最新袁隆平英语作文初中 袁隆平英语作文字简单(5篇)

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最新袁隆平英语作文初中 袁隆平英语作文字简单(5篇)
时间:2023-05-28 15:09:53     小编:文友


袁隆平英语作文初中 袁隆平英语作文字简单篇一

yuan longping is the father of hybrid rice. when it comes to him, most people respect him very much. yuan longping listed such a formula: knowledge + sweat + inspiration + opportunity = success.

in 1960, a rare natural and man-made disaster brought about a serious food famine. all the people were thin and hungry... yuan longping also experienced the pain of hunger. he witnessed the harsh reality, remembered the old society and the hardships of the common people, so he wanted to cultivate new varieties of rice with his own wisdom.

in the experimental field, he found a different rice plant, different from ordinary rice. the difference between them lies in the huge difference in rice yield. this discovery surprised yuan longping. after careful searching, this was the only one in the huge experimental field. after careful observation and statistical analysis, it is proved that this rice is a natural hybrid rice proved that this kind of rice has obvious heterosis phenomenon, he excitedly made it into a specimen, took a picture and sent it to his assistant, and went outside to look for it.

he and his assistant searched for a long time, and finally found six precious natural rice plants at a water edge. the results of the first cross were not ideal, and new problems came again. rice is monogamous and self pollinated, so it is difficult to get rid of the male flowers one by one.

in order to overcome the worlds problems, he bent down in the experimental field every day, taking good care of rice trees, as if he were his own son. when the next batch of rice was successful, he just walked into the field and rushed out excitedly, looking up and laughing: i succeeded! my hybrid rice is successful after repeated cultivation, the yield has jumped from 800 jin / mu to 1600 jin / mu. by 2020, the yield of rice stem is higher than that of zizania latifolia, which is more than 2000 jin / mu.

yuan longping has made a great contribution to china, which has fed more than one billion people. it has also made due contributions to the world. now hybrid rice has been popularized all over the world. i will study hard and repay my motherland in the future.

袁隆平英语作文初中 袁隆平英语作文字简单篇二

yuan longping, the winner of the highest national science and technology award, is recognized as the "father of hybrid rice" in the world; and "yuan longping stock", the only outstanding stock in chinas stock market under the name of a person. however, when we saw our alumni at first sight, our first impression was that he was so ordinary that he was a little like a farmer coming out of a mountain village! you see, his skin color is so dark, his body is so thin, and his wrinkles are so deep.

i remember once, when a pictorial published his picture, the editor mistook the words "the joy of farmers after harvest" under the picture. although this is a minor accident in the publishing industry, it also shows that yuan longping is too much like a farmer. he walked in the street, really belongs to the kind of people who will soon be submerged in the sea of people.

"on hybrid rice", this is the topic of the report yuan longping gave to our alma mater. this topic seems to be very common, without any rhetorical use, not to mention any academic show off. but we deeply know that behind this seemingly ordinary topic, there are too many non ordinary.

in 1978, yuan longping and his family of seven were huddled in two damp and moldy huts separated from the bathhouse by wooden boards, and they were constantly subjected to the taunt of "uneasy teaching, thinking only of crooked ways". but it is in this context that his hybrid rice research has finally achieved decisive results. is it all that ordinary people can do?

we surrounded yuan longping with flowers in our hands and rushed to the lecture hall where he was the speaker. we were so enthusiastic that we were not inferior to chasing the most popular star in our mind. we know that we may not fully understand his "hybrid rice", but we will use our hearts to understand every word of the master.

his first line of opening was: "im just an ordinary person..."

enough, even if we only understand this sentence, its enough! from yuan longping, we understand the relationship between ordinary and great.

this is the main feeling yuan longping gave us. its enough.

袁隆平英语作文初中 袁隆平英语作文字简单篇三

how many journeys have they made and how many missions have they carried on their shoulders?

he put the shoes deep into the paddy field, let the clear footprints point to the distant future, towards our beautiful new era!

since ancient times, the people have been the trend of promoting the development of history, food for the people and rice for the food. therefore, the scientist i admire most is yuan longping, the father of hybrid rice. in my mind, the image of yuan longping is always fixed as an old man in a white shirt, standing in the endless paddy field, working hard. all the year round, he is more like an ordinary farmer than a scientist.

the dream of enjoying the cool under the grass and the dream of hybrid rice covering the world are two grand ideas. what is the concept of a large-scale yield of 900 kg / mu of hybrid rice? this is a peak that no one has ever reached in the world, and it is also a new leap forward for yuan longping, the father of hybrid rice, to lead chinese experts to face the world food problem. yuan longping once bluntly said that although this road is difficult, the future is bright. if its hard, its hard. new varieties with higher output have been produced, and people all over china and the world can solve the problem of food and clothing. he is happy, and it doesnt matter if he suffers.

yuan longping has the habit of mixing chinese and english when he speaks. its like eating too much hybrid rice and automatically translating after speaking chinese. people call this yuans humor. he also speaks russian, likes sports and music, and has passed the air force examination. how can such a versatile treasure boy not be admired!

in 2019, the sun is blazing and the land is warm. yuan longping, who is 90 years old, is still working hard. he hopes to strive for another ten years to plant our hybrid rice in half of the paddy fields in the world.

this is the quality of every scientist with conscience. many scientists devote themselves to scientific research all their lives. maybe they dont have hundreds of billions of dollars, but they are willing to contribute technology to the benefit of all mankind. they work day and night. who has the time to watch yunyin; they accurately estimate the meaning of life, who has selfishness to care about the length of life; they pick up small grains of sand on the fuzzy soil. its these wonderful crystal blossoms that give us direction and make the world more wonderful.

every day i fantasize about when i can germinate, thrive, become a green shade, and be grateful to those scientists who have done nothing for us. because, i firmly believe that i can continue to move forward to the future, pay homage to the new era!

