是那根的1/4。电损减少了3/4。第1节 翻译练习6 weld strength can be increased by 45 have shown that the energy consuming can be reduced by 30 loss of energy has been reduced to less than 10 percent.焊接强度可增加45%。
its grain output was 18 percent higher than that in steel output is 30 percent higher than that of last year.其粮食产量比1998年高出18%。钢产比去年增加了30%。第1节 翻译练习7 ten to one, the experiment is unlikely to produce good figures show that the improvement of molecular refraction is within a factor of ten.十有八九,这项试验不可能得出好的结果。
这些数字表明分子折射度的改进值为一个数量级。5.2 形容词的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 suitable treatment shall be given as soon as possible to avoid hydrogen x computer systems are prone to software parts must be very strong so that they may not break in kind of steel becomes very hard and very brittle when hardened.尽快予以适当的处理,以免氢蚀脆化。复杂的计算机系统容易出现软件故障。零件必须十分坚固,才不会在使用中破损。这种钢淬火后就变得很硬很脆。第2节 翻译练习2 hydrogen is about one-fourteenth as dense as is a very light gas, only twice as heavy as floats because it is not as dense as water.氢的密度大约是空气密度的1/14。
氦气是一种很轻的气体,重量仅为氢气的2倍。冰浮起是因为它的密度比水的密度小。第2节 翻译练习3 in the thermosciences area, the mechanical engineer is concerned with thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat in a large measure is responsible for the high accuracy obtainable from such transmission ratio is dependent upon the ratio of the number of teeth of the meshing gear wheels.在热学领域,机械工程师关心的是热力学、流体力学和传热学。在很大程度上,这是从这类系统中获得高精度的原因。传动比取决于两个啮合齿轮的齿数比。
once the engine is underway, these auxiliaries are turned off.发动机一旦启动,这些辅助设备就关闭了。第2节 翻译练习4 recent discoveries have been made concerning the peculiar properties of certain ch and development is of particular importance to aerospace copper and most pure metals there is an appreciable increase in resistance with an increase in temperature.最近,对于某些半导体的奇怪特性有一些发现。研究和发展对航空航天工业非常重要。
one of the drawbacks of the early lasers was their inability of continuous metal ions interfere with electron flow and cause a great decrease in electron ating oils are used to ensure the smooth running of the machine.早期激光器的缺点之一是它不能连续工作。
这些金属离子阻碍电子流动,引起电子运动大幅减弱。使用润滑油是为了确保机器正常运转。第2节 翻译练习5 the most common application for bearing is the support of a rotating shaft that is transmitting power from one location to an world wide web is a unique medium for communication and for publishing.轴承最常见的应用是支撑旋转轴将功率从一处传至另一处。万维网是一个独特的通讯和出版媒体。第2节 翻译练习6 a practical means of transferring geothermal energy is to convert it to electric electron, if moving, produces a magnetic field.将地热能转变成电能是输送这种能量的一种切实可行的办法。电子如果运动,就会产生磁场。第2节 翻译练习7 needle bearings have a high load erable effort must be expended to ensure consistent blast volume, humidity and temperature.滚针轴承的承载能力大。
还要在确保风量、湿度和温度稳定方面做出相当大的努力。第2节 翻译练习8 the gear teeth should have the strength sufficient to ’ll do everything possible to improve the supply of hope everything ready for the ists have found a method of measurement suitable for most island waters and coastal areas.齿轮的齿必须具备足够的运转强度。我们将尽一切努力来改善电力供应。我们希望一切在开工之前就绪。
科学家们已经找到了一种适合大多数岛屿的近海和沿海地区的测量方法。coal is a kind of fuel suitable for power only transformer available is produced in shanghai.煤是一种适合发电的燃料。
第2节 翻译练习9 the resistance of the load is too high for the this reason the switching signal should be no steeper or larger than capacity to store water in their leaves is typical of desert is quite familiar with state function.负载的电阻对于放大器来说太高。
因此激励信号的斜率及宽度不应超过所要求的数值。在叶子中储存水的能力是沙漠植物的特性。他非常熟悉状态函数。第3节 翻译练习1 deserted soils are sparsely covered with shrubs and relationships used are briefly outlined.荒漠上稀疏地覆盖着灌木丛和杂草。这些用到了的关系已简要地概括出来了。5.3 副词的译法 第3节 翻译练习2 the resulting flux is confined essentially to the ly, and metal or alloy can be cast by precision ly the whole mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.所产生的磁通基本上被限制在环内。
