
格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-22 12:48:11
时间:2022-12-22 12:48:11     小编:zdfb



dabie mountain is located at the junction of hubei, henan and anhuiprovinces. it has high mountains and overlapping peaks. it connects huaihe riverin the north and yangtze river in the south. it is of great strategicsignificance to overlook the central plains. therefore, it has been a must formilitary strategists since ancient times. it has always been said that those whoget the dabie mountains get the central plains, and those who get the centralplains get the world.

as early as in feudal society, the cruel exploitation and oppressionaroused the people's resistance to the ruling class. at the end of qin dynasty,yingbu led the peasants to fight against qin peasants. at the end of the yuandynasty, xu shouhui, the leader of the peasant uprising, established the tianhuiempire in qingquan town of xishui based on the dabie mountains, and then spanidedthe troops into four groups. the taiping heavenly kingdom revolutionary movementwas in full swing here for several years.

dabie mountain is a famous mountain in the history of chinese is because the people of dabie mountain, under the leadership of thecommunist party of china, fought bravely and made great contributions to theestablishment of new china.

during the agrarian revolution, "jute uprising", one of the three majoruprisings in china, took place here; the fourth front army of the red army, oneof the three main forces of the red army, was also born here; during the war ofliberation, liu deng's army leaped into the dabie mountains and fought here.

jute uprising is an event of great significance in today's huang'an andmacheng. on november 11, 1927, according to the spirit of the "august 7th"meeting of the cpc central committee and the autumn harvest riot plan of thehubei provincial party committee, the cpc jute special committee held a meetingof the communist party and league activists in huang'an and macheng at wenchangpalace in qiliping, huang'an county, and decided to launch the "september riot"in huang'an and macheng on the night of november 11, more than 20000 peasantsled by the general headquarters of the uprising, with the support of thousandsof people, captured huang'an county in the early morning of the next day. twentyone days later, because the kuomintang troops attacked huang'an city secretly,the enemy was outnumbered, and huang'an city, which was not liberated long ago,fell back into the enemy again hands. the eastern hubei army also withdrew fromthe county seat and arrived at mulan mountain to carry out guerrilla january 1, 1928, it was reorganized into the seventh army of the chineseworkers' and peasants' revolution. in july of the same year, it was reorganizedinto the chinese workers' and peasants' red army, and created the firstrevolutionary base in the region of hubei, henan and anhui.

on november 7, 1931, the fourth front army of the chinese workers' andpeasants' red army was established in qiliping, huang'an. its commander-in-chiefyu qianxiang and political commissar chen changhao had more than 30000 peopleunder the jurisdiction of the fourth and 25th red army. before itsestablishment, the fourth front army of the red army had achieved the goal ofsmashing the enemy's three "suppression" campaigns, two "encirclement andsuppression" campaigns and going south, the victory of the battle and theestablishment of the fourth front army of the red army marked the growingstrength and maturity of the dabie mountains. it trained and trained a largenumber of excellent senior military leaders and commanders for china'srevolutionary cause.

in june 1947, liu bocheng and deng xiaoping led 120000 troops to cross theyellow river from the southwest of shandong province with superhuman courage andcourage in accordance with the strategic principles of the party centralcommittee, breaking through the kuomintang's hundreds of thousands ofencirclement and interception, and leaping from the yellow river to the dabiemountains, which successfully opened the prelude of the pla's strategiccounterattack. in october, chiang kai shek sent troops to prevent the pla fromcrossing the river. liu bocheng and deng xiaoping decided to seize thisfavorable opportunity and concentrate their superior forces to annihilate it. onoctober 1, under liu deng's personal deployment, the main force of the fieldarmy annihilated the kuomintang's integrated 40th spanision and the 82nd brigadeof the integrated 52nd spanision. in this battle, 12600 people were annihilated,70 guns of various kinds, more than 4800 long and short guns were seized, andone plane was shot down. we have achieved great success in gaoshanpu. thisbattle laid the foundation for liu deng's army to rebuild the dabie mountainbase, and realized the strategic policy of the party central committee andchairman mao on leading the war from the liberated area to the enemy's war the central plains area to the north of the yangtze river, it formed a pinshaped strategic layout with the brother main forces advancing into the areas ofjiangsu, shandong, henan, anhui and henan, shaanxi and hubei, which directlythreatened the security of the nanjing kuomintang government. it fundamentallyshook the kuomintang's reactionary rule in the central plains and greatlyaccelerated the liberation process of the whole country. it took only one yearand eight months from august 1947 to the liberation of the whole territory ofhubei, henan and western anhui. in this short period of 20 months, liu deng'sfield army, who was brave and good at fighting, not only led the war from thenorth of the yellow river to the yangtze river basin with a leap forward actionrarely seen in ancient and modern chinese and foreign history in other words, itpushed forward 1000 kilometers southward, and at a speed much faster than peopleexpected, it won the vast area with the dabie mountains as the center, andsuccessfully achieved the goal of stabilizing the overall situation of thecentral plains and then marching into the south. as the front position of thestrategic counter offensive, the dabie liberated area has also become animportant base for our army to move forward. in its glorious history, a newchapter has been added to support the battle of crossing the yangtze river andthe liberation of the southern half of china.

