
格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-08 18:53:01
时间:2022-12-08 18:53:01     小编:zdfb















如同在其他国家一样,中国政府意识到中国市民的将来福利与教育密切相连。在20召开的世界教育论坛会上,计算出有一亿一千三百万个孩子未进入学校。在论坛会上,联合教育成员国,科学和文化组织(unesco)做了一个承诺,目的是去提供“在之前,为所有孩子提供完全免费的高质量的义务教育”。他们称这个目标为 “全民教育“。现在,这些国家正努力去争取让每一个孩子都入学,而且他们也正经历着类似于中国所面临的困难。























德拉起身,向他走过去。“吉姆,亲爱的,”她喊道,“别那样盯着我。我把头发剪掉卖了,因为不送你一件礼物,我无法过圣诞节。头发会再长起来--你不会介意,是吗?我非这么做不可。我的头发长得快极了。说 ‘圣诞快乐’吧!吉姆,让我们快快乐乐的。你肯定猜不着我给你买了一件多么好的--多么美丽、精致的礼物啊!”


吉姆好像醒了。他把德拉紧紧搂在怀里。吉姆从大衣口袋里掏出一个小包,扔在桌上。 “别对我产生误会,德拉”他说道,“无论剪发还是修面,我都以为世上没有什么东西能减少一点点我对妻子的爱情。如果我剃掉胡须,你会停止对我的爱吗?不会,但是你只消打开那包东西,就会明白刚才为什么使我愣头愣脑了。”


随后,德拉跳了起来,叫道,“喔!喔!吉姆还没有瞧见他的美丽的礼物哩。她急不可待地把手掌摊开,伸到他面前,那没有知觉的贵重金属似乎闪现着她的欢快和热忱。 “漂亮吗,吉姆?我搜遍了全城才找到它。把表给我,我要看看它配在表上的样子。’
















e:bob, 你在那里做什么?

b:我在暖手,scrooge 先生。这里太冷了。


b:我快冻僵了,scrooge 先生。看窗子上的霜。我的手冻得不能写了。我甚至连自己写的东西都认不出来了。




e: 那又怎样?你明天该不是想要休假吧/



b: 一年就一次圣诞节,scrooge先生。

e: 每年的12月2 5日从人家兜里往外掏钱,这是站不住脚的借口!好吧,那你就休假吧,但是你得保证第二天一大早就到办公室!噢,谁来了?是我的侄子fred.





e: 我就是这个意思。圣诞快乐!你凭什么快乐,你这么穷?

f: 那么,什么原因让你不快乐,你这么富有?

e: 嗯!鬼话!

f: 求你了,叔叔,这很不友好。

f: 侄子,你用你自己的方式庆祝圣诞节,我用我的方式庆祝它!

e: 庆祝它!但是你并没有庆祝它。



f: 有很多事情我从中受益虽然并没有给我到来利润。圣诞节是一个好机会。这是这一年里唯一的好时机,人不再光想着自己,所有人都敞开心扉并且也替别人考虑。因此,虽然它从未把金子或者银子放在我的口袋内,但是我相信它已经对我有好处,而且将来也会。我说,上帝保佑它!来吧!明天与我们共进晚餐。


e: 快停止你那愚蠢的掌声!让我从你那里听到另一种声音,你将通过失去工作来庆祝圣诞节!


g:scrooge & marley事务所吧。您是scrooge还是marley先生?

e: scrooge只是个名字。我的合伙人在7年以前的这个晚上死了。


e: 难道没有监狱吗?也没有联合劳工作坊吗?




e: 那就去死吧,如果他们愿意。就个人来说,我不关心。这与我没有关系。我个人的事已经够忙的了。下午好,先生们!(他们全部离开。)好!都走了。


















不是所有广告都用来促销产品或者提升公司业绩。政府也会利用广告使民众了解社会问题和政府的方针政策。一些救助组织常常指定某位名人作为自己的代言人来宣传自己的宗旨。譬如,联合国选择足球明星罗纳尔多,歌星tetsuya komuro以及其他一些名人作为特使向公众宣传自己的计划。政府的其他一些非赢利机构还利用广告技术来普及知识、影响公众的态度取向以及改良社会。




unit 3 the portrait of a nation











英语是澳大利亚的官方语言。澳大利亚英语在发音与英国英语和美国英语不同,其中,在澳大利亚用的一些词汇与你在英语课堂上学的完全不同。澳大利亚人喜欢他们的语言并喜欢用它开玩笑。“no worries”在澳大利亚语中意为”everything is ok”. “mate”通常意为“friend”或”companion”,但可以跟任何人说。“sheila”是“女子”,“outback”是指“未开垦的土地”,“billabong”是干河道,uni是大学,而go walk about 则指到灌木丛中闲逛。而一些土著人的语言已经不被人所知,人们正在努力去保护和记录他们说留下的。大概澳大利亚英语最著名的例子可能就是客人到澳大利亚一定会听到的友好的“g’day mate”.









当蜜蜂发现了一个喂食点,他们从蜂箱直接飞去,片刻后一群蜜蜂就像一条溪流一样来回于喂食点和蜂箱之间。几个世纪之前就出现了“bee-line”这个词,现在”to make a beeline for someone or something”这种表达的意思是沿着直线迅速地去某处。















teaching aims:

i. words and expressions:

inch be proud of;

fortunate ache box(v.) greek require aim kindergarten clothing collar judge clap glance victory gain fellow delighted cheer friendship;

gymnastics gymnast gym bar supermarket berlin body-building sweden balance backwards physical fully neatly steady keep one’s balance beam handstand mat trainer lose one’s voice.

ii. everyday english:

what can i do for you? how can i help you?

there’s something wrong with… where does it hurt?

i feel terrible/i don’t feel well. i’ve got a pain here.

my…hurts. /i hurt my… i’ve got a headache and a cough.

i’ve got a temperature. let me take a look at it/you.

it’s nothing serious.

do this treatment twice a day for a week.

take this medicine /two pills three times a day.

what seems to be the matter?

it’ll/you’ll be all right/well/better soon

iii. grammar:


iv. language use:

运用所学语言,围绕体操这一题材,完成听,说,写的任务;阅读课文 “gymnastics”和 “a gymnastics competition”, 认真理解, 增加学生对体操的了解, 并完成有关练习.

lesson 33

step 1 revision

questions: many of you do gymnastics?

particular things are you good at?

1. what pieces of equipment do you use in gymnastics?

2. do men and women, boys and girls do the same kinds of exercises?

step 2 presentation

sb page49, part1 introduce the situation

sharon is a gymnast. she’s at the doctor’s.

read the dialogue and find the answers to the questions:

’s the matter with sharon?

she has hurt her shoulder.

does the doctor tell her to do?

the doctor tells her to use a special treatment.

step 3 dialogue

language points:

can i do for you? a set expression often used when someone comes to you for advice. the shopkeepers do not use this, but instead: can i help you?

me take a look at your shoulder. take a look

“看一看” take/have a +n. 表示一个短暂的动作. 这个n.是一个有动作含义的名词 eg. take/have a look,

take/have a walk, take/have a rest, take/have a sleep

①she took a look at herself in the mirror.

②let me have a good look at you , lucy!

③after work, they took/had a rest.

④why not go out and take a walk?

3.i knocked into him . = i hit him with my body.

knock into “把…敲入” 如: can you knock the nail

into the wall?

knock into sb./sth. 撞着某人/某物.

① the boy ran for the ball and knocked into a man.

② he walked in the dark and knocked into a tree.

fell over onto my shoulder: i fell to the ground and

my shoulder hit the floor. fall over “跌交”

①john slipped on a banana skin and fell over.

②he pushed on through the snow. then he began to

fall over his own feet.

you ever used…treatment? have you ever treated

your body by using a hot cloth and a packet of frozen


so on and so on = repeatedly “就这样反复循环”

但是and so on 译为“等等”

7. not fit to eat: not good enough. be fit for/to do

step 4 practice

sb page49, part2

step 5 workbook

wb lesson33,exx1-3 try to retell the story about sharon

lesson 34

step 1 revision

check the homework exercises.

step 2 presentation

sb p50, part1 ss talk about the pictures on the front color

page and on p51. then discuss the two questions.

step 3 reading

ss count the number of paragraphs (6,the last of which

contains 4 numbered sections). read the passage quickly

and find out what the text is about.(y 3.

age and girls ent equipment )

step 4 reading

wb lesson 34, ex.1 ss go through the exercises first, then

read the whole passage carefully at last choose the best .

language points:

greek language: the word gymnos means naked in

greek, as athletes and gymnasts didn’t wear any clothes.

gym is short for gymnastics and also is the word for the

building in which people practise gymnastics.

are also records of gymnastics being performed in china…we have written reports of…

being performed 是动词-ing 形式的被动语态,作定语

-ing 形式的被动语态是由 “being+done” 构成,

eg. being shown/being repaired/being built

①the houses being built by our company will be completed soon.