在正常情况下,原子的整个质量都集中在原子核里。第3节 翻译练习3 admittedly, the term temporal coherence seems to imply an effect which is exclusively most important advantages of rolling bearings over sliding bearings is the most complete elimination of friction.不可否认,时间相干性这个术语似乎意味着一种只属于时间的效应。滚动轴承优于滑动轴承的最重要的优点在于几乎完全消除了摩擦。第3节 翻译练习4 we are certain that neutrons act differently from detect gases, a sample of air can be analyzed orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.我们确信中子的作用和质子的是不同的。
为了检测各种气体,可以对空气试样进行化学分析。朝向不相同的山坡,直接接收到的太阳辐射量是不同的。第3节 翻译练习5 the salts should be heated electrically, if methods of controlling pests chemically often have undesirable side effects;for this reason it is likely that the methods of controlling biologically will be applied increasingly in the ation takes place only at the surface of a liquid;boiling takes place throughout the liquid.如果可能的话,这些盐应该用电来加热。
用化学品控制害虫的方法常有不良的副作用,因此将来会越来越多地采用生物学方法。蒸发只是发生在液体表面,沸腾发生在液体各处。第3节 翻译练习6 the cpu also controls the flow of data to and from the peripheral is also possible to check the temperature distribution at the top of the burden, although the burden at the top of the furnace is not evenly is also an increased excretion of nitrogen, inorganic phosphorus, and sodium chloride(salt).cpu还控制着流向和来自外部设备的数据流。
尽管炉顶炉料的分布方式是不均匀的,但炉顶炉料的温度分布也还是可以检测的。推拿还促进氮、无机磷和氯化钠(盐)的排放。第3节 翻译练习7 a relatively small explosion would be enough to send a ship off at a very fast the core of this cloud became dense enough, gravity triggered the collapse of its inner ites---some large enough to be planets in their own right---either formed along with the giants or were captured later.一次较小的爆炸就足以将飞船以极快的速度发射出去。
第3节 翻译练习8 the watt is a small unit of power, so we use the kilowatt d of working with the space variable for electric field intensity we can work directly with voltage.瓦特是一个很小的功率单位,因此我们就改用千瓦代之。我们可以直接用电压来代替电场强度这个空间变量。第3节 翻译练习9 the experimental result was just the opposite of what i had introduction of laser into industry has only just begun.实验结果与我预料的刚好相反。激光用于工业还仅仅刚开始。第3节 翻译练习10 never lay tools or workpieces on the ways of a has never made a machine that, of itself, will continue in a state of uniform to now, atomic energy has never been used for aircraft propulsion.绝不要把工具或工件放在车床的导轨上。
人类从未制成过一台能自行永久保持匀速运动状态的机器。到目前为止,原子能从来没有被用于飞机的推进。第3节 翻译练习11 an electric current is only a shifting of we call mass is only another manifestation of when an object moves, is work done.电流仅仅是电的移动。
我们所说的质量只是能的另一种表现形式。物体只有移动时才做功。第3节 翻译练习12 gravity keeps the satellite in ise, it would drift off into inspection of the transmission lines revealed some possible faults that might otherwise have been overlooked.引力使卫星保持在轨道上,否则卫星就会偏离而进入太空。
他对输电线路进行检查,查出了一些故障,否则这些潜在的故障就会被忽视。第3节 翻译练习13 in a mathematical sense the impulse response is a rather sophisticated s depends on identifying radio stars with some kind of object emitting visible light---but radio astronomers can give their optical colleagues only rather imprecise directions as to where to operation of our generating unit was no better but rather worse.从数学意义上讲,冲量反应是个相当微妙的概念。
the temperature did not go up, as one had expected, but rather went are encouraged in designing a turbine rather than repairing deciding where an airplane actually is in the sky, we believe our eyes rather than our ears.温度没有像人们预料的那样上升,反而下降了。他们从事涡轮机的设计工作,而不是修理涡轮机。
要判断飞机在空中的确切位置,我们与其相信自己的耳朵不如相信自己的眼睛。第3节 翻译练习14 just as the feed-water supply system can be controlled, so the coal handling equipment can also be is for this reason that so much care has to be given to the burden preparation by sintering and by the blending of fluxes and many devices have utilized these processes.正如给水系统可由计算机控制那样,输煤设备也可以这样做。
正因为如此,必须通过优良烧结以及助熔剂和焦炭来精心准备高炉的炉料。如此之多的装置现已采用了这些工艺。第3节 翻译练习15 attention is given to the transformer, many women ignore the amount of iron they take particles are far too tiny to be seen with the strongest ed steel is too hard and too brittle for many tools.同时也注意变压器。
