2023年传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语(汇总7篇)

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2023年传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语(汇总7篇)
时间:2023-05-24 16:50:27     小编:cyyllee


传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语篇一

dear admissions committee:

i am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the abc university, mr. xxx, to your university‘s master degree program in computer science for entering class fall xxxx. through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, i have come to the conclusion that mr. xxx possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

i have had the pleasure of knowing mr. xxx when he was under my instruction in the course of electrical engineering during the academic year of xxxx. while attending this requirement course, mr. xxx has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework. his academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10 the class. unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, mr. xxx has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject. i am of the opinion that my class has provided mr. xxx with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.

an open-minded inspanidual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, mr. xxx, often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies. i was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field. his diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me. i have, without any doubt, come to consider him to be a highly promising student. with the intelligence and persistence that mr. xxx has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.

in general, i consider mr. xxx a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field. i have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits. i give him my highest recommendation.

thank you very much for your time and consideration. should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application, please do not hesitate to contact me.

best regards


传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语篇二


recommendation letter

march 15,

to whom it may concern,

it’s my pleasure in recommending xxx, one of my favorite students, for admission into your exchanged student program. as far as i know, he is enthusiastic for every course. with a diligent and responsible attitude and striving for excellence, he has completed each specialized course excellently, and in particular, he has learned a lot about french culture and history.

i have known xxx for almost a year, as the tutor of the national innovation program his team applied for. in the past year, he persists in doing experiments in his spare time with his team. during the program, i watched his diligence, exertion and dedication. xxx is a traditional boy; however, it doesn’t prevent him from earning achievement in science study. on the contrary, it gives him more time devoting to his experiment. also, he is one of the top students in his class, with excellent scores. through his behavior, i have known that he is a talented, diligent, positive and creative student, with a surefooted and responsible attitude and striving for excellence. besides, he is a warm, helpful person and goes easily with his classmates.

judging from these qualities, i am sure that xxx will be an outstanding student in your program that he may care to eoll in. i strongly recommend him to study in your university and hope that you could considehis application.

sincerely yours,

xxx, professor

tel: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

e-mail: xxxxxxxxx@

no. 127 youyi west road, xi’an, shaanxi, 710072, china

tel: (+86) 029 8849 4616 fax: (+86) 029 8849 4620

director of laboratory: prof. laifei cheng

传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语篇三








传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语篇四


1、国际贸易(传媒经济专业方向) 培养具有扎实的经济学理论和传媒学理论基础,熟悉国家有关传媒法规、政策,并能熟练掌握一门外语,系统掌握传媒经济业务及其操作技能的复合应用型专门人才


2、法学专业 培养适应 21 世纪中国社会主义现代化建设需要的德智体美全面发展,基础扎实、知识面宽、能力强、素质高、富有创新精神,系统掌握法学知识,熟悉我国法律,能在国家机关、企事业单位和社会团体、特别是能在立法机关、行政机关、检察机关、审判机关、仲裁机构和法律服务机构从事法律工作的应用型专门人才。


3、广告学专业 培养具备广告学专业理论与技能、拥有宽广的文化与科学知识,能在广告公司、新闻媒介广告部门、市场调查与信息咨询行业,以及企事业单位从事广告策划创意和设计制作、广告经营管理、市场营销策划及市场信息咨询工作的广告学复合应用型专门人才。


4、新闻采编与制作 (网络传媒) 专业培养具有系统的网络传播理论知识与技能、宽广的文化与科学知识、熟悉网络传播的基本道德与法规,能在政府部门、新闻与出版机关、学校、大型企事业单位、网络媒体等从事网站策划、网站建设与管理以及信息的采编、编辑和传播的复合型人才。


5、新闻采编与制作 专业培养德智体全面发展,适合在报社、广播电台、电视台、通讯社、网络等新闻媒介机构从事新闻采写、编辑等工作的专门人才,以及其它社会领域从事文化宣传、公共关系工作的人才。