②the prices of the computers being shown here are

still unknown. -ing 形式的被动语态除了作定语外也可以用作其它成分.

①he didn’t mind being left at home.

②he came here without being asked.

③being lost can be a terrifying experience.

④at the beginning of school the noise of desks being

opened and closed could be heard out in the street.

other asian countries: particularly india and per-

sia (now called iran).

it prepares you for the types of movements…

prepare sb. for… “使某人对…进行准备”

①the teachers are preparing their students for the term


②the parents prepared their children for their first day

in school.

③they prepared themselves for the worst.

you is here used impersonally, and there is an exercise on this point in part 4.

3. perform some of their exercises to music: perform some

of their exercises in time to music.

do music “伴随音乐做某事”

①they were dancing to light music.

②the students are doing eye exercises to music.

③the dancing performance started to the strains of a folk


4. move neatly and easily: move gracefully and in a con- trolled way, especially while controlling the movement of the head and limbs.(arms and legs)

5. hold a position steady:stay in a position without moving

6. doing a handstand: standing on one’s hands with one’s

feet in the air.

bars: called “parallel bars” by gymnasts

11.a type of “horse” with two hands: called a “pommel

horse” by gymnasts

-and-low bars: called “asymmetric bars”

are… while training. there are some simple pie-

ces of safety advice which you should follow when

practising your gym exercises.

when/while doing/done sth. 此用法要求主,从句的主语

一致. ①when told of the news, she got very excited.

②while wondering about all this, he discovered that his teacher was more serious than ever.

ng by yourself in a gym can be highly dangerous:

can 表示一时的情况, “有时候会..” can 的这一用法,只


① the weather in the south is generally warm, but it can

be very cold sometimes.

② children are lovely, but they can be tiring.

highly adv. in or to a high degree “高度的,” “非常的”

he is a highly skilled worker.

they speak/think highly of him.

step 5 note making

men women

1 floor 1 floor

2 horse 2 horse

3 rings 3 high- and low bars

4 double bars 4 beam

5 high bar

6 horse with two handles

step 6 study sb p51 part 4 further examples:

your body/you hold your body/yourself/you take off/

you start/your health/you are unwell.

step 7 workbook wb lesson34 exx.2, 3

step 8 consolidation get the ss to tell each other of their

personal experiences in gym, and any gymnastics events

they have been to or have seen on tv.


write the number of each picture next to the correct part of

the text. finish off the rest of the exercises.

lesson 35

step 1 revision check the homework exercises.

step 2 reading

sb p52 part 1 ss read the passage quickly to find the

answers to the following questions:

1. why was zhou lan at a disadvantage, compared with

some of the other competitors?

2. how did she feel before the competition?

3. what kind of person do you think zhou lan is?

4. how do you think some of the other girls were feeling

before the competition started?

5. in what way was it clear that she had done well?

for answers, see tb p67

language points:

1. a sunday in october: a here means an unspecific day.

2. no more time for talk: no time(to do/for doing/for sth.)

there’s no time to waste. there’s no time for chatting.

i have no time for my studies.

3. they each had to perform…the floor.

they/we each作主语时,each 是同位语, 谓语应和

they/we 一致 they each have a computer on the desk.

we have each written a short article on this subject.

the floor 是指自由体操floor exercises

4. made no serious mistakes: didn’t make any serious mis-


5. did a neat circle: swung round the bar in a neat way.

6. glanced at: looked quickly at

he glanced at his watch and left in a hurry.

were busy writing: they were writing and were

busy. eg. she was happy living in the capital.

first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thank her…

主句中的两个表语go up to /thank her for 都省略了to

这是因为主句的主语有定语从句she did 修饰, 一般说来解释do 的精确意思的分句,可以不带to 的动词

不定式. eg. all i did was (to) give him a little push.

what we want to do now is ( to)lie down and rest.

step 3 practice

sb p52, part 2 suggested answers see tb p67

sb p53, part 3 suggested answers: just arrived

having / waiting

step 4 practice

sb p53, part4. revise object clauses. for answers see tb


sb p53, part5. answers: r


step 5 workbook wb lesson35 exx.1-3

homework : finish off the workbook exercises.

lesson 36

step 1 revision check the homework exercises

step 2 checkpoint go through it quickly

step 3 word study

sb p54 part2 answers: t d rds

5. boxing d ate d

ship 10..delighted

step 4 writing practise indirect speech in a letter format in

a controlled way.

step 5 workbook wb lesson 36 exx.1-3

homework: finish off the workbook exercises.


aims and demands:

通过本单元教学,学生能熟练地运用表示“请求允许”的常用语;复习表语,连习动词的用法;了解海伦 凯勒自强和她的老师的敬业精神。

importance and difficulty;

words : born, bring…into touch with, look back , get back, pity

important sentences:

1. a born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.

2. what a difficult case i must have been to this young teacher!

3. one of the first things annie did was to teach me how to play.

4. it took great imagination as well as patience for annie to teach me to speak.


1. fish goes bad easily in summer.

2. the news sounds exciting.

3. the shop stays open until 10 p.m.

4. the tree grows taller day by day.

5. the theory proved true.

useful expressions:

1. may / can / could i …?

2. i wonder if i could ……?

3. do you mind if i…?

4. sure.

5. go ahead.

6. i’m sorry, but…

lesson 65 my teacher

aims and demands:

develop the ss’ reading ability.

importance and difficulty:

have a good understanding of the text.

teaching method: reading

teaching aids: tape recorder and some slides.

teaching procedure:

step 1. warming up


t: if a person cannot see anything at all, that person is said to be blind.

if he can’t hear anything at all, he is said to be deaf.

do you know any people who cannot see well or can’t hear well? (beethoven)

(later) people who are blind can learn to read books that are printed in a special way.

what is the name of this writing system?

------ braille.

how do people read braille books?

------ by touching raised dots on the paper with their fingers.

talk about the picture in the text book.

step 2. fast reading

read it quickly and find the answers to the questions.

1. what was the writer’s problem?

------she was deaf and blind and couldn’t speak.

2. what did the writer learn during this period of her life?

----- she learned the meaning of words, she learnt to play and to laugh.

step 3. comprehension

read it carefully and do the comprehension exercises.

comprehension exercises for unit 17 (lesson 65) 3b cccbb abbc

1. helen keller seemed simple-minded ___.

a. after annie came to stay in her house

b. so she was often made fun of by others

c. because she struggled in a silent, dark world

d. just because she couldn’t hear anything

2. helen keller came to understand the meaning of the word “water” ____.

a. in the kitchen b. in a river

c. at the well d. in her own house

3. according to paragraph 3 , the following mistakes except “ ____” can be found in the picture at the top the page.

a. helen was holding a cup, not a jar

b. helen and her teacher seemed to be indoors, not at the well

c. helen was smiling, not being moved to tears

d. annie was holding helen’s hands, not pumping

4. annie put the writer’s hand on her face so that helen could ___.

a. know what she looked like

b. connect the movement of her laughing with its meaning

c. laugh in the same way as she did

d. feel how happy she was when teaching helen

5. what impressed helen keller most was annie’s __.

a. patience ation ter

6. annie sullivan came to helen’s house ___.

a. in march, 1887

b. in april, 1887

c. in may, 1887

d. when helen was 19 months old

7. which words in paragraph 4 show that the writer was eager to learn more?

a. reach out b. beg for c. joy d. touch

8. as the writer learned more and more, ___.

a. she could speak

b. she enjoyed learning

c. she could “heard” sounds

d. she became a teacher, too

9. which happened last?

a. the girl learned how to jump

b. the girl “heard” the sound that one hears on a farm

c. the girl learned words like soil, wood and silk

d. the girl met her teacher, annie sullivan

correct the mistakes in the article if necessary:

helen keller was born a healthy normal child in 1880.

however,an illness strikes her when was only 19 months, 1.___

thus leaving her deaf, blind and unable to speak. for little 2.___

helen, the world suddenly became a dark, frightened place. 3.___

several years late, annie sullivan,a strong-minded and loving 4.___

people, became helen’s sullivan’s teaching 5.___

changed a wild child into useful human being. 6.___

by her help, helen keller learned to talk with those 7.___

around she was grew older, she became a writer. 8.___

people benefited her works and her 9.___

keller died in 1968,and her spirit lives on. 10.___

1. paper comprehension

2. listen to the tape and explain the phrases .

step 4. practice

1. word study

2. workbook

homework: workbook

lesson 66 my teacher (2)

aims and demands:

develop the ss’ reading ability.

importance and difficulty:

have a good understanding of the text.

teaching method: reading

teaching aids: tape recorder and some slides.

teaching procedure:

step 1. warming up

what do you think of helen’s teacher?

step 2. reading for general understanding

1. where did the writer’s teacher annie grow up?