这种粒子太小,即使用最高倍的显微镜也看不见。硬化钢太硬、太脆,对许多工具的制作都不适宜。第3节 翻译练习16 many natural phenomena yet remain to be cause of this wear have not yet been the temperature is high, the resistance of a wire becomes yet greater.尚有许多自然现象有待研究。这种磨损的原因尚未查明。
this could turn out to be our biggest mistake is the biggest underground lake yet discovered.这是我们到目前为止所犯的最大错误。这是迄今已发现的最大的底下湖。5.4 形容词和副词比较级的译法 第4节 翻译练习1 the roads in our power plant are with a new kind of material, the strength of which is as great as that of do not change their form as easily as plastic bodies do.我们电厂的道路是一种新材料铺设的,这种新材料的强度与水泥的强度一样高。金属不像塑料物体那样容易变形。第4节 翻译练习2 this material can withstand higher stresses under repeated a higher capital cost for electric buses, the cash grant payable would be higher for a conventional one has an attitude of respect for the equipment, the end product will be more satisfactory.这种材料在交变载荷下可以承受较高的应力。
即使电瓶巴士投资成本高于传统车辆,传统车辆应支付的现金补贴也会更高。如果人们对生产设备持尊重态度,那么其生产出的成品也会更加令人满意。第4节 翻译练习3 the right genetic material, weight for weight, can be more valuable than precious metals and of the giant planets radiate more heat back into space than they absorb from the sun.恰当的遗传物质,就其重要性来说,要比贵金属和珠宝更有价值。
巨大的外层行星中有三颗射向太空的热量超过它们从太阳那里吸收的能量。第4节 翻译练习4 even quite small amounts of some impurities can make copper a much poorer conductor of um and copper are far more corrosion-resistant than ordinary steel.甚至很少量的杂质都可能会使铜成为性能差得多的导电体。铝和铜的抗腐蚀能力比普通钢高得多。第4节 翻译练习5 nuclear energy is being used more and more and more nuclear power stations are built up.核能用得越来越广泛了。建设了越来越多的核电站。第4节 翻译练习6 the greater the bearing load, the shorter will be the life of the bearing in farther out the line of the momentum extends, the greater the angular greater the cross-sectional area, the greater the strength will be.轴承的载荷越大,其以转数为单位的寿命就越短。动量作用线伸展得越远,角动量就越大。截面越大,强度越大。
5.5 形容词和副词最高级的译法 第5节 翻译练习1: polyacetylene is the simplest possible conjugated is the most prominent symptom of surgical disease.聚乙炔可能是最简单的共轭聚合物。疼痛是外科疾病最突出的症状。第5章 总复习题
this seems to indicate that further research would be is similar in construction to a .natural environment can be easily ruined by inappropriate ve charges are moving counterclockwise.这似乎表明进一步研究的必要性。交流电动机与直流电动机结构相似。开发不当容易毁坏自然资源。负电荷按逆时针方向流动。
the average value of voltage can be measured point by problem of materials is eased by the lower boiling a result, although there is minimal friction present, a lubricant is still absolutely l procedure for left-hand and right-hand cyclic cylinders is essentially the same.因此,虽然有很小的摩擦,但润滑剂仍旧是非常必要的。电压的平均值可以逐点测量。
substantially, anthecyanin, the pigment that turns leaves---and apples---red, is produced by sugars that remain after the nutrients are choked e will affect muscles throughout the this test the major part is backed off is also good for shock and impact term minimum life is also used to mean rating life.在此项实验中,主要部分被电补偿。
usually, a 2cm adjustment of the machine is enough to bring the pressure back to tics is a rather modern branch of ers provide the means for greater speed and accuracy in working with ideas than had previously been than a quarter of the energy of a human engine is converted into mechanical en is the lightest gas, its density being 0.0894 g/l.统计学是一门相当新的数学分支。
通常,把机器调整2厘米就足以使压力恢复正常。6.1 介词的一般译法 第1节 翻译练习1 in general, man serves as the source of infection while animals act as such only industrial robot shares many attributes in common with a numerical control machine tool.一般来说,人可作为感染源,而动物只是偶然如此。工业用机器人与数控机床有许多共同的特性。第1节 翻译练习2 with non-changeover control both the boiler plant and the chiller plant operate to provide simultaneous heating and cooling throughout the online service delivers substantially more value to our global audience of e-business professionals in the chemical, plastics and allied device can mimic photosynthesis to produce usable energy from sunlight.采用非转换控制,锅炉设备和制冷装置都在运行,全年可同时供暖和制冷。
