
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-24 08:13:14
时间:2023-05-24 08:13:14     小编:cyyllee



unit 1 will people have robots?

1.i think in 100 years, people will study on computers, not on p_________________.纸,纸张

don’t need to work at can buy a r______________ to help with all the housework.机器人

careful.i don’t think everyone can do e_______________ well this time.一切

at that new b____________ over ’ll soon move into it.建筑

5.f___________ people write with their left hand than with their right, do they?更少

the f__________ people will have fewer and fewer cars.将来

father usually w____________ up early.叫醒

w__________ a letter to his father last week.写

always d____________ herself very nicely when she goes to work.穿着

father wants to be an a_____________ when he grows hopes to fly to the moon.宇航员

11.i think i should do my homework all by m____________.自己

12.i’m sure my dream will come t___________.实现

is i______________ for him to finish the work in such a short time.不可能

14.p___________ the future is really hard for us.预测

15.i can hear some s____________ from that tall tree.声音

junlong and nie haisheng are famous chinese a__________________.宇航员

school built a new a____________ in the school so that new foreign teachers can live inside it.公寓

cities are usually c___________ in the main are people here and mother says i am old enough to d____________ myself !i wear all these clothes myself.穿衣

unit 2 what should i do?

1.—what’s w____________ with you, sam?--i can’t find my key to open the thinks his computer is out of he decides to buy a new one.款式

3.i had a fight with sam, and we a___________ with each other a lot.争吵

said what he said really s____________ her a lot, because she didn’t know why he got so angry with her.使…惊讶

the boys wanted to go to beijing, but e__________ of them could go, because there was only one train ticket.任何…

unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

1.i think the plane will l____________ in five minutes.离开

girl was w___________ down the street when the accident happened.散步

plane t____________ off from tokyo at 20:00 last night.起飞

i came into the barber’s shop, was c_____________ his hair.剪发

old lady was so s______________ that she couldn’t move at ’s dangerous to j___________ off this tall tree.跳下

was raining hard when the plane a____________ at shanghai airport.到达

didn’t like school and r___________ away from school two years ago.跑

9.i don’t know what is ’s go and have a look.发生

i found him, he was cutting his hair in a b_____________ shop.理发店

one knew what h____________ before they came to the museum.发生

she was in the kitchen, she heard someone s____________ for help.叫喊

1y were talking to some police o____________ in the park at that time.警官

unit 4 he said i was little shy girl got n__________ when she saw the head teacher coming towards friends all believe what she said, because she is always t____________ to wanted to post this letter, so he went to the post office to buy some stamps and an e________________.信封

are so l____________ to have such good and patient teachers.幸运的 weather was bad and the food was so holiday was very , john.i’ll leave you a qq m_____________ online this evening.信息

7.i exercise every day, so i am now in good h____________.健康

sister was s__________ to have lunch with her teacher in the restaurant.期望

unit 5 if you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

brother runs very wants to be an a___________ when he grows up.运动员

ir fathers had to work on building sites to make a l______________.谋生

re is only a desk and a chair in my b____________, except my bed.卧室

some discussions, most people are for his idea, and still some of them are a___________ it.反对

’ve got nothing to c___________ all do the same here.抱怨

asked me to o___________ a small english party to help them practice english.组织

people buy newspapers at the a_____________.报亭

knows how the accident h_____________.发生

you lose this c_____________ to get this job, i think you can’t get a better one.机会

’s very popular among the young people to wear j_____________, even in the summer time.牛仔裤

should stop cutting down trees and help the animals in d______________.危险

’t s____________.i can hear you.叫喊

unit 6 how long have you been collecting shells?

1.—how long has your father been a doctor?--f__________ twenty years.2.—what’s your hobby?--i like c____________ stamps very much.收集

you know the answer, please r__________ your hand.举手

4.―jim skates well‖ means he is a good s___________.溜冰者

has been skating s___________ he was six.自从

6.—what can we do to help mingming? he’s too poor to go to school next year.--why not r___________ some money for him?集资

7.—wow, you have such a good collection of coins!

--i love collecting coins, but now i feel worried, for i can’t find enough room to s__________ them.存放

8.—when did you get your first p__________ of skates?

--at the age of six, when i began to learn skating.双

9.– are you i_____________ in skating?--sure.i am a skating lover.感兴趣

10.—do you know what the longest distance run is?

--of course it is m_____________.马拉松



name 联想方式:na:那;me:我

记忆方法:你们都有英文名字了,那我叫什么名字呢? clock 联想方式:clo-(骷髅);ck-(刺客)记忆方法:骷髅刺客站钟上。nice 联想方式:ni:你 ce:厕所 记忆方法:你的厕所很漂亮 meet 联想方式:m:妈 ee:眼睛 t:雨伞 记忆方法:妈睁开两只眼睛就看到(遇见)雨伞 you 联想方式:you-游

记忆方法:我和你一起去旅游吧。what 联想方式:w:我;hat:帽子

记忆方法:猜,我帽子里有什么? hello 联想方式:he:他;llo:110 记忆方法:他打电话给110说“喂”。and 联想方式:a:一;nd:牛顿 记忆方法:一个牛顿和另外一个牛顿,都不是真的牛顿。her 联想方式:h花;er儿