------ in a children’s home and an institution for the blind.

2. what did annie help the writer to do?

------ to understand words, to get information from books that were not printed in braille, and to speak.

step 3. comprehension

1. workbook

2. paper comprehension

reading comprehension for unit 17 lesson 66 ( 3a ) cccdc dbabd d

1. annie entered an institution to learn braille ___.

a. in 1866 b. in 1876 c. in 1880 d. in 1872

2. which of the following is true about braille?

a. it was annie who invented braille.

b. it is special writing system for both the blind and the deaf.

c. blind people can read by touching raised points on paper.

d. annie helped to develop the writing system.

3. why did annie decide to go to stay with helen?

a. because she needed a highly paid job.

b. because she was deaf-blind herself and sympathized (同情) with helen.

c. because it was the very job she had expected.

d. because she was deeply moved by the letter from helen’s dad.

4. annie did not help helen keller to ___.

a. understand words

b. read books printed in braille

c. learn how to speak

d. develop the writing system of braille

5. which is true about the period when annie worked as helen’s teacher?

a. the disabled were all well educated

b. a god many books were printed in braille.

c. few people realized the hidden strength in blind people

d. many deaf-blind children had the chance of being taught to speak like normal people

6. annie would praise helen when she ____.

a. decided to go to college

b. had a very difficult time

c. understood the meaning of words

d. did things as well as a normal person

7. braille is a ____.

a. book for blind people

b. kind of printing for blind people to read

c. copy of reading for the deaf and the blind

d. book for the teacher of the blind people

8. annie learned braille because ___.

a. she had been sent to study in an institution for the blind

b. she wanted to teach the blind people

c. she wanted to be the writer’s teacher

d. she loved the blind people

9. how did annie treat the girl?

a. she always pitied and praised her.

b. she treated her with much care, great patience and encouragement.

c. she treated her just like normal child.

d. she treated her with imagination.

10. how did annie teach the girl?

a. she spelled words into the girl’s hand.

b. she put the girl’s hands in her face and let the girl feel the movements of her lips and throat.

c. she let the girl hear her voice.

d. both a land b.

11. what words that annie said helped the girl to be successful all through her life?

a. never fail.

b. never be disappointed.

c. never forget to read braille.

d. keep on beginning.

step 4. note making

1. what did annie learn to do?

----to read/ learn braille, teach deaf-blind children (and spell out words by hand.)

2. what did annie teach the writer?

skills: understand words, read braille; speak

ideas: blind people should be treated like normal human beings; keep on trying until you succeed.

step 5. writing

story telling------ write a passage according to these pictures. you may begin like this:

ann sullivan was born in 1866 and became an orphan when she was young. she spent her childhood in a children’s home. then she went to an institution for the blind. there she learnt…braille and studied the teaching of deaf-blind children. one day the head of the institution for the blind handed over a letter to ann. the letter came from helen keller’s parents. they wanted to invite a teacher for helen. ann was glad to accept the invitation. ann taught helen by asking her to touch the teacher’s face, throat and lips so as to know the meaning of the words and to form speech. later, helen could say “mother” , which made her parents very happy. in the school, ann sat beside helen in every class during her school years. she spelled out for her the things that the teachers taught, because most books were not printed in braille at that time.

lesson 65~66 my teacher

i. describe the life of annie sullivan using information from the text.

1. date of birth

2. her childhood

3. her education

4. how she became the writer’s teacher

ii. describe how annie sullivan taught the little girl .

1. how did the little girl learn her first word?

2. what had annie done in order to teach the little girl some water?

3. how did annie teach the little girl to laugh, to jump and so on?

4. what did annie encourage the little girl to do and how did annie help her?

i. suggested answers

1. annie was born on april 4th, 1866.

2. her family was very poor. when she was eight years old, her mother died and her father disappeared two years later. annie, together with her brother, was sent to a children’s home. but unfortunately, her brother died there later.

she was fourteen, she left the children’s home and entered an institution for the blind. there, she learnt braille, which is a kind of printing that blind people can read by touching groups of raised points that are printed on paper.

4. one day the school where annie was received a letter. the letter asked for a teacher for a seven-year-old girl who at the age of 19 months had become deaf and blind. annie considered this was just the kind of demanding job she wanted.

ii. suggested answers

1. it happened that one day the little girl was holding a jar while annie pumped water. as the water flowed onto the little girl’s hand, annie kept spelling w-a-t-e-r onto the girl’s other hand with her fingers. suddenly the little girl understood!

2. many times annie had tried to spell words into the little girl’s small hands in order to teach her some words.

3. one day annie came into the girl’s room laughing happily. then she put the girl’s little hand on her face and spelled l-a-u-g-h. then annie touched the girl lightly on her arm and made her burst into laughter. next annie took the girl by the hand and taught her how to jump. she then immediately spelled the word j-u-m-p for the girl.

4. annie encouraged her when the little girl made up her mind to go to college. at school, annie sat beside her in every class. she spelled out for the little girl the things that the teachers taught. annie herself read the books to her by spelling into her hand what was written in the books.

lesson 65~66 my teacher ( language points )

aims and demands:

grasp the important language points

importance and difficulty: let the ss know the usage of them

teaching aids: some slides

teaching procedure:

step 1. language points:

fill in the blanks:(lesson 65~66)

1. some people thought the writer was simple-minded because she was deaf and blind.

2. being a born teacher she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.

3. i understood what the teacher was doing. that mean: the teacher reached my understanding.

4. i reached out to annie’s hand to beg for new words.

5. she touched me lightly on the arm and made me burst into laughter.

6. my teacher took me by the hand and taught me how to jump.

7. she also brought me into/in touch with everything that could be felt---- soil, wood, silk.

8. as i look back upon these years, i am struck by annie’s wisdom.

9. later, an operation helped her to get back part of her sight, but she remained at the institution for six years more.

10. annie considered this was just the kind of demanding job she wanted.

11. annie was among the first to realize that blind people never know their hidden strength until they are treated liked normal human beings.

never …until 只有… 之后才 ,比 not … until 的否定意味更强

12. i owe thanks to annie for this priceless gift of speech.

13. my teacher’s gifted instruction lived on after her death.

14. annie often said, no matter what happens, keep on beginning.

step 2. language points ( on the bb )

1. simple-minded 头脑简单的

absent-minded 心不在焉的

noble-minded 思想高尚的

small-minded 气量小的

2. a born teacher 一位天生的老师

3. reach one’s understanding 达到、触及

reach out ( one’s hand ) for sth. 伸手去够、、、

4. burst into laughter

burst out laughing

5. take sb. by the hand

touch sb. on the arm

hit sb. on the head

hit sb. in the face

v. +sb. on/ in / by + the + part of a body

6. bring…… into / in touch with 使、、、触摸, 使、、、接触

7. look back upon / on

8. strike –struck – struck 给、、、印象

strike –struck –stricken

9. get back return to a former condition 恢复

come back 回来

move backwards or away 后退

regain 收回

10. for six years more

for six more years

for another six years

11. a demanding job 要付出努力的工作

12. not …….until 直到、、、才

never ……until 只有、、、之后才

13. owe……to sb 欠某人某物(钱,债)

owe thanks to sb. for sth. 归功于、、、 对、、、感激

14. live on 继续存在, 流传下去

live on sth. 以、、、为食

15. no matter ……

16. keep on doing 不可接表示静止状态的-ing形式

keep doing

(it’s not allowed to say keep on waiting / sleeping/ sitting)

step ce ----- exercises

fill in the blanks with a proper word ( lesson 65~ 66)

1. beethoven was gifted in music, so he was thought to be a born musician.