这种装置能够模拟光合作用,利用阳光产生可用的能源。第1节 翻译练习3 the longitudinal axis of the turbine generator is perpendicular to the axis of the steam the right conditions, membranes are g of the spring induces residual stresses through bending.汽轮发电机的纵轴与锅炉轴线垂直。当条件适宜时,细胞膜会自行聚集。卷绕弹簧时因为弯曲引起了残余应力。第1节 翻译练习4 if leakage occurs around output shaft, replace seal and they give off a stronger signal to sensitive radiation detectors mounted over the subject’s head.如输出轴周围漏油,应更换密封件及填料。
因而它向安装在受试者头部上方的灵敏的辐射探测器发出的信号比较强。第1节 翻译练习5 it is customary to use electromagnets rather than permanent magnets for the flat screen technology eliminates curvature on the screen the charge on a conductor lies on its surface.通常磁场用的都是电磁铁而不是永久磁铁。这种纯平面技术可以消除屏幕表面的弯曲。导体的全部电荷都在其表面。6.2 介词短语的译法 第2节 翻译练习1 for ease of assembly and removal of the wheels, the outer races are press-fitted in the wheel the length much greater than its width, the coil is called only about half as many moving parts as a conventional engine, a wankel is only half the size and weight, and almost completely vibrationless.为了便于车轮安装和拆卸,把外套圈压入配合到轮毂里。如果长度远远超过了宽度,这种线圈就称为螺线管。由于其运动机件数几乎仅为一般发动机的一半,汪克尔发动机只有一般
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i did not buy good seat for movie last day.2.这个车间既做来料加工,又做来样加工。
this workshop processes raw material on client’s demand and processes according to investor’s sample as well.3.她在中国留学服务中心工作。
she works at chinese service center for scholarly exchange.4.烤烟,苹果,羊毛和甘薯是延安的四大农产品,年产量3.12亿元,占农业总产值的52.5%。
cured tobacco, apples, wool and sweet potatoes are the four main agricultural products in yan’an, their output values at 312 million yuan rmb, according for 5.2% of its total agricultural output values.5.可以预言,钛材在飞机或各种飞行器上的应用将会与日俱增,并且在其他工业中的应用也会扩大。it can be prophesied that titanium materials will be used increasing in aerospace and in other rise of blood pressure occurs with some other disease, it is called secondary hypertension.某种与其他疾病伴发的高血压,称为继发性高血压
of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book.本节内容如有更改,均见本书末附录。
that a microganism is capable of destroying one of anther species was first discovered by pasteur, who pointed out that can be used to the therapeutic use.英汉句子中心的差异
it’s truly amazing that they can produce cells that look like embryoric stem cells.2.1968年12月阿波罗8号宇宙飞船上那些想家的宇航员们在太空拍下了整个地球的彩照,此后在1970年4月很快就出现了第一个地球日,这绝非是历史的偶然。
it’s no accident of history that the first earth day in april 1970 came so soon after the color photograghs of the whole earth from space were made by homesick astronauts on the apollo 8 mission to the moon december 1968.3.你们已经取得了进步,对此我毫不怀疑。
there has been no doubt in my mind of the progress which you have achieved.4.由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快的重新实现访问,这使我感到特别高兴。
i was all the more delighted when as a result of the initiative of your government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.5.由于现代世界的发展和近年来在单门学科狭窄前沿上的研究进展,出现一些极其复杂的难题,单凭一两人的力量是无法对它们进行透彻研究的。
one cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world and by recent development in our knowledge along the narrow front of a single discipline.6.这种小型热带鱼由于具有自行修复受损和患病的眼部细胞的独特能力,长期以来一直为科学家所关注。the tiny tropical fish has long interested scientists because of its unique ability to repair damaged and diseased cells in their own eyes.7.不努力就不会成功。
one can never succeed without making great efforts.8.想到要出国深造,他激动不已。
he felt greatly excited at the thought of going abroad for further study.9.如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,将不胜感激。
i would appreciated if samples or brochure could be soon forward to us.10.如能尽早回复,我将非常感谢。