记忆方法:这花儿是她的歌迷送的 question 联想方式:ques(缺少);tion(神)记忆方法:现在问题是缺少神的庇佑。answer 联想方式:an:一个;sw(上网);er儿子

记忆方法:一个正在上网的儿子是不会回答你问题的 look 联想方式:loo-100k-机关枪

记忆方法: 联想方式:f—发i—蜡烛rst—瑞士糖

记忆方法:首先发蜡烛,用蜡烛烧瑞士糖 last(n.最后;上个 adj.最后的;最近的,最新的 vi.持续;持久 vt.度过,拖过;使维持 adv.最后;上次,最近地)


记忆方法:我们的工作就是一直地拉石头。boy 联想方式:bo-(伯)y-(形状像衣叉)记忆方法:伯伯用衣叉打男孩 girl 联想方式:g:哥哥;i:爱;rl:日历 记忆方法:哥哥爱上了日历中的女孩。zero 联想方式:ze—(选)择

记忆方法:选择零度的肉会更好 one 联想方式:one:谐音“玩”

记忆方法:第一名就可以去玩了。two 联想方式:two:兔子 记忆方法:有2只兔子。three 联想方式:tree-(树);h-(椅)记忆方法:树中间有三椅子。four 联想方式:f:飞;our:我们的

记忆方法:张开四肢,飞向我们的家园。five 联想方式:f:飞;i我;ve维生素e 记忆方法:为了飞起来我必须吃五颗维生素e six 联想方式:s:蛇;i爱;x剪刀

记忆方法:蛇爱用六把剪刀剪断自己 seven 联想方式:se:色;v漏斗;en摁

记忆方法:用七种颜色的漏斗摁背部很舒服 eight 联想方式:e:饿;i爱;ght桂花糖 记忆方法:饿的时候爱吃八颗桂花糖 nine 联想方式:ni:你;ne:呢 记忆方法:我是9号,你呢? telephone 联想方式: tele(特别快乐);ph(破坏); one 记忆方法:我听了电话后特别快乐 number 联想方式:num(怒骂);ber(伴儿)记忆方法:怒骂伴儿忘了号码 phone 联想方式:ph(破坏);one(一个)记忆方法:歹徒破坏了一个电话。card 联想方式:car小汽车;d狗

记忆方法:小汽车上的狗叼着一张卡片 第二单元 pencil 联想方式:pen-(钢笔

记忆方法:钢笔(pen)在磁力作用下变铅笔。book 联想方式:boo:600;k机关枪 记忆方法:600支机关枪对着书本扫射 eraser 联想方式:er:儿子;as:像;er:儿子 记忆方法:橡皮擦的儿子像黑板擦的儿子 ruler 联想方式:ru:入;l:了;er:儿子 记忆方法:进入了儿子的房间,看到了一地的尺子。case 联想方式:ca-(查);se-(蛇)记忆方法:打开箱子,检查蛇毒。dictionary 联想方式:di弟;cti抽屉;on上面;a一本;ry日语 记忆方法:弟弟抽屉上面有一本日语词典 excuse 联想方式:ex(一些);cuse(出色)记忆方法:一些出色的人也会找借口。thank 联想方式:th:太后;a:一个;nk:耐克 记忆方法:谢谢太后,赐给我一双耐克鞋。english 联想方式:en-赢;g-格;lish-力士 记忆方法:赢了格斗的大力士是英国人 how 联想方式:how:谐音“好” 记忆方法:怎么个好法? baseball 联想方式:ba-(爸爸)se-(色)ball-(球)记忆方法:爸爸手拿着的彩色球是棒球呢!watch 联想方式:wa青蛙;t伞;ch吃 记忆方法:青蛙撑着伞边吃边观看 computer 联想方式:com~come来;put放;er人

记忆方法:电脑买回来,放好,人就可以使用了 game 联想方式:game-家门

记忆方法:两个小孩子在家门口玩游戏。key 联想方式:key-可疑

记忆方法:警察检查那把可疑的钥匙。notebook 联想方式:note(笔记);book(本)记忆方法:合成词,由笔记(note)和本子构成笔记本。ring 联想方式:ring-铃 记忆方法:ring-铃 call 联想方式:c:弯月;all:所有