袁隆平英语作文初中 袁隆平英语作文字简单篇四

yuan longping (born september 7,1930) is a chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.

his "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in africa,america,and asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.

won the state preeminent science and technology award of china in 20xx,the wolf prize in agriculture

and the world food prize in is currently is directorgeneral of the china national hybrid rice r&d center andhas been appointed as professor at hunan agricultural university,changsha.

he is a member of the chinese acade my of engineering,foreign associate of the us national academy of sciences (20xx) and the 20xx cppcc.

was born in beijing, loves playing majong and the erhu (chinese violin),swimming and motorcycling.

袁隆平英语作文初中 袁隆平英语作文字简单篇五

every time i get a good place, i sit in a comfortable room with my mothers delicious dishes and fragrant bowls of rice. i cant help but think of it - once on tv news, it was always broadcast: "there is a man in the field, sometimes he watches, mashes or takes a notebook to record something.". under the scorching sun, he was wearing a loose and coarse white shirt and a pair of gray and yellow faces like an old farmer, which were the ravines left by the wind and frost.

when i was a child, i reluctantly watched this "ordinary" farmer, who was also farming. why couldnt my grandfather be on tv? is it because hes more handsome? but also helpless, can only accompany grandfather on time every day to watch the only live tv "news broadcast.".

after watching the weather forecast, which is very important to my grandfather, its time for me to do my homework. at that time, although i got good grades, i couldnt concentrate on my study, like skipping all the math problems that i couldnt figure out the solutions at a glance.

when meeting difficulties and challenges, they all shrink back, and even begin to shake their goals: why should i take the examination of sun yat sen university? why study? in theend, i finished the work according to the call of sleepy and grandparents.

until the fourth and fifth grade, i saw such a "knowledge link - yuan longpings simple life" in "morality and society". he won numerous fame and wealth. his farming shirt usually rangesfromten to fifty on the street. even on the international stage such as the world awards, his most expensive suit is only 500 yuan. once, yuan longping bought a shirt worth more than ten yuan on the street. he couldnt put it down and shut his mouth“ this kind of shirt is light, breathable, durable and cheap. its perfect for working in the field! "

in the illustration, the old man who is smiling and touching the sun is the "old farmer" who has seen him appear in the news many times. i began to look for yuan longping on the internet tv of my parents home.

yuan longpings world is so small that he has only rice in his experimental field. he has been associated with and accompanied with agriculture all his life. since he began to study hybrid rice in xxx, he devoted most of his life to the rice field without any regrets. day after day, year after year, but yuan longping firmly believes in providing food and clothing for people all over the world, still looks forward to tomorrow optimistically, and works harder in the hot sun, rain and rice fields.

i cant help shivering. i have goose bumps and cold sweats all over my body. yuan longping has been fighting for others for more than 50 years in the palm of his hand. however, i study for my future, but i shake my heart

"those who engage in research should not be afraid of failure, and those who are afraid of failure should not engage in research.". he has always adhered to his own philosophy, "never at the expense of production in exchange for quality.". along the way, the yield of 700kg, 900kg, 1000kg per mu... chinas super hybrid rice has constantly made breakthroughs in leaps and bounds - it is the rickety and thin figure in the field that has been pursuing and surpassing the dream for nearly 60 years! many people say that china has enough food, but he always thinks: "the world is so big, billions of people want to eat, food security can not be taken lightly.".

my face is very hot, and i can feel the blood flow clearly, as if i could roll an egg on my face and it would be hot soon. im restless. it is yuan longping who forgets to eat and sleep, who has gone through failures and tackling key problems again and again, that has made the breakthrough. however, i am frivolous and impetuous, indulgent and slack, and encounter a trivial stumbling block, but i am at a loss, timid and dare not challenge myself

in the year of chub mackerels back, yuan longping still insists on striving in the front line of scientific research, never forgetting his original intention, and keeping everyone awayfromhunger“ he also cherishes higher dreams: 1) a dream of "enjoying the cool under the grass" (sitting in the cool under the rice as high as the number of trees, the fragrance of rice as big as peanuts...); ② "the dream of paddy field in saline alkali land" ("there are still many places in the world where food is not enough. is it not a waste of land that is not suitable for crop production?"). so he devoted himself more diligently to scientific research.

my heart trembled, like thousands of needles straight into my body, tears: yuan longping has been 90 years old, still trying to realize his dream! and when i am young, why cant i pursue my dream?

i finally got to know the "old farmer" and the good intentions of the national tv station. start no longer afraid to retreat, guard against arrogance and impatience, try to boldly start to challenge yourself, pursue excellence, and bravely move forward!

a thousand hectares of fertile land, but three meals a day, ten thousand rooms, sleeping only three feet. growing chinas farmland, the heart is filled with the worlds food and clothing. his spirit of striving for dreams has not only changed hybrid rice, but also inspired me to forge ahead bravely on the road of pursuing dreams. he is my idol, yuan longping, the father of hybrid rice.