i would appreciated it if you can reply as soon as possible.11.他本来在天津开会,会议一结束,他就上北京去度假了,昨天才坐飞机回来。
he had flown yesterday from beijing where he spent his vocation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in practice, the selected interval thickness is usually a compromise between the need for a thin interval to maximize the resolution and a thick interval to minimize the error.为保证最大的分辨率必须选用薄层,为使误差最小必须选用厚层,实际上要权衡一下来选择厚度。
aluminum remained unknown until 19th century, because no free aluminum can be found in the nature, due to the metal can connected with other elements, most commonly with oxygen for aluminum and oxygen having strong was to test the effect of mercury on the heart that the two new studies compared the mercury levels in clipping from toenails, where heavy metal tend to be deposited.重金属通常是富集在指甲内,于是两项新的研究比较了脚趾甲剪取物中的汞水平,以此来考察对比心脏的影响。
1.人体t细胞白血病病毒:human t-cell leukemia virus 2.国际经济新秩序:a new international economic order 3.第五届全国化学生物学学术会议:the 5th national conference on chemical biology academy of sciences:国家科学院
ew of gmp, quality system and compliance in the us:美国的gmp和质量体系合规性概观
side effect of the chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer:治疗癌症的化疗药的一般副作用 7.这个通信卫星可以在任何时间向任何地点有效的传递语音信号和数据信号。
the communications satellite can send voice signal and data signal to any place at anytime.8.昨天在真空中进行了这个反应。
the reaction is carried out in a vacuum yesterday.9.中国南京江宁区龙眠大道639号。
639 longmian avenue, jiangning district, nanjing, china the gene is activated, mice exhibit symptoms that mimic depression.基因被激活,小鼠表现出抑郁的症状。
1 temperature is between 20-25℃ in the lab no matter when it is measured.无论什么时候测量,实验室的温度都保持在20-25度之间。12.无论出于固态,液态或气态,水的化学成分都保持不变。
the chemical constituents of water remains constant whether it is in solid, liquid or gaseous -tof-ms is a rapid and sensitive proteomic technique that has been applied to identify biomarkers in various diseases.14.由于甜椒中的亲脂性成分,用极性洗脱液洗脱的甜椒样品表现出更高的生物活性。
the sweet pepper samples eluted with polar eluents exerted high bioactivity due to their lipophilic component.15.该项准则随后成为了全球公认的评价口服固体剂型均匀度的非药典测量方法。
1. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化。
the rotation of earth its axis causes the change from day to night.2. 采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。
the adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.3. 为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力。a force is needed to move an object against inertia.4. 许多学贯中西的大师的经历证明,学不好母语的人,也不可能真正学好外语。
the experience of many great master well versed in the learning of both chinese and western cultures have shown that without a mastery of his native language, it is impossible for one to be truly at home with a foreign language.增词减词 增词
the football match, he’s got an important said he’d come to the job was sweeping, scratching, cleaning.4.i could knit when i was typewriter is indeed cheap and e of its reliability and simplicity evaporation is often applied on a large scale, normally using steam as the heat ion will make iron and steel an el nino the pressures over australia, indonesia and the philippines are higher than normal, which results in dry conditions or even droughts.re there no gravity, there would be no air around the sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely beings have not yet been able to make an element by combining protons, neutrons and is a mixture of in the universe are changing all the c bowls marked microwavable are probably safer than those that aren’ can be changed into energy and energy into earth’s population is doubling, the environment is being damaged.1 chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects.减词
1.由于失业率增高,美元币值下降,股票市场处于困境之中,经济问题将是总统所面临的最严峻的考验。with high unemployment, the low dollar and the distr stock market, the economy will be the president’s trail.2.你参加过花样滑冰项目的比赛吗?