记忆方法:弯弯的月亮上面所有的人都在打电话。lost 联想方式:lo10;st手提

记忆方法:我丢失了10部手提电脑 please 联想方式:pl-漂亮;e-鹅;a一条;se-蛇 记忆方法:漂亮的鹅请一条蛇跳舞 found 联想方式:ground-found 记忆方法:高房也是从地面建立起来的。school 联想方式:s:蛇;ch:吃;oo:两个鸡蛋;l:了 记忆方法:蛇mm在吃两个鸡蛋,吃完了就去学校。三单元 sister 联想方式:s蛇;is是;te特;r人 记忆方法:蛇是姐妹特别的亲人 mother 联想方式:mo(莫);t(提);her(她的)记忆方法:莫提起她的母亲,否则她会伤心。father 联想方式:fat(肥胖);her(她的)记忆方法:比较胖的那个是她的爸爸。parent 联想方式:pa(怕);rent(任童)记忆方法:父母都怕任性的儿童。brother 联想方式:br-(不如);other-(其他)记忆方法:他不如他其他的兄弟有出息。grandmother 联想方式:grand(感染到);mother(母亲).记忆方法:奶奶的感冒感染到(grand)母亲(mother)grandfather 联想方式:gr-工人;and-和;father-爸爸 记忆方法:工人和爸爸去看望爷爷 friend 联想方式:fri访日;end 最后 记忆方法:朋友访日,最后定居。grandparents 联想方式:gr工人;and和;parents父 记忆方法:工人和父母一起照顾好祖父母 those 联想方式:tho天后;se射 记忆方法:天后射中那些蛇。these 联想方式:the-这;se 蛇

记忆方法:这条蛇吃这些青蛙。aunt 联想方式:a一个;u桶;nt奶糖

记忆方法:阿姨往一个桶里面装满奶糖 cousin 联想方式:cou愁;sin四年

记忆方法:为上学的事情,表哥愁四年。daughter 联想方式:da大;ught有个很听;er(人)记忆方法:大伯有个很听话的女儿 uncle 联想方式:un(“不”);cle(可乐)记忆方法:叔叔不喝可乐。picture 联想方式:pic-皮层;tu-涂;re-热 记忆方法:那个艺术家在他表皮层涂了很多热门的图片 dear 联想方式:d-狗;ear-耳朵 记忆方法:对着狗耳朵说亲爱的 photo 联想方式:p-皮鞋ho-海鸥to-去 记忆方法:穿着皮鞋的海鸥去拍照片。here 联想方式:he-喝;re-热

记忆方法:要喝热水,到这里 四单元 where [weə] adv.在哪里 conj.在„地方; 联想方式:wh:武汉;er儿子:e饿 记忆方法:在武汉儿子饿了,到哪里找吃的呢? table ['teibəl] n.桌子;表格

联想方式:table-他不乐 记忆方法:他不乐就拍桌子 bed [bed] n.床 联想方式:bed-被单

记忆方法:被单叠好放床上 dresser ['dresə] n.梳妆台

联想方式:dress;er 记忆方法:dress+er sofa ['səufə] n.沙发 联想方式:sofa-沙发

记忆方法:他躺在沙发上看电视。chair [tʃeə] n.椅子


记忆方法:一把椅子奔驰在空气中 drawer [drɔ:] n.抽屉 联想方式:draw(画);er(“人”的名词后缀)记忆方法: [plɑ:nt] v.种植 n.植物

联想方式:pl(疲劳);ant(蚂蚁)记忆方法:疲劳的蚂蚁吃力爬上植物。under ['ʌndə] prep.在...之下;低于 联想方式:u:你 nd:脑袋 er:耳朵 记忆方法:在你的脑袋下面有耳朵 they [ðei] pron.他(她、它)们


记忆方法:这个特大的树丫挡住了他们 know [nəu] v.知道;了解;认识

联想方式:k-机关枪now-现在 记忆方法: [mæθ] n.数学 联想方式:ma(妈);ths(她会算)记忆方法:我妈妈她会算数学的 video ['vidiəʊ] n.视频,录像


(六);de(德);o(山洞)记忆方法:六个德国人在山洞中看录像。tape [teip] n.磁带 v.用磁带录音 联想方式:ta(他); pe(皮衣)记忆方法:他皮衣里掉出一盒磁带。take [teik] v.拿,取;花费;搭乘 联想方式:take-他可

记忆方法:他可以免费坐车 thing [θiŋ] n.东西;事情 联想方式:th铁盒;ing硬 记忆方法:铁盒是硬东西 bring [briŋ] v.带来

联想方式:br(病人);ing(苍蝇)记忆方法:病人带来来苍蝇 some [sʌm] a.一些;某一 pron.一些;若干 联想方式:so收;me我 记忆方法:她终于肯收我的一些礼物 need [ni:d] v.需要 n.需要;必要之物 联想方式:n门;ee两只眼睛;d电 记忆方法: [flɔ:] n.地面,地板;(楼房的)层 联想方式:f罚;loo(100);r(人)记忆方法:罚100人兔子在每层楼上兔子跳 room [ru:m] n.房间;空间

联想方式:roo(200);m(米)记忆方法:200米宽的房间。desk [desk] n.书桌,写字台

联想方式:de得;sk-时刻 记忆方法:书桌得时刻保持干净 have [hæv] aux.已经 v.有


记忆方法:哈,唯一的一个苹果我吃了。soccer ['sɔkə] n.英式足球;足球 联想方式:so(因此);cc(长长);er(人)记忆方法:如此长长的人最适合踢英式足球。tennis ['tenis] n.网球(运动)联想方式:ten

(十);n(门);is(是)记忆方法:有十个门的场所是网球场。racket ['rækit] n.球拍;喧闹


记忆方法:那个运动员拿着球拍,拉一个乘客跳车 volleyball ['vɔlibɔ:l] n.排球 联想方式:volley(vi.迸发),跟valley相似,;ball(球)记忆方法:排球队员在山谷中训练。basketball ['bɑ:skitbɔ:l] n.篮球