2. he reached out and took down a dictionary from the shelf.

3. the boy reached out his hand for an apple.

4. at last they reached a decision. ( an agreement )

5. when she arrived home, she began to do cooking.

6. she touched the baby lightly on the arm in order to make her burst into laughter.

7. the stone hit him on the head, and he was sent to hospital at once.

8. this can bring me into / in touch with many workers.

9. her love of music brought her into touch with the pop. star.

10. as we looked back upon the school years we spent together , we were very excited./we were filled with excitement.

11. he looked back upon / on his childhood with mixed feelings.

12. all of us were struck by the professor’s speech.

13. the performance of the singers struck the audience greatly.

14. she has got her strength back after her illness.

15. i will get back at 7 o’clock this evening.

16. i decided to get back the dictionary.

17. i need five minutes more to finish the job.

i need five more minutes to finish the job.

i need another five minutes.

18. although this was a demanding job which others were unwilling to do, she didn’t refuse it.

19. don’t get off the bus until it stops. 停车之前不要下车。

never get off the bus until it stops. 停车之前千万不要下车。

20. ----how much did you owe to the american couple? shall i pay it for you?

---- thank you. i can manage it myself.

21. we all owe our happy life to the party.

22. this custom will live on for centuries.

23. leifeng is dead, but he will live on in the hears of the people forever.

24. no matter what you do, do it well.

25. don’t give up , keep on trying.

26. the teacher kept on asking the students questions until the bell rang.

27. he caught such a bad cold that he kept coughing all morning.

homework :do the workbook exercises


unit 9 health care

aims and demands:

1. get the students to master the important words and phrases in this unit.

2. improve the students’ reading ability by teaching the texts.

focus on:

lay off, to make matters worse, aim at, consult, fee, purchase, vow, care for, be serious about, clean up, at a/the cost, make ends meet, vow

time allocations: 3 periods

the first period

contents: a helping hand

teaching steps:

step 1 revision

step 2 lead-in

step 3 fast reading

read the first and the last two paragraphs of the text and guess the main idea of the whole text.

step 4 careful reading

read the passage and fill in the blanks with one to three words.

the poverty and the poor health care of low-income families the government’s efforts to fight poverty and poor health care

low-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or 3______medicine. ① the government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.

② the chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for china.

③ the government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.

④ the government has vowed to stop the spread of aids by providing free 10_______

low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.

many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.

low-income families live on allowance 6____________.

keys:1. medical treatment 2. consult se/buy 4. a healthy diet 5. purchase medical insurance. 6. given by the government 7. half the cost 8. health care model 9. purchase medical insurance 10. tests and treatment

step 5 language points

the first paragraph:

1. a laid-off worker

lay off him! can’t you see he’s badly hurt? ( 不再做打扰人、讨人厌等的事, 不理会)

you must lay off alcohol for a while.(不再做或有害的事物)

they were laid off because of the lack of new orders. lay off (解雇;下岗).

2. to make matters worse: worse still,what’s worse, even worse更虚糟糕的是(可作插入语),使事情更糟

to make things worse, he had no money with him.

3. take a bank loan

the second paragraph:

4. analyze the sentence “if i had had insurance, …………..else in my family.”(可结合p78语法练习题1讲解)

5. at a/the cost of 以……代价

i had a small room at a cost of fifteen cents per night.

the war was won at a great cost.

we are determined to get our rights at all costs.

the third paragraph:

6. aim at

he aimed (his gun)at the target, fired and missed it.(瞄准、对准)

she is aiming at a scholarship. (向某方向努力、力争)

my remarks were not aimed at you.(评论、批评等针对某人)

we must aim at increasing/to increase exports.(意欲、企图、力求做某事)

the fifth paragraph:

7. be forced into poverty , fall into poverty, in poverty

8. hospital fees fee n.

1.) (付给律师、医生等的)酬金,服务费[c]

im afraid i cant afford the doctors fee. 恐怕我付不起给医生的酬金。

2.) 费(如学费、会费、入场费等)[c]

they charge a small registration fee. 他们收一点注册费。

3.) 赏金,小帐[c]

vt. 付费(或小帐)给

she feed the waiter. 她付给侍者小费。

9. consult vt.

1.) 与...商量

ill do nothing without consulting you. 我采取行动之前一定和你商量。

2.) 找(医生)看病;请教

he went to town to consult his doctor. 他进城去看医生。

3.) 查阅(词典、参考书等)

he consulted his notebook repeatedly during his speech. 他讲演时不断看他的笔记本。

consult/refer to/turn to a dictionary. look up sth in a dictionary

vi. 1.) 商议,磋商[(+with)]

we will consult together about her education. 我们将一起商议她的教育事宜。

2.) 当顾问[(+for)]

the retired executive consults for several large companies.


10. purchase:buy

11. put extra pressure on the family

extra lessons on sundays put more pressure on liming, who already has pile of homework.

the seventh paragraph

12. vow发誓,起誓;swear (swore, sworn) 极其认真、明确或郑重地说或允诺;(使某人)就(某事)宣誓

in order to meet this challenge , the chinese government has vowed to provide free aids tests for the general public as well as free treatment.

she swore that she had never seen it.

are you willing to swear in court that you saw him do it?

witnesses have to swear on bible (to tell the truth).

the eighth paragraph

13. care for (its weakest members)

he cares for her deeply. (like or love sb.)

who cares for him if his wife dies? ( look after, take care of, wait on )

would you care for a coffee? (wish or like)

i don’t care much for opera.(have a taste or liking for sth/sb)

don’t you care about this country’s future ?

i don’t care (about)what happens to him.

--who do you think will be the next prime minister? --who cares?

the last paragraph:

14. be serious about, be curious about, obvious

are you really serious about him? do you have sincere affection for him?

is she serious about learning to be a pilot?

15. get treated/burnt/lost/hurt/drunk/killed/married/excited/paid

cleaning women in big cities usually get paid by the hour.

16. analyze the last sentence.

step 6 homework

word-study exercises on p 77.

notes: make ends meet 使收支两抵;量入为出

when his wife was laid off, he found it hard to make ends meet.

the second period

contents: the little mould that could

teaching steps:

step 1 revision

check the homework

step 2 fast reading

read the title of the passage and put forward the following questions for the ss to answer after scanning the passage as quickly as possible.

1. what could the little mould do? (the little mould that could treat/cure/fight infection.)

2. who discovered it? when was it discovered? (in 1928, sir alexander fleming discovered it)

3. what is its name? (it is called penicillin)

(in 1928, sir alexander fleming discovered penicillin that could treat/cure/fight infection.)

step 3 careful reading

read the passage carefully and finish ex 1 (choose the best answer) on page 80.

keys: 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. b 6. c

step 4 discussion

discuss ex 2(work in pairs) on page 81. (remind the ss to pay special attention the words in the box.)

step 5 language points

1. suffer deadly infections as a result of operations (para.1)

2. cure, curable, incurable, treat

3. it was not until after the war that he made his most important discovery.(para2)

it was not until world war two that the importance of fleming’s discovery was fully recognized.(the last para.)

4. clean up (para. 3), clear up

the workwomen cleaned up (the mess) before they left. (除去垃圾等)

clean up a room for a party. (打扫干净)

he clean up a small fortune. (挣得,赢得)

i hope it clears up this afternoon (天气转晴)

has your rash cleared up?(你的皮疹痊愈了吗?)

please clear up the mess in here before you go. (使整洁,清理)

5. be excited about (para. 4)

6. belong to (para. 4)

7. despite their lack of interest, fleming kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective. (para. 4)

8. explain the last sentence of the whole passage.

step 6 homework

1. write a composition about penicillin in the exercise book (page 81)

2. do the exercises about vocabulary on pages 211~212.

the third period

contents: practice

teaching steps:

step 1 explain the usages of the following key words:

1. abuse vt.

1.) 滥用,妄用

he abused his power while in office. 他在职时滥用权力。

2.) 辱骂;毁谤

you are always abusing and offending people. 你总是出言不逊得罪人。

3.) 虐待,伤害

those captives were physically abused. 那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残。

n. 1.) 滥用,妄用[c][u]

there is no freedom that is not open to abuse. 任何自由都可能被滥用。

2.) 辱骂[u]

she greeted me with a stream of abuse. 她一见我就吐出一连串的污言秽语。

3.) 虐待;伤害[u]

child abuse is widespread in this country. 这个国家虐待孩子的情况很普遍。

2. insurance n.