various channels and ways should be explored to promote the language development of children.6.这家航空公司需要加强改进和完善运行机制。
the airline company should make intensive effort to change and improve.7.回顾过去病史,未发现感染反复发作。
11.抗氧化剂是某种存在于食品中的化学物质。antioxidant is a chemical in food.12.这台较复杂的电脑又能设计出一台更为复杂的电脑,而且还可以一代代更加复杂精密的开发,研制下去。this more complex computer could design one still more complex and soon…
句意反译 肯定译为否定
1. 这份说明书不够详尽。the specification lacks details.2. 我们不应该再把海洋当成人类的生活污水和工业污水的垃圾场了。we should stop treating the sea as a dump for human and industrial effluent.3. 精密仪器必须保持无尘。
precise instrument must be keep free from the dust.4. 铁箱能使地球磁场影响不了指南针。
an iron case will keep the earth’s magnetic field away from the compass.5. 我们无权签此合同。
it’s beyond our power to sign the contract.6. 他们公司在产品的包装和宣传上明显比不上竞争对手。
their company is obviously inferior to their rival in product packing and are many other energy source in store.有很多能源尚未开发。
the high altitude snow and ice remain all year.高海拔处冰雪常年不化。
rubber prevents electricity from passing through it, it is used as insulating material.由于橡胶不导电,所以可以用作绝缘材料。
have found your terms and conditions agreeable.我们对你的章程和条款没有异议。
study of genetics will never be so all encompassing as to gobble up every subject from medicine to sociology.遗传学几乎包含了从药学到社会学的所有学科。
advantages of nano-structured materials do no end here.纳米材料的优点一言难尽。
recently geneticists were not interested in particular gene.基因学家最近才开始对特定基因感兴趣。’t lose time in posting this letter.请及时送达这封信。
deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced.凭票退押金。
was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced without delay.这意味着这个设施需要按时设计和生产。
is not as dense as water and it therefore floats.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。
se bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100℃ 100℃可以杀灭细菌。
s importance can’t be stressed too strongly.它的重要性怎么强调也不为过。
don’t consider melting to be chemical changes.我们认为熔化不改变化学成分。
1 doctor do not expect that the patient with breast cancer will recover.医生认为乳腺癌患者康复机率小。
could not be too careful in a new neighborhood.搬到一个新住处要越小心越好。
has priced itself out of his dish.猪肉太贵,他吃不起。
does not allow us to further analyze this problem here.限于篇幅,我们不能在此对这个问题做进一步分析。 now optimism had given way to doubt.至此,人们不再盲目乐观,而是疑惑重重。
hylline does not share the usual objection to vasodilators.人们通常反对使用血管扩张剂但并不反对使用氨茶碱。 exigency of the case admitted of no alternative.情况紧急,别无选择。
never occurred to me that she was dishonest.我从来没想过她不老实。
was a strike participated in by five thousand workers.五千个工人参加了罢工。
8.“there is an increased level of anxiety disproportionate to the actual risk,” says jerrold bushberg, who directs programs in health physics at the university of california at davis.“it’s the dose that makes the ’s not a binary thing.”