联想方式:basket-(篮子)ball-(球)记忆方法:篮子里装的球就是篮球!does [dʌz] v.做(do的第三人称单数现在式)联想方式:do 做;es 很多 记忆方法:他每天做很多事情 play [plei] v.玩;演奏;播放 n.游戏;剧本;比赛

联想方式:pl-漂亮ay-阿姨 记忆方法: [wel] adv.很好地 n.井,源泉 联想方式:we-(我们);ll-(一一)记忆方法:我们一一做好它。sound [saund] n.声音 vi.听起来;发出声音 联想方式:sou—搜nd—脑袋 记忆方法:搜脑袋,听起来很荒谬。good [ɡud] a.好的 n.好处;善行 联想方式:goo-900d-弟弟 记忆方法:有900个弟弟是好的。sport [spɔ:t] n.运动 v.参加体育运动

联想方式:sport~spt(售票厅);or(哦)记忆方法:哦,白云山售票厅前有很多阿婆在做运动呢。many ['meni] a.许多的 pron.许多;许多人 联想方式:many-满意

记忆方法:很多人对这次课程的效果很满意 club [klʌb] n.俱乐部 联想方式:c车;lub路边

记忆方法:他停车路边,进了俱乐部 more [mɔ:] pron.更多的数量 adv.更多 联想方式:mo(漠);re(热)记忆方法:沙漠之热更热。class [klɑ:s] n.班级;种类;阶级;课

联想方式:c-(常);la-(拉);ss-(师生)记忆方法:班上的人常拉师生关系。interesting ['ɪntrɪstɪŋ] a.有趣的


记忆方法:在房里面虽然特热, ['bɔ:riŋ] a.乏味的;令人厌烦的

联想方式: bo-脖子 r-草 ing-鹰

记忆方法:ult ['difikəlt] a.难的,艰难的 联想方式:dif(地方);ficu(废除);lt(乐透)记忆方法:让所有地方废除乐透赌博是困难的。watch [wɔtʃ] vt.观看;当心 n.手表,表 联想方式:wa青蛙;t伞;ch吃 记忆方法:青蛙撑着伞边吃边观看 great [ɡreit] a.伟大的;重要的 adv.(口语)好极了,很好 联想方式:gr:工人 eat:吃 记忆方法:工人有吃的太好了!collection [kə'lekʃən] n.收藏品 联想方式:collec(t);tion 记忆方法:collec+tion only ['əunli] adv.仅仅,只,才 a.惟一的,仅有的 联想方式:only-庵里 记忆方法:庵里只有一个老尼姑。them [ðem] pron.他/她/它们(宾格)联想方式:them他很忙

记忆方法:他很忙没时间接见他们 every ['evri] a.每一的,每个的 联想方式:eve(前夕);ry(容易)记忆方法:每个圣诞节前夕孩子们都容易兴奋不已。like [laik] v.喜欢;愿意 prep.像,如同 联想方式:like:理科 记忆方法:我喜欢理科 banana [bəˈnɑ:nə] n.香蕉

联想方式:ban-搬 a-一 na-拿 记忆方法:搬一箱东西,ger ['hæmbə:ɡə] n.汉堡包


记忆方法: [təˈmɑ:təu] n.西红柿,番茄 联想方式:to-兔ma-妈 记忆方法:li ['brɔkəli] n.西兰花 联想方式: br-哥哥 cc li-里

记忆方法:哥哥口里吃着cc,两只手在玩呼拉圈,脚下还踩着西兰花。orange ['ɔrindʒ] n.橘子,橙子 a.橘色的,橙色的 联想方式:o:哦;ran:跑;ge:哥哥 记忆方法:哦,跑过来的哥哥拿着一个橙色的桔子。cream [kri:m] n.奶油,乳脂 联想方式:cream ~dream(梦见),一个d,一个c,合起来dc(大臣)记忆方法:钦差大臣梦见自己吃奶油冰淇淋。salad ['sæləd] n.色拉(西餐中的一种凉拌菜)联想方式: sa-撒 记忆方法:erry ['strɔ:bəri] n.草莓

联想方式:st:石头 raw:生的 ber:被儿子 ry:人妖

记忆方法:石头里面长了个生的草莓被儿子称人妖 pear [peə] n.梨

联想方式:p:皮 ear:耳朵

记忆方法:梨子皮敷在耳朵上很舒服 have [hæv] v.有 aux.已经


记忆方法:哈,唯一的一个苹果我已经吃了。food [fu:d] n.食物,食品 联想方式:food-负担

记忆方法:父亲负担全家人的食物。apple ['æpəl] n.苹果

联想方式:app(一片片);le(了)记忆方法:大苹果被切成一片片了。carrot ['kærət] n.胡萝卜 联想方式:car(汽车);r(叉子);ot(07)记忆方法:汽车上,手拿叉子的07号战士在吃胡萝卜补充能量。chicken ['tʃikən] n.鸡;鸡肉