1.) 保险;保险契约[u] 保险业[u]

i found a job selling insurance. 我找到一份推销保险的工作。

she works in insurance. 她从事保险业。

2.) 保险金额;赔偿金[u][(+on)]

he has $100,000 life insurance, which his wife will receive if he dies first.


3.) 预防措施;安全保证[u][s1][(+against)]

i bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary.


4.) 保险费[u]

the insurance on my house is very high. 我的房屋保险费很高。

3. allowance n.

1.) 津贴,补贴;零用钱[c]

the child has a weekly allowance of five dollars. 这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。

2.) 分配额;允许额[c]

his allowance for food is $100. 他拨出一百美元用于购买食物。

3.) 承认;允许[u]

the allowance of a claim 对要求权的允准

4.) 认可;容忍[c][u]

the allowance of segregation 对种族隔离的容忍

4. pressure n.

1.) 压;按;挤;榨[u]

the small box was flattened by the pressure of the heavy book on it.


2.) 压力;压迫;紧迫;催促[u][c]

he works well under pressure. 他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。

3.) 困扰;艰难[u]

these old people are unaccustomed to the pressure of modern life.


5. significance n.

1.) 重要性, 重要[u]

the proposals they put forward at the meeting were of little significance.


2.) 意义, 含义; 意思[u][s]

he did not understand the significance of my wink. 他没有领会我眨眼的意思。

on n.

1.) 献身;奉献[u][(+to)]

we appreciated his devotion of time and money to the project.


his devotion to science is well known. 他对科学的献身精神为人熟知。

2.) 忠诚;挚爱,热爱[u][(+to/for)]

devotion to music 热爱音乐

step 2 check and explain the exercises about vocabulary on pages 211~212.

step 3 homework

1. read the passages again. 2. learn the language points in this unit by heart.

unit 9 health care 练习

ⅰ. read the passage on page 75 and fill in the blanks with one to three words.

the poverty and the poor health care of low-income families the government’s efforts to fight poverty and poor health care

low-income families cannot afford to pay for 1________, that is to say, they cannot afford to 2 _____a doctor or 3______medicine. ⑤ the government encourages health care form and reduces poverty by designing a health care project which provides poor patients with treatment at 7____or less to help them get treated properly.

⑥ the chinese government is working with other countries and international organizations to explore and develop a new 8_______ for china.

⑦ the government encourages people to 9_________ in order that other measures to fight poverty will work.

⑧ the government has vowed to stop the spread of aids by providing free 10_______

low-income families cannot provide 4___ for their children.

many low-income families cannot afford to 5_______.

low-income families live on allowance 6____________.

the best answer.

1. was it because he was ill ____he asked for leave?

a. and b that c that’s d so

2. he ____at mastering french.

a purposes b objects c aims d ends

3. it is not necessary to ____a dictionary whenever you meet with a new word.

a insult b consult c look up d turn for

4. who is ______starting the bush fire?

a blame b to blame for c blamed d blame for

5. people often want to know what my job is. often i ____ that question.

a ask b am asking c get asked d get asking

6. if you work hard, you’ll _____a good electronic engineer.

a have b make c turn d learn

7. he is indeed too fat but _____ that he is an excellent dancer.

a. in spite of b as well as c in addition to d owing to

8. if it hadn’t been for the doctor’s care, i wouldn’t _____to you now.

a speak b have spoken c be spoken d be speaking

9. --who will _____ the farm when you are away?

-- maybe my father, and maybe my mother. i don’t ______.

a care about, care b care for, care c care about , care for d take care of, care about

9. --i was very lucky, it was only a minor infection and it all ______in a week.

--congratulations on your recovery.

a cleaned up b cleared up c took up d brought up

10. --why not _____ till monday?

--i can’t. i have got to hand it in tomorrow.

a take off b lay off c carry out d leave behind

11. -- i had a small room at the half cost yesterday.

-- that’s really a (n) ________! a sale b fee c allowance d bargain

12. you can’t take her promises _______. she never keeps her word.

a serious b seriously c obviously d curiously

13. although the working mother is very busy, she still ____ a lot of time to children.

a. devotes b spends c offers d provides

14. --do you know the time which he devotes ___english in a day reaches 10 hours?

--yes. i know that the key to his success lies in his devotion to english study.

a to study b to studying c for studying d in studying

15. mr. smith used to smoke ____ but he has abandoned it.

a seriously b hardly c badly d heavily

16. it was _____ back home after the experiment.

a. not until midnight did he go c until midnight that he didn’t go

c not until midnight that he went d until midnight that he didn’t go

17. ____has recently been done to provide more buses for the people , a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.

a. that b what c despite what d though what

18. these cases show that many complaints do not go _____by the managers of the store, mainly because not all customers report it.

a. recorded b recording c to be recorded d to have been recorded

ⅱ. translate the following passage into chinese and pay attention to the underlined parts.

liming was a college student. his family was forced into poverty/fell into poverty. in the first place, his father, who was paid off/lost his job, took a bank loan to pay for their housing. to make matters worse/what’s worse/worse still, his mother, who didn’t purchase medical insurance, was diagnosed with/came down with/suffered from deadly illness which was infected and couldn’t be cured/treated and he failed to apply for a small allowance again. his heavy school fees put more pressure on his family. he seemed to have no access/chance/opportunity to continue his further education. so he couldn’t help but/had got to quit going to college.

ⅲ. cloze test. choose the best answer.

two weeks later, the books arrived, 1 with a set of the complete works of charles dickens which i had not 2 . so i returned the dickens books to you, with a 3 for fifteen pounds and fifty pence for the works of shakespeare. two more weeks passed. then there 4 on my door step a second set of the works of shakespeare, the same set of novels by dickens and a six-book set of the plays of moliere, in french. since i do not read french, these were of no use to me at all. 5 , i could not afford to post all these books back to you, so i wrote to you at the end of august of last year, instructing you to come and 6 all the books that i did not want, and asking you not to send any other books until further 7 .

1. a. along b. coming c. sent d. together

2. a. ordered b. read c. wanted d. been fond of

3. a. letter b. note c. cheque d. price

4. a. came b. arrived c. were d. seemed

5. a. therefore b. unfortunately c. however d. of course

6. a. gather b. take c. collect d. check

7. a. notice b. information c. letters d. print


aims and demands:


importance and difficulty:

1. words and expressions:

hand down, sign an agreement with, take a degree, share, times, live, go doing

2. sentences:

a. the language which the maori speak is related to the languages of tahiti and hawaii.

b. this is how they keep their way of life alive.

c. in size it is bigger than guangdong province, yet has a much smaller population.

d. apart from their milk, the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing.

3. grammar:

a. the search party found the missing child.

b. i enjoy swimming in summer.

c. i’d like to invite you to my birthday party.

d. i’ll get the letter mailed first.

4. useful expressions:

a. you’d better ( not )……

b. you should / ought to ……

c. i suggest you ……

d. shall we……

e. how / what about…….

lesson 73 the maori of new zealand

aims and demands:

develop the ss’ reading and speaking ability.

importance and difficulty:

have a good and deeper understanding of the text.

teaching aid; a tape recorder and some slides

teaching methods: reading

teaching procedure:

step 1. presentation

find out how much the ss know about new zealand by asking a few rapid questions around the class.

t: where is new zealand?

----- east of australia.

t: how many islands is new zealand made up of ?

----- two large ones.

t: what is the capital?

----- wellington.

t: what money is used in new zealand?

----- nz dollar.

t: name one sailor who landed on new zealand several centuries ago.

----- captain cook.

t: what are the earliest people of new zealand called? ( first settlers )

----- maori .

t: where did they come from?

----- polynesia.

t: where did the first settlers in the usa come from?

… in australia

step 2. fast reading

read the text fast and find the answers to the questions.

1. from which countries have the people of new zealand come?

polynesia / oceania and europe , mainly britain.

2. what parts of maori life are mentioned in the text?

kindergartens, customs, way of life, the marae, the meeting house, family life, special days ---- huis, weddings, conferences, deaths and burials.

step 3. careful reading

1. read it and do the reference

( which words and phrases do the words in bold in the text refer to?)