resistance can be determined provided that the voltage and current are know.已知电压和电流可以确定电阻。
things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.有人在此讲了不该讲的话
is said that the rhythm of tides is affected by moon.月亮影响潮汐规律。
suddenly i got an idea./suddenly an idea struck me.13.不同的人对食物持不同的态度。
different people have different attitude towards food./attitudes toward food vary from person to person.14.人们一致认为植物病毒不会感染动物,反之亦然。
it has always been assumed that plant virus cannot infect animals and vice started with a morning visit to the modern campus of the 22000-student university of michigan in nearby ann arbor, where the chinese table tennis team joined students in the cafeteria inn for lunch and later played an exhibition match.中国乒乓球队在星期五早上参观了坐落于安娜堡附近,拥有2200名学生的密歇根大学的现代化校园,并在学校自助餐厅与学生一起进餐,然后进行了一场表演赛。
has been a striking continuous, but unexplained decline in the reported death rate of gastric carcinoma in the united states from 34 per 1,000,000 population in 1930 to 8 per 100,000 currently.据报道,美国的胃癌死亡率一直在明显地持续下降,从1930年的0.034%到目前的0.008%,但原因不明。 journey from embryonated egg to the ligase chain reaction has embraced an enormous amount of work involving tissue cell culture ,enzyme immunoassay, fluorescence ,and molecular techniques.从最早的鸡胚(中分离得到衣原体)发展到用连接酶链锁反应(诊断衣原体感染),医学专家们进行了组织细胞培养、酶免疫测定、荧光反应和分子技术等大量工作。
o has been used to treat malaria in china for over 2000 years.在中国使用青蒿治疗疟疾已经有2000多年历史了。re problems must be solved before the tests start.考试开始之前必须解决这些问题。
may be treated with drugs, physical measures or surgery.药物,物理治疗,外科手术可以治疗疼痛。
patient is questioned by a doctor about his present complaint and the date of the onset of the disease.医生询问病人现在的情况以及疾病开始的时间。
l elements and compounds may be extracted directly from seawater.一些元素和化合物可以从海水中直接提取出来。
a current is flowing through a wire, the latter is being heated.电线有电流通过后会发热。
magnetic field are know to come from the human body.已知人体会产生一定的微弱的磁场。
resistance must be given careful consideration when the missile is to be designed.导弹设计时要特别注意空气阻力问题。
is claimed that soap powders polluted the water we drink.有人声称肥皂粉污染了我们的饮用水源。10.心脏往往被看作是人体最重要的器官。
the heart is often regarded as the most important human organ.11.雄性wistar大鼠20只随机分成对照组和糖尿病组。male wistar rats were spanided into two groups randomly :control group and diabetes group.12.本文以前没有发表过,目前也没有考虑投寄其他杂志发表。
this paper has not been previously published, also not been considered in other journal at ation is normally carried out by the a, b, or c family polymerases with high fidelity and high processivity.复制过程通常是由具有高保真性和高持续合成性的聚合酶家族a,b或c实施的。
conflict between the urgent need for new antimicrobial agents against resistance bacteria in clinic and less development of new antibiotics should be resolved by the cooperations among enterprises , government and institutions.企业、政府和科研机构之间的合作将是解决临床对于治疗耐药菌感染的新型药物的迫切需求与抗菌药研发处于低谷之间矛盾的方法。or耐药菌感染治疗急需新型抗菌药物,而抗菌药物的研究开发处于相对低谷,由此所产生的矛盾应该由企业、政府与科研机构合作解决。
gh an association between migraine and chest pain has been described, an association between migraine and coronary events has not been firmly established.虽然先前已有过关于偏头痛和胸痛之间关联的描述,但是偏头痛和冠心病之间的关联尚未确立。
if things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost.2.要了解中国,可以有很多视角。
there are different angles to approach china.3.学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。
only by learning from the advances is it possible for one to catch up with and surpass them.4.与其说海洋把陆地分开,不如说海洋把陆地连在一起。the ocean do not so much spanide the world as unite it.5.从他家到公园很近。
it is only a stone’s throw from his house to the park.6.我的家乡冬天很少下雪。it seldom snows in my hometown.7.可以采用各种方法使温度下降。
we can take all sorts of measures to bring the temperature s methods can be adopted to keep the temperature down.8.首先要保证产品的质量。
the quality of the products must be guaranteed.9.操纵这些机器时必须小心。
be careful when operating these machines.10.要着力解决经济社会发展中的突出矛盾。
efforts must be made to resolve the prominent conflicts in economic and social development.11.使用电子显微镜,能获得大得多的放大倍数。
much greater magnification can be obtained when electronic microscope is used.12.该项实验中肯定困难很多。
there must be many difficulties in the experiment.13.没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺利。without facility, there would be no difficulty, and vice versa.14.对母语是英语的人来说,根本不可能4个星期就学会汉语。
it is impossible for native english speakers to master chinese in just four weeks.15.已经决定几个月后进行生产。