联想方式:chi:吃;c:形状像嘴;ken:肯德基 记忆方法:我们吃到嘴里的肯德基,是鸡肉做的。breakfast ['brekfəst] n.早餐

联想方式:break:休息;fast:发射台 记忆方法:工人休息的时候在发射台上吃早餐 lunch [lʌntʃ] n.午餐,午饭 联想方式:lunch-轮船

记忆方法:在轮船上吃午餐。dinner ['dinə] n.晚餐;正餐;宴会 联想方式:din(订);ner(那儿)记忆方法:我们订那儿吃晚餐吧。fruit [fru:t] n.水果;果实 联想方式:fru-腐乳it-它

记忆方法:水果里加腐乳,ble ['vedʒtəbəl] n.蔬菜

联想方式:ve-五一;get-获得;able-能 记忆方法: [wel] adv.很好地;满意地 a.好的 联想方式:we-(我们);ll-(一一)记忆方法:我们一一做好它。star [stɑ:] n.星,恒星 v.担任主角;主演 联想方式:sta(水獭);

记忆方法:水獭在草地上数星星。healthy ['helθi] a.健康的,健壮的


记忆方法:他吃了一个苹果,一天后又变成很健康了 dessert [di'zə:t] n.甜点

联想方式: de-德芙;ss两个美女;ert儿童

记忆方法:卖德芙巧克力的两个美女给儿童做甜品。list [list] n.一览表,清单 联想方式:list-last 记忆方法:我要的苹果写在列表的最后一行。pants [pænts] n.裤子,长裤 联想方式:pan(盼);ts(贴身)记忆方法:人人都盼望穿贴身的便裤。sock [sɔk] n.短袜 联想方式:so(收);ck(仓库)

记忆方法:警察没收了仓库里的所有袜子 skirt [skə:t] n.裙子

联想方式:skirt-shirt 记忆方法:上衬衫,下裙子,很好看。shorts [ʃɔ:ts] n.短裤 联想方式:short(瘦肉汤);s(湿)记忆方法:瘦肉汤淋湿了他的短裤。sweater ['swetə] n.毛衣;运动衫 联想方式:sw(室外);eat(吃);er(人)记忆方法:冬天在室外吃东西的人都穿着厚厚的毛线衣 shoe [ʃu:] n.鞋

联想方式:sho瘦;e 鹅 记忆方法:瘦鹅穿大鞋 shirt [ʃə:t] n.衬衣,男衬衫 联想方式:shi(湿);rt(肉汤)记忆方法:衬衫被肉汤打湿。sale [seil] n.卖,出售 联想方式:sa萨;le乐 记忆方法:这个商店卖披萨和可乐 dollar ['dɔlə] n.美元 联想方式:do-做ll-11 ;ar-矮人 记忆方法:做11个小矮人才获得1美元元 color['kʌlə] n.颜色 vt.给„着色,涂色

联想方式:co-西欧;lou-楼;r-染 记忆方法:西欧楼,染颜色 black [blæk] n.黑色 a.黑色的


记忆方法:男孩子拉着刺客掉到黑色洞里。white [wait] n.白色 a.白色的


记忆方法:文化高超的我,特别喜欢白色。red [red] n.红色 a.红色的 联想方式:re:阿姨;d:的 记忆方法:阿姨的嘴唇是红色的。green [gri:n] n.绿色 a.绿色的 联想方式:gr:工人;ee:眼睛;n:门 记忆方法:工人瞪着大眼睛撞开了一扇门,看到一片绿色的深林。blue [blu:] n.蓝色 a.蓝色的;悲伤的;沮丧的 联想方式:b:男孩;lue:掠 记忆方法:男孩掠过蓝色的天空。yellow ['jeləu] n.黄色 a.黄色的why[wai] adv.为什么 conj.„的理由 联想方式:wh(为何);y(外)记忆方法:为何外花园的花都不见了? time[taim] n.时间;时代;次数 vt.测定„的时间,记录„的时间 联想方式:time-太慢

记忆方法:等待的时候感觉时间过得太慢了。shower['ʃauə] n.淋浴;阵雨 联想方式:er[拼音]而

记忆方法:下阵雨,只是老天的一场show而已。usually['ju:ʒuəli] adv.通常,经常 联想方式:us(我们);u(油);all(所有);y(树丫)记忆方法:我们油所有的树丫通常需要一小时。work[wə:k] n.工作;职业;作品 vi.工作;(机器、器官等)运转;起作用 联想方式: wo-我 rk-热炕人口 记忆方法:['auə] n.小时;时间;时刻

联想方式:our—我们的 h—汗 记忆方法:我们的汗流了一小时 brush[brʌʃ] n.刷子 v.刷;擦


记忆方法:这刷子不如上海牌的刷子好刷 teeth[ti:θ] n.牙齿 联想方式:teeth-剔除

记忆方法:要剔除牙齿的残留物后再和人谈话 after['ɑ:ftə] rep.在„之后 conj.在„以后 联想方式:aft 阿凡提 er儿子

记忆方法:阿凡提的儿子跟在他后面 bus[bʌs] n.公共汽车 联想方式:bus-巴士

记忆方法:公交总站停有不少巴士 hotel[həʊˈtel] n.旅馆;饭店 联想方式:hot热;el恶劣

记忆方法:热天环境恶劣的旅馆却没有风扇。night [nait] n.夜晚,晚上 联想方式:ni(你);g(敢);ht(记忆方法:你(ni)敢走胡同吗?特别是在阴森的夜晚。love[lʌv] vt.爱;热爱 n.爱;恋爱;爱情 联想方式:lo 10 ;ve唯一 记忆方法:爱,就是从10个人中找到唯一的一个 listen['lisən] vi.听