2. note making

step 4. comprehension

1. paper comprehension

comprehension for unit 19 lesson 73(3b) cddcb bbdcc bd

1. the passage is mainly about ___.

a. why the maori chose to settle in new zealand

b. what the european settlers had done to the maori

c. the history, life-style, languages and customs of the maori

d. the rare animals and plants in new zealand

2. the population is mainly made up of ___.

a. the maori and europeans

b. the maori and kooris

c. the maori and pacific island

d. the maori, europeans and pacific islanders

3. when the maori came to settle in new zealand, they did not take ___ with them.

a. the way of life

b. dogs and rats

c. plants like the sweet potato

d. written records of their history

4. in the 19th century the maori population dropped as a result of ___.

a. their improper way of life

b. the bad weather in the island

c. many fierce battles and diseases

d. lack of money and medicine

5. which is wrong about the languages spoken in new zealand?

a. english is widely used as the official language.

b. the children in new zealand are greatly encouraged to use the maori language.

c. at least three kinds of languages are spoken in the country.

d. maori children can learn to speak english at school.

6. it can be figured out that the population of new zealand is about ____.

a. 435,000 b. 3,346,100 c. 5,5655,000 d. 170,000

7. we can learn what the text is about from ___.

a. the first paragraph b. the title

c. the last paragraph d. the whole passage

8. what did the maori not take to new zealand ?

a. plants like the sweet potato b. dogs

c. rats d. potatoes

9. how many kinds of languages are spoken in new zealand according to the text?

a. one b. two c. three d. four

10. the difference between the maori’s life and the europeans’ life is in their ___.

a. dining habit b. clothing

c. family size d. living condition

11. what is written in details in the text?

a. wedding b. burial

c. conference d. none of the above.

12. the maori’s burial service is different from the european’s because ___.

a. they give speeches at the funeral

b. they go to see the dead

c. they share their memories of the dead

d. there’s always someone staying with the dead

2. work book


maori ----- polynesia


new zealander european (british )----- europe / britain

pacific islanders----- oceanis


lesson 74 new zealand

aims and demands:

1. get the ss to read a text very fast in order to find out what the different sections about .

2. train the ss to obtain information from a diagram.

3. develop the ss’ reading ability.

importance and difficulty:

1. have a deeper understanding of the text.

2. finish the comprehension exercise

teaching methods: reading and understanding

teaching aids : tape recorder and some slides

teaching procedure:

step 1. revision

answer the questions:

1. what’s the other name for new zealand? ----- aotearoa

2. when did the first traveler reach new zealand, 950, 1050 or 1150? -----950

3. what did early travelers bring with them?

---- dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato.

4. which is warmer, north island or south island? why?

---- north island is warmer because it is closer to the equator.

5. what is the name of the earliest new zealand people? ------maori.

6. where did they come from? ----- polynesia

7. why did settlers and the maori fight? ----- over land rights

rearrange the following sentences:

1. following his discoveries many islanders travelled 3,500 kilometres by sea in their narrow boats to this new country between 1100 and 1350.

2. as a result of these wars and diseases, the maori population fell from 100,000 to 4,200.

3. in maori history, the first traveler to reach new zealand in the year 950 was a man called kupe.

4. by 1840 about 2,000 europeans, mainly british, had come to settle in new zealand and the maori signed and agreement with these settlers.

5. however, in later years there were fierce arguments over land rights and many battles were fought between the settlers and the maori.

6. he named the country “ ao-tea-roa”, which means “the land of the long, white cloud”.

7. they took with them dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato, and settled mainly in north island where the weather was warmer.

8. their population has now increased to 435,000 , and today they make up about 13% of the population.


step 2. reading for general understanding ( 3 minutes )

the purpose of this task is to get the ss to read a text very fast in order to find out what the different sections are about. it is a speed-reading exercise.

give the ss a time limit of 3 minutes for this exercise.

answers: politics – agriculture – sports and free time – natural beauty – wildlife

step 3. careful reading

1. read it carefully and finish the paper comprehension exercises.

reading comprehension for unit 19 lesson 74 (3b) acbca cabdb bd

1. which is correct about new zealand?

a. before 1893 women couldn’t enjoy the same voting rights just as men.

b. there are about 50 million sheep in the country, more than 14 times the population.

c. people over a certain age can all receive a weekly “old-age pension” nowadays.

d. the government is quite successful in controlling the unemployment rate.

2. which is not the reason for the question “why new zealand is thought to be an important agricultural country”?

a. animal farming is well developed.

b. there are more sheep than people.

c. deer are kept for their meat and fur.

d. the main exports are agricultural products.

3. according to the passage, which is most likely to happen in new zealand?

a. the country imports wood pulp(纸浆).

b. earthquakes will shake the country.

c. winter vacation starts from december.

d. farmers begin to keep deer instead of cattle.

4. there are flightless birds in new zealand because___.

a. these birds are kept in cages for a long time and lose the ability to fly

b. they caught the strange diseases which settlers took with them

c. they had no natural enemies until the arrival of humans

d. as in australia, the climate there is quite suitable for birds to live on the land

5. after reading the text you cannot have a picture of ___.

a. the history of new zealand

b. the climate in new zealand

c. the agriculture in new zealand

d. the strange animals in new zealand

6. what is not true about new zealand?

a. new zealand is the first the allow women to vote in the world.

b. new zealand exports mainly agricultural products.

c. all the people can receive the :old-age pension”.

d. all the people above a certain age can receive the “old-age pension”.

7. what is not included in the exported agricultural products?

a. pork b. lamb c. beef d. butter

8. what fruit is implied (暗指) in the text?

a. apple b. grape c. pear d. banana

9. in new zealand only the kiwi is ___.

a. ancient b. flightless

c. voiceless d. the national bird

10. who made the birds flightless?

a. the birds themselves. b. nature.

c. some biologists. d. natural enemies.

11. the main school holidays in new zealand are about ____ month(s).

a. one b. one and a half

c. two d. two and a half.

12. it can be inferred that new zealand is not an ideal place for ___.

a. having sports b. going sight-seeing

c. keeping cattle and goats

d. developing heavy industry

2. true or false statements.

a. new zealand is an important agricultural country with a small population. in size it is bigger than guangdong province, yet has a much smaller population.

b. in 1893, many countries, including new zealand, allowed women to vote.

c. in recent times the “ old-age pension” has only been paid to the poorest people because these people are usually very old.

d. the main school holidays are from mid-december till early february because the weather is usually very cold.

e. tourists from all over the world come to new zealand because they are attracted by the natural beauty of the country.

f. the kiwi, new zealand’s national bird is flight-less because this kind of bird is very huge and it cannot fly.

answers: t f f f t f

step 4. practice workbook ex 2

step 5. diagram page 40


lesson 73~ 74

aims and demands: review the text and deal with the language points.

importance and difficulty: get the ss know the usage of the language points.

teaching aid: some slides.

teaching methods: practicing and comparison

teaching procedure:

step 1. revision

say as quickly as possible and tell if the following statements are true or false.

1. all the people of new zealand came from the islands of polynesia in the pacific.

2. the maori had no written language.

3. by 1840 about 2,000 british had come to settle in new zealand.

4. now the maori makes up about 13% of the population.

5. they have a population of 4, 200.

6. the maori have given up their own customs and ways of life.

7. new zealand is an important industrial country with a small population

8. new zealand was the first nation in modern times to allow women to vote.

9. north island is famous for its hot springs.

10. new zealanders like to go swimming, sailing , horse-riding during the months of december-february.

f t f t f f f t t t

step 2. useful expressions

fill in the blanks ( lesson 73~ 74)

1. ireland lies to the west of great britain. they are separated from each other by the irish sea.

2. i have bought a dictionary for you and i’ll send it to you by mail as soon as possible.

3. the two tables are of the same size, but they are different in colour.

4. they have made much money out of keeping fish.

5. apart from the garden, i’m quite satisfied with the house.

6. their customs were handed down/on from generation to generation.

7. their population has now increased to 420,000 . that makes up about 13% of the whole population.

8. i insist on him changing his learning methods, but he sticks to it.

9. can you explain the sentences to me which are marked with red lines?

10. would you like to stay with us for a few more days?

step 3. language points:

fill in the blanks ( lesson 73~74)

1. they took with them dogs, rats and plants like the sweet potato and settled mainly in north island.


我没有带钱,请你借我10 元好吗?

2. the language which the maori speak is related to the languages of tahiti and hawaii.

relate vt. 把 … 联系起来

be related to 和 … 有联系

3. maori family enjoy sharing what they own and looking after one another.

enjoy doing consider , dislike , finish , go ,mink , practise , risk , suggest , avoid , appreciate, feel like , give up …

4. this is how they keep their way of life alive.