it has been decided that production should begin in a few months.16.建议采用中国生产的设备。
it is suggested that the equipment made in china be adopted.17.随信附上我们新开发产品的样品。
enclosed are samples of our newly developed products.定语从句
and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore.太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。
is a condition in which the body temperature is higher than normal.发烧是提问高于正常的情况。
ial hypertension is the name given to the type of hypertension for which no cause can be found.原因不明的高血压成为原发性高血压。
chemicals that make metabolism possible come from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.使新陈代谢成为可能的化学物质来自我们呼吸的空气、所饮的水和所吃的食物。
body consists of a large number of organs, each of which has its own particular function to perform.人体由大量器官构成,每种器官都有特殊的功能。
en is stored in the liver, which is released as needed in the form of glucose.糖原储存于肝,需要时以葡萄糖的形式释放出。
ion can be performed with acupuncture analgesia, which is a great contribution to the development of medical science.手术可用针刺痛法进行,这对医学的发展是一大贡献。
blood flows from the small arteries into the capillaries in which it gives up oxygen to the body cells and removes wastes from the tissues.血流由小动脉流入血管,在毛细血管血液把氧释放给身体的细胞并从组织中排除废物。
know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.我们知道由于猫的眼睛比人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以可以在夜间看的清楚。 disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life.此病可发生于任何年龄,但以年轻的成年人常见。
should be suspected in persons who have any of these symptoms and signs for unaccountable causes and for an unreasonable period of time.如果病人具有任何这些症状和体征,病因又难以说明,而且持续时间长,就应怀疑癌症。
world countries export their mineral deposit and tropical agriculture products, which bring them desired foreign exchange.第三世界国家出口矿物和热带农作物以换取所需的外汇。 purpose for which electricity is used is numerous.电的用途是很多的。
ately, there are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless.幸好,有些化学燃料是洁净无烟的。
was believed that perhaps during its existence inside the body of the mother, the growing embryo becomes fixed on the sound of the heart beat;if this is so, then the discovery of this familiar sound after birth might have a calming effect on the infant, especially as it has just been thrust into a strange and frightening new world outside.据说,在母体发育期间,胎儿的注意力可能会集中于心跳的节律;如果是这样,那么外界相似的声音可能会对出生后的婴儿产生镇静作用,特别是刚来到这陌生又可怕的新世界的婴儿。
s show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill patients do not want to know the truth about their condition , and that informing them risking destroying their hope , so that they may recover more slowly , or deteriorate faster , perhaps even commit suicide.研究表明,大多数医生深信重病患者并不想知道他们的真实病情,冒着会毁灭他们希望的风险告知他们事实,会使他们恢复得更慢,或者会加速恶化,甚至导致自杀。
had cleared up those confusions which arose from different medicines that had been given a same name and different names that had been given to the same substance.同名不同药,同药不同名,由此造成的混淆,他都一一予以澄清。
was to test the effects of mercury on the heart that two new studies compared the mercury levels in clippings from toenails,(where heavy metals tend to be deposited).因为重金属容易在脚趾甲富集,为了测试汞对心脏的影响,所以两项新的研究比对了从脚趾甲上剪下的碎片中的汞水平。
should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? 比如说一个46岁的男子----在与家人外出度假之前进行常规身体检查---尽管他自己感觉很好,但医生发现他患有某种癌症,6个月内会死亡,这时医生该怎么对他讲呢?
is no more difference, but there is the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person ,as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in common scales , and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights.科学家的思维活动和普通人的思维活动之间存在着差别。这种差别就跟面包师或卖肉的人与化学家在操作方法上的差别一样——前者用普通的秤称商品的重量,后者则用天平和精密的砝码进行艰难复杂的定量分析。其差别不过如此而已。
hope of “early discovery” of lung cancer followed by surgical cure, which currently seems to be the most effective form of therapy, is often thwarted by spanerse biology behaviors in the rate and direction of growth of cancer.肺癌早期发现,随后进行外科治疗,这可能是目前最有效的治疗办法,但这个希望由于肺癌生长速度和方向等生物学特征不相同而破灭。
the periods the snakes’ saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today.在演化的过程中,蛇的唾液——一种温和、助消化的像人类唾液一样的液体——变成了甚至在今天也难以分析的毒液。
scientists hope stem cells can be used to grow a range of tissues, from brain tissue to treat diseases such as parkinson’s, in which brain cells are destroyed, to juvenile diabetes, in which key cells in the pancreas die off.但科学家希望干细胞能用来分化成一系列组织,如从脑组织到胰腺组织,用于治疗由于脑细胞被破坏引起的疾病如帕金森病以及由胰腺关键细胞死亡引起的青少年糖尿病。
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