购买速学分联想方式: li-里面 st-学生 en-英语 记忆方法:[həum] n.家;住宅 adv.在家;回家 联想方式:home-come 记忆方法:常回家看看。

morning['mɔ:niŋ] n.早晨,上午 联想方式:mor(末日);ning(宁)

记忆方法:今天早上,好像是世界末日一样,非常宁静。afternoon['ɑ:ftəˈnu:n] n.下午,午后

联想方式:after:在„后面 noon:中午 记忆方法:在中午的后面就是下午啦 evening['i:vniŋ] n.晚上;晚会

联想方式:eve-双眼和鼻子;ning-宁-记忆方法:双眼和鼻子都宁静的时候是晚上。letter['letə] n.信;字母 联想方式:let-(让);t-(他);er-(人)记忆方法:留学生让他人捎带信给家人。around[əˈraund] prep.在„周围;大约;到处 adv.在周围;在附近联想方式:a前缀(在);round(圆)记忆方法:在圆的周围→大约在四周。start[stɑ:t] v.开始;出发 联想方式:star 明星;t雨伞

记忆方法:女明星手拿雨伞,开始表演。write[rait] v.写;写作


记忆方法:爷爷往日特爱写毛笔字 tell[tel] vt.告诉;讲述;吩咐 联想方式:te-特别ll-11 记忆方法:[su:n] adv.不久;一会儿;立刻


记忆方法:蛇带着两个呼啦圈不久就到了门那。best[best] a.最好的 adv.最好地

联想方式:be-白鹅st-石头 记忆方法:[wiʃ] n.愿望;祝愿 vt.希望,想要;祝愿 联想方式:wish卫士 记忆方法:我希望卫士安然无恙 saturday['sætədi] n.星期六


记忆方法:高中生最洒脱的日子是星期六。survey[sə:'vei] n.调查;考察 联想方式:su-(书);very-(很)记忆方法:书很合适作调查的目标。subject['sʌbdʒikt] n.主题;学科;主语 vt.使隶属;使服从 联想方式:sub—书本 je—饥饿 ct—餐厅 记忆方法:各学科的书本很饥饿跑去餐厅吃东西。science['saiəns] n.科学

联想方式:s:蛇 ci:次 en:小雷恩 ce:厕所 记忆方法:蛇第一次看到研究科学的小雷恩,自己兴奋到掉进厕所了

because[bi'kɔz] conj.因为 联想方式:be(是);ca(茶);use(使用)

记忆方法:因为是茶的使用不当,所以才引起了腹泻。description[di'skripʃən] n.描述,描写 联想方式:de的;scr四川人;ip 记忆方法:店里的这个四川人对ipod进行了颇神奇的描述 word[wɜ:d] n.单词;话语 联想方式:wo我;rd认得 记忆方法:我认得这个单词 teacher['ti:tʃə] n.教师 联想方式:tea(茶);ch(厂);er(人)

记忆方法:我在茶厂碰到的人是我以前的老师。partner['pɑ:tnə] n.搭档,合作者 联想方式:part(部分);n(字符);er(表示人的名词后缀)记忆方法:承担部分工作的人就是搭档。city['siti] n.市,城市


记忆方法:每次去城市玩都看到灿烂的太阳 tuesday['tju:zdi] n.星期二 联想方式:tu(兔);es(饿死);day(天)记忆方法:小白兔饿死的那天刚好是星期二。thursday['θɜ:zdi] n.星期四 联想方式:thu(屠户);rs(肉丝);day(天)记忆方法:屠户档口有肉丝卖的那天是星期四 wednesday['wenzdi] n.星期三 联想方式:we(我们);dn(大鸟);es(饿死);day(天)记忆方法:我们大鸟饿死的那一天是星期三

friday['fraidi] n.星期五 联想方式:fri(赴日);day(天)

记忆方法:主席赴日拜访的那天是周五。monday['mʌndi] n.星期一 联想方式:mon(磨难);day(天)

记忆方法:星期一是开始一周磨难的一天。biology[bai'ɔlədʒi] n.生物(学);生态学 联想方式:bio(生命);logy名词后缀(表示学科)记忆方法:关于生命的学科叫生物学。busy['bizi] a.忙(碌)的 联想方式:busy-办事员

记忆方法:办事员在办公室里忙碌着。next[nekst] a.下一个的;贴近的 adv.然后;下次 联想方式:n-你e-鹅xt-习题 记忆方法:[strikt] a.严格的;严密的 错误!未找到引用 源。