5. the fish is still alive .

6. this is a live fish .

7. all living things need sunlight , water and air.

8. although he is sixty, he is still alive.

9. many people will sleep and eat on the marae during these three days and share their memories of the dead person.

10. she is always happy and never shares his parents’ worries ( 从不分担父母的忧愁 )


we should share joys and sorrows.

11. new zealand is an important agriculture country with a small population.


china is a developing country with a large population.

12. it is bigger than guangdong province in size.

13. the two countries are of the same size, but they are different in population.

14. the main exports of the country are wool, lamb, beef butter, forest products, fruit and vegetables ( 水果和蔬菜 ).

15. some farmers have turned tokeeping deer (养鹿).

16. whenever he had difficulty, he turned to the teacher for help( 他就去向老师求助 ).

turn to

turn on

turn off

turn down

turn into

turn out

turn over

17. new zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.

be of high quality =high-qualified

be of great help =helpful

be of importance =important

be of great value =valuable

18. apart from their milk, the wool from their coats is used in expensive clothing.

19.apart from english , he is good at french. ( besides )

20. there were ten people at the meeting apart from me. (besides)

21. the composition is good apart from a few spelling mistakes. ( except for)

22. north island is famous for an area of hot spring, some of which throw hot water high into the air.

23. hongzhou is famous for its west lake.

24. helen keller was famous as an american writer.

step 4. correct the mistakes:

1. all things are related with all other things.


2. mary and i will share with a room. /

3. besides from the cost, it will take a lot of time. ( apart ) from /

4. we have reported the matter to the master but he considers it of no important. (importance )

5. in this factory the workers are paid by hour. ( by the hour ) (by hours)

6. the rice is sold by the weight. /

7. when time went on, einstein’s theory was proved to be correct. ( as )

8. after he left school he became a teacher , but later he turned to drive. ( driving )




there is a tall tree in front of our teaching building.

there are some students playing football on the playground.

2. think/find it + adj for sb to do sth

(1).i find it necessary to take down notes while listening.

(2).i feel it important to have some working experience.

(3).i found it impossible for me to work out all the problems in such a short time.

3. not…until

(1).i didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.

(2).yesterday i didn’t go to sleep until midnight.

4. some…others

(1).everyone is busy in classroom. some are reading, others are writing.

(2).there are many foreign students in our class. some of them are from europe, others come from america.

5. not only…but also

(1).in just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s degree.

(2).forests can not only fresh the air but also reduce noises.

6. such…that / so…that

(1).he is such a good student that everyone likes him.

(2).we were so deeply moved that we could not fall asleep that night.


(1).they were too angry to say a word that day.

(2).he is too young to go to school.

8. in order to

(1).he worked very hard in order to realize his dream.

(2).in order to get there on time,we set off early in the morning.

about to do sth when…/be doing sth when…

(1).i was about to go out when the telephone rang.

(2).i was walking in the street when i heard a lady cry “help,help”.


(1).he used to live in shanghai.

(2).there used to be a tree in front of my house.

/hear/watch/find sb do sth/doing sth

(1).i heard someone laughing.

(2).i saw him put the key in the lock,turn it and open the door.

12. have some difficulty in doing sth/with sth

do you have any difficulty in understanding spoken english?

busy doing sth/with sth

he was busy getting ready for his journey.


1.a) go to see the doctor at once.

b) your cold may get worse.

go to see the doctor at once, or your cold may get worse.

2. a) alice was the first to complete her paper.

b) alice made quite a few mistakes in her paper.

alice was the first to complete her paper, but she made quite a few mistakes in it.

3. a) we were about to start off last night.

b) the phone in the living room began to ring.

we were about to start off last night when the phone in the living room began to ring.

4. a) unfortunately, john’s car broke down on the way home.

b) john had to stop a car for a lift.

unfortunately, john’s car broke down on the way home, so he had to stop a car for a lift.

5). a) he has made great progress in his studies.

b) all the teachers praise him.

he has made such great progress in his studies that all the teachers praise him.

6. a) some people waste food.

b) other people haven’t enough food.

some people waste food, while others haven’t enough food.

7. a) it’s too late to go to the cinema now.

b) i have an important meeting to attend after lunch.

it’s too late to go the cinema now. besides, i have an important meeting to attend after lunch.

8. a) your aunt has no other thought but what is best for you.

b) i have no other thought, either.

neither your aunt nor i have any other thought but what is best for you.

练习二:1、用but,then,instead,the next moment,when填空:

the accident happened at 7:15 on the morning of february 8, . i was walking along park road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the opposite side of the street. then i saw a yellow car drive up third street and make a sudden right turn into park road. the next moment the car hit the old man. he fell down with a cry. but the car didn’t stop to save the old man. instead,it drove off at great speed.

2、用at last,then,so,up to now,that,when填空:

don’t lose your courage

never shall i forget the first english lesson given by miss liu. on that day, when she entered the classroom, we found that she was a young and beautiful lady with a big smile on her face. then she introduced herself saying that we should call her miss liu instead of teacher liu, a moment later, she let all of us go to the blackboard and say something about ourselves in english in turn. when it was my turn, i felt so shy and fearful that i didn’t dare to say a word before the class. she came up to me and said kindly, “don’t be afraid. i believe you can do it. come and have a try.” my face turned red when i heard that. at last, i went to the blackboard and was able to do it quite well. she praised for what i had done. up to now, i can still remember her words in the first english lesson: “practice makes perfect. don’t lose your courage when you meet with difficulties. try on and on until you succeed.”


aims and demands:


importance and difficulty:

1. words and expressions:

rush sb. off his feet, change, action, repair, work on, fix up

2. important sentences:

a. it is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.

b. what is more, this “information line” operates 24 hours a day.

c. it did not take the firefighters long to pot out the fire, and they at once started to look for causes of the fire.

d. they had to work inside the ship, cutting away old metal, fixing new metal plate, drilling holes, laying electrical and phone wires and fixing new pipes for water and steam.

3. grammar: review –ing form, to do form and predicative

4. useful expressions:

a. may i speak to …?

b. hello. who’s that speaking?

c. i called to tell you…..

d. hold on, please.

e. wait a moment.

f. can i take ( leave ) a message?

lesson 69 the office

aims and demands:

develop the ss’ reading ability

importance and difficulty: have a deeper understanding of the text.

teaching aid: tape recorder and some slides

teaching methods: reading, speaking

teaching procedure:

step 1. riddle

i can store and recall as much information as possible, and i can work at a very high speed. in modern times, you can’t work without me. what am i? ( computer )

step 2. warming up

t: where can you find computer?

s: they are mostly found in offices……

t: what else may you expect find in a large modern office?

( write these words on the blackboard and read after the teacher)

the office

fax machine


word processor

answering machine

choose the right title for each section

step 3. deal with the text

t: what is the fax machine? how does it work?

s: when you place a sheet of paper in a fax machine, the machine “reads” the writing on the page and changes the shapes of letters into electronic signals. it then sends these signals down an ordinary telephone line to another fax machine, which changes the signals back into the shapes of letters.

t: what are the advantages of sending a fax?

ss: speed. you can send texts, pictures, diagrams, designs maps and so on .

t: what are the disadvantages of sending a fax?

ss: it is expensive and not private. ( it can be read by anyone)

t: what is the photocopier? how does it work?

ss: it can copy a long report and sort the copies and pin them together.

t: what can modern photocopying machines do?

ss: modern machines can make the copy bigger or smaller , lighter or darker and copy onto both sides of the paper.

t: what is the word processor? how many parts is the word processor made up of?

ss: it is made up of three parts . ( a typewriter keyboard, a printer and a computer )

t: what are the advantages of a word processor?

ss: you can make changes easily and can print a report very quickly.

t: what is the answering machine?

ss: it is a telephone with a tape recorder.

t: what are the advantage of an answering machine?

ss: it can receive messages when no one is in the office and can give information.

step 4. listening for general understanding

listen to the tape and write down the headings above the right sections of the text.

step 5. comprehension

1. work book on page 93

2. paper comprehension


comprehension exercise for unit 18 lesson 69 (3b)

i. main facts: dbac

read fast to get a general idea of the passage and fill in the following blanks with one of the four choices below.

a. the word processor

b. the fax machine

c. the answering machine

d. the photocopier

1. ____ is a type of machine used to make copies from newspapers, books or reports.