6、应用心理学(人力资源评价)专业 是应用心理学专业在人力资源的甄别、选拔、培养、激励等方面的应用与拓展。


















传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语篇五

dear admissions committee:

i am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the abc university, mr. hung-doe doe, to your university‘s master degree program in computer science for entering class fall 19xx. through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, i have come to the conclusion that mr. doe possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

i have had the pleasure of knowing mr. doe when he was under my instruction in the course of electrical engineering during the academic year of 19xx. while attending this requirement course, mr. doe has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework. his academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10% in the class. unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, mr. doe has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject. i am of the opinion that my class has provided mr. doe with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.

an open-minded inspanidual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, mr. doe, often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies. i was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field. his diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me. i have, without any doubt, come to consider him to be a highly promising student. with the intelligence and persistence that mr. doe has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.

in general, i consider mr. doe a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field. i have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits. i give him my highest recommendation.

thank you very much for your time and consideration. should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application, please do not hesitate to contact me.

best regards

sincerely yours,











传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语篇六

dear admissions committee:

i am pleased to have this opportunity to recommend one of my capable students at the abc university, mr. hung-doe doe, to your university‘s master degree program in computer science for entering class fall . through my extensive observation of him in both academic and extracurricular fields, i have come to the conclusion that mr. doe possesses a number of valuable qualifications that will make him an outstanding member of his graduate class.

i have had the pleasure of knowing mr. doe when he was under my instruction in the course of electrical engineering during the academic year of 1993. while attending this requirement course, mr. doe has left me with the impression as a bright and hard-working student who is highly motivated in his coursework. his academic integrity can be reflected by the fact that he ranked in the top 10% in the class. unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, mr. doe has spent a great amount of effort and time on reading advanced articles and textbooks and therefore has developed a firm grasp of this subject. i am of the opinion that my class has provided mr. doe with a solid basic background in electronics and circuits analysis, which is valuable to his academic pursuit in computer science.

an open-minded inspanidual who never let go any learning opportunity and is always willing to share with people his own opinions and ideas, mr. doe, often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered during his studies. i was pleased to learn of his strong interest in electronic related subjects and the most up-to-date advancement in this field. his diligence and commitment to coursework has left a deep impression on me. i have, without any doubt, come to consider him to be a highly promising student. with the intelligence and persistence that mr. doe has displayed, he will have no difficulty in succeeding in any academic environment and continue to perform outstandingly in your graduate school.

in general, i consider mr. doe a highly promising applicant to the master degree program in his proposed field. i have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuits. i give him my highest recommendation.

thank you very much for your time and consideration. should you wish to discuss anything pertaining to his application, please do not hesitate to contact me.

best regards



传媒专业英文翻译 介绍传媒专业的英语篇七

respect your company leadership:

how do you do!

i am the graduated from xx university students majoring in communication, name called xx.

in the four years in the university, i laid a solid professional theory foundation, has the good learning ability, teamwork spirit, practical style. serious study and communication professional knowledge theory, reading a lot of relevant books and communication, and the other has made the english four levels, the computer level certificate.

i pay attention to the combination of theory with pract爱上ice, be in so many times during winter and summer vacation to participate in social practice, has been used in times of xx and xx radio and television stations practice, to participate in some news purchasing& cataloguing work, able to learn in the school of journalism theories knowledge flexibly to specific work, familiar with basic news editing process, basic mastered editing machine operation method for the leader and colleague consistent affirmative. usually also taught himself flash, authorware software and web pages of the basic operation, familiar with office, wps office automation software.

i have a warm friendly, live wave cheerful, has the enterprising spirit and the team spirit, strong writing ability. personal interest is extensive, likes all kinds of sports activities, such as table tennis, basketball, badminton, etc. like reading, movies, music, travel, photography, dream to become a professional photographer, like reading all kinds of newspapers and magazines, more attention to the knowledge of the news media.