记忆方法:汕头人对我太严格。tired['taiəd] a.疲劳的,累的;厌倦的 联想方式:ti—提red—红色

记忆方法:提红色的东西很疲倦 miss[mis] vt.失去,错过;想念 n.小姐;老师 联想方式:m秘书;is是;s美女 记忆方法:经理的秘书是位漂亮的美女小姐 america[əˈmerikə] n.美国;美洲 联想方式:am(是);e(鹅);r(草);ic(ic卡);a

(一)记忆方法:是(am)鹅(e)吃着草(r)用ic卡(ic)打电话给一个(a)美国(america)人的(警察破案)。china['tʃainə] n.中国 联想方式:china-持哪

记忆方法:中国支持哪方?。before[bi'fɔ:] prep.在„之前 adv.以前

联想方式:be: 是;for: 为了;e: 鹅

记忆方法:丑小鸭以前做的一切是为了可以变成白天鹅 hobby ['hɔbi] n.业余爱好,嗜好


记忆方法:她的爱好是写海报标语。today[təˈdei] n.今天;现今 adv.今天;现今 联想方式:to(到);day(大雨)记忆方法:天气预报说今天到大雨。life[laif] n.生命;生活

联想方式:li 里; fe 富裕





new t_____ will begin on september should r_______ the books to the library on old man has no families so he often feels party was over at ten o’clock so the hall is e_______ knock at the door before you e______ the is a beautiful park in the c_______ of the new big hall can h______ 1,000 ’t ask him to buy an expensive can h______ make a p_____ is rising, and the food becomes more and more is my best often s_______ our happiness and sadness.二、根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子


we shouldn’t make noise ______________.2.尽管中途摔倒了,她还是尽最大的努力跑完比赛。

she ______ ______ ______ _____ finish the race though she fell down on the way.3.我们应该和同班同学相处好!

we should ______ _____ ______ ______ our classmates.4.夏天到了,孩子们喜欢去游泳而不是去放风筝。

summer is en like going swimming ______ ______ ______ kites.5.他拒绝告诉我们真相。

he _______ ______ _____ us the _______.6.那艘船撞了我们的船后逃走了。

the ship bumped into ours and ______ _______.7.在她们的写作中,louise比sue 犯了更多的错误。

louise _______ ______ _______ than sue in their writings.8.对我们来说,用电子邮件和客人交流是非常有用的。

it is very ________ ______ _____ ______ ___________ ________ our customers by e-mail.9.在金钱方面,孩子依靠父母。

a child _____ ________ _______ his parents for money.10.我们都不知道这个消息。

we ______ all _______ ______ the news.11.我一点也不喜欢喝牛奶。

i ______ like drinking milk _____ ______.12.我们应该多吃点蔬菜来保持健康。

we _______ ______ eat more vegetables ______ keep


一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 疑问句)

1、does your father go to work ?jackmoring tv at 8:00?-at 7:00.根据汉语完成句子 2.–what’s victor’s aunt’ ?

1、他几点钟吃早饭?-she’s a he eat breakfast ?go to the movies with my good

2、早饭后玛丽去上班。friend goes to often watches tv playsa3、我爸爸每天乘10路车去上班。 me carefully(认真地).in a doesn’on sunday.?-at 22:00.9.–how does your brother go to school ? the no.5 bus to school??-at home.汉英互译

one’ night6.起床



句型转换(对画线的部分提问)doyou usally get up ? brushes his teeth in the morning.(改为否


his teeth in the takes a shower at 10:00(改为同义句)

she 对画线部分提问)

does she go to bed ? watches morning tv at 8:00.(改为一般

my father the number 10

buswork.4、他们喜欢听她的话 they like toher.5、----几点了?-----八点半了。----what time?----it’s eight thirty.用所给动词的适当形式填空 (not go)to school on (not have)a good wang usually(have)breakfast at little sister often(go)home at 4: friend(do)his

homework ? time her father(get)to work every day ? 介词填空 often has lunch 12: tom go to school weekends ?

time do you get? you have lunch12:00.? tell meyour youyour your teacher he often does sports.9.i take the busschool every time do you go they want musicians their rock band ?


school(star)at 8:(write)to your mother usually(get)up at half past five in the and russ(play)football every day ?

want(know)about liu woman often(run)in the give my(good)wishes to your for(help)me.根据句意和所给首字母完成单词

to me... are 60 minutes(s up early , but he doesn’t want to weekdays , parents go to work and the.,have and go to school.8.i eat breakfast at 7:30 in i go to bed..’s late , i have to go and night tv.根据汉语完成句子


you wantmy school life ?


school at eight.3.放学后,我在家里做作业。

at home.4.请写信告诉我你早晨的情况。

pleaseandyour morning.4.你通常什么时候回家?

do you usually.阅读理解

john smith is a doesn’t work in the works at gets home at around 6:30 in the has breakfast at 7: breakfast he goes to gets up at 14: eats lunch at 14:45 and supper at 19: he goes to work at 20: stars work at 21: works all likes his work.根据短文内容判断正误

() smith works in the morning.() smith goes to bed after breakfast.() doesn’t work at 12:00.() is at home in the morning.() eats supper at 20:15.