2. ____ is used to send messages including words , pictures, designs and maps.

3. ____ is a kind of machine used to type materials, save them for future use and make changes if necessary.

4. ____ is used to record telephone messages when the receiver is absent.

ii. further comprehension ccadc dbbd

1. which is wrrong about learning to use office equipment?

a. it can make the work in offices go smoothly .

b. it is necessary for beginners in offices.

c. it should be learnt during a busy period.

d. it may help you to get a promotion (普升机会).

2. which is correct about sending a fax?

a. it can be done only during working hours.

b. sometimes it might take a week or so.

c. it isn’t a good choice to send top-secret information by fax machine.

d. reports in english cannot be faxed.

3. a word processor ____.

a. can type a long report and make changes

b. can produce colour copies when necessary

c. can send information both at home and abroad

d. includes a keyboard, a photocopier and a computer

4. ____ can be used to answer a phone call automatically (自动地) when you are out.

a. the photocopier b. the fax machine

c. the word processor d. the answering machine

5. what is one disadvantage of sending a fax?

a. we can send a fax only in the office hours.

b. message sent by a fax are hard to read.

c. we cannot send secret information through a fax machine.

d. foreigners cannot understand chinese letters sent by a fax.

6. what can’t a word processor do?

a. typing a letter.

b. printing documents.

c. coping a on report.

d. sending picture.

7. what does “be rushed off one’s feet” mean in paragraph 1?

a. be on business b. be busy and tired

c. be tired out d. run out of the office

8. the writer says “the fax has greatly changed office work, especially in china.” because ____.

a. it can send information quickly

b. it is much easier to change chinese characters into electronic signals

c. it can do a lot of work for the chinese people such as making copies, posting letters

d. it makes office work easy to do

9.“the fax has greatly changed office work,especially in china.” the underlined word means ____.

a. properly b. immediately

c. slightly d. particularly

lesson 70 what causes the fire

aims and demands:

aims and demands:

develop the ss’ reading ability

importance and difficulty: have a deeper understanding of the text.

teaching aid: tape recorder and some slides

teaching methods: reading, speaking

teaching procedure:

step 1. presentation

talk about the picture

t: what may cause a fire?

---- smoking, playing with fire ……

t: what is often used to put out the fire?

---- water, co……

t: what kind of gas do we breathe?

( name some of the gases in the air we breathe. )

---- oxygen, hydrogen……

people may be in danger if there is not enough oxygen. but too much oxygen may cause danger to people , too.

step 2. reading for general understanding

read the text and find out :

1. where did the fire happen?

----- in a ship which was in a port in scotland for repairs.

2. what started the fire?

----- a worker fixed the air-line to a supply of oxygen instead of compressed air.

step 3. problem solving

see which pair of ss can find out the correct answer before the others.

---- the man actually connected the air-line to the oxygen supply line.

step 4. comprehension

1. put these events in the correct order


2. workbook ex i

g comprehension

comprehension for unit 18 lesson 70 (3b) bdbcd acab

1. an extra team of men were sent to repair the ship because ___.

a. this ship was a huge ship

b. this ship needed to be repaired quickly

c. they were skilled workers

d. there was a lot of work to do

2. the man took a long time to connect the rubber pipe to the air supply pipe because ___.

a. he smoked a cigarette during the working hours

b. he had to drill holes and lay electrical wires first

c. he found something strange in the air and stopped to have a check

d. the fittings did not match

3. there was a strange smell when one man lit a cigarette because ___.

a. the cigarette had the smell itself

b. the smell was caused by the oxygen

c. there was something wrong with the man’s nose

d. the ship was beginning to burn

4. which of the following is true?

a. the fire caused great damage to the ship.

b. there was an explosion happened inside the ship.

c. no damage was done to the deck at the end of the ship.

d. the fuel on ship caused the fire.

5. what measures were taken to prevent a fire accident?

a. talks on safety were given to new workers.

b. smoking was not allowed in the workplace.

c. all the supply lines and taps were marked with signs and warnings.

d. both a and c.

6. in the ship the “air-line” provides ____.

a. compressed air b. water and steam

c. fuel and gas d. fresh air

7. when the fire broke out, ____.

a. some men sounded the fire alarm

b. all the men jumped into the sea

c. most of the men managed to escape

d. they fought against the fire

8. the men’s cigarettes burned strangely and tasted bad because ____ .

a. there was too much oxygen inside

b. something was wrong with the cigarettes

c. oxygen had a strong smell

d. lots of compressed air was inside

9. what was the real cause of the fire?

a. the third person struck a match for a cigarette.

b. the air-line was fixed to a supply line of oxygen instead of compressed air.

c. too many workers smoked in the ship.

d. the fittings the workers had used to repair the ship didn’t match.

4. slides

rearrange the following events ( lesson 70 )

a. it took him some time to connect the long rubber pipe to the air supply pipe that ran round the port, but at last it was done and as a result work was able to progress much faster.

b. half an hour later, another man struck a match for a cigarette and this time the whole of the inside of the ship caught fire.

c. they had to work inside the ship.

d. a navy ship was in a port in scotland for repairs.

e. it was important to carry out the work quickly, so an extra team of men were asked to work on the repairs one evening.

f. another man lit a cigarette but it burnt strangely and so he too put it out.

g. one man was told to fix up an “air-line” to provide compressed air for the machines they were using.

h. after three hours, the men stopped for a meal break. when work continued, one man lit a cigarette as he was working, but, finding it had a strange taste, he put it out.


step 5. practice ----- ex 2


lesson 69~70

translate the following sentences (lesson 69~70)

1. 一旦他作出决定就不会改变。

once she made the decision, she wouldn’t change her mind.

2. 我到过那儿一次。

i have been there once.

3. 这是她父亲曾经工作过的地方。

this is the place where her father once worked.

4. 该去的是約翰而不是杰克。

john should go rather than jack.

5. 这些鞋子穿起来很舒服,但并不漂亮。

these shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.

i love swimming rather than skating.

i decided to write rather than ( to ) telephone.

we ought to check up, rather than just accept what he says / accepting what he says.

6. 与其让这些蔬菜烂掉,他宁愿以一半的价格把他们卖掉。

rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.

would / had rather do sth than do…

would / had rather sb. did…

i would rather you knew that now than afterwards.

7. 他们播种忙得个不可开交。( rush sb. off one’s feet )

they are rushed off their feet with the sowing.

8. 没有必要对这个计划作出修改。

it is not necessary to make any changes in the plan.

9. 我觉得是我该采取行动的时候了。

i felt it ( was ) time for me to take ( an ) action.

10. 我没有去看望王先生,因为那天下大雨. 再说,我身边也没有他的地址。

i didn’t go to see mr. smith , because it was raining hard. what’s more, i didn’t have his address.

11. 中国有许多人正在从事一项“希望工程”,帮助穷苦孩子们上学。

many people in china are working on a “project hope” , helping poor children to go to school.

12. 他在致力于发明一种办公用的新式机器。

he is working on inventing a new type of machine for office work.

13. 他不得不工作到六十多岁。

he has to work on until he was sixty.

14. 政府给无家可归的人提供食宿。

the government provided food and shelter for those who were homeless / the homeless.

the government supplied (provide ) the homeless with food and shelter.

15. 他们在忙着安装电灯。

they are busy fixing up the lights.


a. he fixed up the broken chair. 修理

b. i can easily fix you up for the night. 给…... 安排住处

c. we have fixed up a date for the picnic. 确定

d. i’ve fixed up a visit to the theater for next friday. 安排

e. do i have to fix up to go to the party. 打扮

16. 花了我一整天的时间修理这台彩电。

it took me a whole day to fix up the colour tv set.

17. 你应该争取尽快赶到那儿。

you should try to get there as soon as you can.

you should try to get there as soon as possible.

18. 许多人逃出大火着火了。

many people escaped from the big fire, with their clothes on fire.

19. 老师走进教室,手里拿着一本书。

the teacher came into the classroom, with a book in his hand.

( book in hand )

20. 她似乎(已经)听到了这件事。

she appeared / seemed to have heard about it already.

it seemed / appeared that she had already heard about it.

21. 房子烧了,准是有什么原因。

the house was burned down. there must have been some cause.

22. 这婴孩昨夜哭个不停,他准是得了病。

the baby kept crying last night . he must have been ill.