1.i’m miss li’s s_________ and she teaches us book is a_______ new girl’s name is mary;she’s in class 2 g______ 1.4.---how old are you, lingling?---i am thirteen y_____ parents lived in xi’’an is a big classrooms are s_________ but very gton the c_________ of the united states.8.i know his given name is i don’t know his l_____ name.9.---what’s the weather like in e_________ in autumn?---usually cool and is my f_________ day at middle school.i am so happy to meet many new friends!11.---what’s your aunt’s job?---she’s a n________ in a hospital.12.---what does your uncle do?---he is a bus drives carefully.13.---how do you like being an a_______?

---i like very like to watch me in the theatre and i’m very happy.14.p________ are the first teachers to children.15.a m_______ understands what a child does not of f_______ is more than a hundred schoolmasters.17.a brother may not be a friend, but a friend will always be a f_________ are all alike;every unhappy family is unhappy in its own apple a day keeps the d_______ don’t speak at the s________ time.i can’t hear you tall b_______ over there is the new ’s read the m__________ and find where the city study weather in our s_________ lessons.24.—is the p______ in your school big or small? big.— we often play football old french table is a very valuable piece of f_______.26.—can you draw a p______ of the tree?— i need a green d________ is near the have lunch there.28.—what is the longest river in the w________.---it’s the nile river in has three m_______ child is a ’t watch too much ’s bad for your people can eat all kind of v_____ in the winter, like carrots, potatoes and so and pears are are all kinds of f________ in the fridge, and they are fresh.34.—do you think the hamburger is u__________? —yes , it is junk food.35.i like basketball best, so it is my f_______ sport.36.—when is mother’s b_______.—it’s on may have to d______ enough water to keep healthy every have got some chinese tea and orange j______.i like ice cream, b_____ it isn’t healthy.—could you give me something to e_______?— about noodles? he usually goes to school at half p______ is a great country with a long h______.i am going to h_______ two chinese lessons this first lesson s_______ at 7:15 in the morning every day.—do you often f______ your homework before dinner? —no.i do my homework after have lunch at 11:30 at school and have a b_______ after lunch.i usually have rice w________ vegetables and a________ your school you have geography today? it’s my favorite mum always helps me with my h_______ at loves a ________ very school has two t________ wolf comes from the panda eat b_________? yes, it zebra eats plants, l__________ and can see many d___________ animals in the v________ her grandparents every t______ to africa is great is a map of the w______ on the food in macdonald’s and kfc is not h_______.i want to get some i________ about the island on the works as a manager in an american c weekends, a lot of things are on sale, so there are always hundreds of c__________ in that has to wash c_______ by hand because there’s something wrong with the washing you finishing your homework on the computer, remember to your you know how to c__________ the mouse to the computer? after i finish exams, i always c_________ my answers for is trying to s_______ her mind for man’s name, but she can’t remember ,there are so many different kinds of ice , come and c____ ’s hobby is reads newspapers and m________ every day.i’m a________ you can’t go to the football match unless you finish your homework first.i don’t want anyone to know about is my likes doing sports very much, so i think this bike may be great christmas

p_______ for restaurant is too e________, let’s go to find a cheaper there anything s_______ about the book? why are you so interested in it ?

76.---how much time do you usually s________ on your homework every day?---about one and half usually sends a p_________ to his family when he travels to a new place on has a pet dog and it likes to follow him a________ he family often goes on a t_________ at weekend in ’s a bit far from you please d_________ me l jackson is a great i love his songs like dangerous and beat and fish are h___________ often have a t___________ to the zoo on g______ are seventy years old, and my parents and i love them very usually keep the food in the f_________ to keep it fresh.86.i usually play games and d_________ music from the p________ speaking and writing english in class every in different countries have different eating h________.89.f________ comes after are black and w________.i love them very much.91.a t_________ looks like a big is the king of the is t_________ years old, and she will have 13th birthday party next year.93.“sam, remember to clean the b_________ during the break,” the teacher ’t forget to s_________ the document before you switch off the you like to go to the c_________ with me? transformers ⅲ is l__________ at the celebration mean happiness and joy in chinese tradition.97.d______ are beautiful in chinese in the western culture, they are often s________ the floor in the spring festival to keep bad luck ’s cold ’d better put on your wish you’re a m__________ christmas and happy new year.根据中文所给意思完成句子袋鼠来自澳大利亚。

the kangaroo _____________ausralia.考完试去欢乐谷怎么样?

________________________ to the happy valley after the test? 我们学校有一个操场,两个实验室。

____________ a playground and two __________ in our school.大卫现在住在北京,特别喜欢和北京人聊天。

david ____________ beijing now and he ___________beijingers very much 明天是星期天,咱们给爸妈买两张电影票吧,他们一直想去看电影。tomorrow is sunday,_________________________________________.我们学校阅览室有4000本杂志。

in our school, ______________ 4000 magazines in the reading room.汤姆,累不?休息一下怎么样?

tom, are you tired? ________________________ having a break? 今天天气不错,咱们出去溜达溜达吧。

it’s a nice day today , ______________________ for a walk.鲍勃非常喜欢看足球比赛。

bob ____________________ football matches very much.妈妈,谢谢您为我做的生日蛋糕。

mum ,___________________________________________.