located in luotian county, hubei province, tiantangzhai, the main peak ofdabie mountain, is 1729 meters high, known as the first peak in the centralplains. when you climb the main peak and look around the world, you can see100000 mountains embracing and worshiping you. looking at the central plains inthe north and jingchu in the south, there is a poem that says: "there is a peakstraight up, and all things are dense. when you look at it, your mind is stillwide, and the phoenix is like heaven." watching the sunrise in the early morningis like walking in the fairy palace. when the rain is over and the sky is clear,climbing the main peak in the morning to view the sea of clouds is even morespectacular. the green and black mountains are like fishing boats in the whitesea, sometimes looming and sometimes appearing. they are also like black dragonsflying, dancing and swallowing clouds.

on the west side of the main peak, large and small scenic spots can be seeneverywhere, with nine hoops and monks more eye-catching. as soon as visitors getclose to the park management office, they can see a cliff hundreds of metershigh when they look up to the east. they are born like a monk with a big stomachand a smiling face. it is said that this cliff was changed by maitreya is a yellow aperture on the top of the cliff.

we go up the ladder, and here is the famous gathering of immortals. withina half kilometer radius, there are 90 peaks, large and small, most of which areformed by weathering and denudation of ancient rock strata. looking up from therock, you can see the clouds directly; looking down from the top, you can seethe past like smoke. the magic of its shape, uncanny workmanship. one of themost famous is zheren peak. in a small view, the cliff is about 100 meters high,like a huge head, broad forehead, thick eyebrows, high nose, fleshy lips,contemplating the north, as if thinking about a major philosophical proposition,visitors stop, marvel and ponder.

"benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water.". paradiseforest park can also let you enjoy the charm of paradise water. the water ofheaven is "spanine water". on the mountain peak with an altitude of more than1700 meters, there is a spring. the spring is always clear and sweet. there isanother square meter pool in front of us. it is said that xu shouhui, the leaderof the peasant uprising at the end of the yuan dynasty, once bathed in public inthis pool and put a purple light on his body. all the believers thought maitreyabuddha was born, and they embraced him as the lord. they gathered millions ofpeople at one stroke.

fairy valley is also full of magical colors. less than 200 meters west ofthe pedestrian road from the park management office, you enter the picturesquefairy valley. the legend of shenxian valley is a place loved and frequentlymoved by taishanglaojun. a huge stone stands at the entrance of the valley, onwhich a flat roof is naturally formed. there is a deep hole under the is a pool in front of the hole. there are two cascades on the pool. it issaid that a pair of carp in the pool are infected by taishanglaojun's immortalqi. they swim into shuanglongtan not far away and listen to laojun's chantingand preaching. shuanglongtan is actually the biggest two "wells" in the ninewells of heaven, and the two wells are connected. there is a huge platformbetween the two pools, namely "songjingtai", which is taishanglaojun a platformfor chanting and preaching. every time lao jun devotes himself to preaching, thetwo carp also devote themselves to listening. after a long time, they all emergeinto jackie chan and achieve the right results. therefore, they are later called"shuanglongtan".

ok, i'll explain it to you. if you have anything else you want to know, youcan bring it up to me. let's discuss it together. the rest of the time is foryou to take photos. please don't have to return to the hotel before 5:30. youcan take the road on the left or return the same way.











first of all, on behalf of __ travel agency, i'd like to welcome you. i'myour guide. my name is _ _ and you can call me _ _. the driver on my right ismaster zhao. today, we will serve you all. if you have any needs or requestsalong the way, please feel free to put forward them. we will try our best tohelp you solve them. may our service make you have a happy journey. it is saidthat in history, liu deng marched into the dabie mountains and wrote amagnificent epic of blood and fire in the dabie mountains. today, let me leadyou to this red land and express our feelings for this soil. when it comes tothe dabie mountains, i just want to ask you, do you know why it is called thedabie mountains? in fact, there is a moving story in it. it is said that in theworld of flood and famine, heaven and earth are integrated, and hundreds ofmillions of creatures are squeezed between the dark heaven and earth. later, amountain roared up and lifted up the sky with his back, so that all creaturescould get light. because the mountain separated heaven and earth, day and night,so that heaven and earth are different, it was named dabie mountain. of course,it's just a legend. in fact, from the perspective of geographical location, it'scalled dabie mountain because it separates the yangtze river and huaihe river,and separates the state of wu and the state of chu, which makes the climate andcustoms of the two places different.

in addition to being the birthplace and base of china's red revolution,dabie mountain is also a tourist, summer resort and holiday resort. withbeautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has been developed as"dabie mountain eco-tourism area". here, you can not only enjoy the magic ofstrange peaks, strange rocks and sea of clouds, but also enjoy the charm ofheaven's beautiful water. in may 1996, dabie mountain was officially approved asa national forest park. dabie mountain national forest park is spanided into fivescenic spots: tiantangzhai dabie xiongfeng natural scenery tourist area,qingtaiguan guguan famous temple tourist area, bodaofeng summer resort touristarea, jiuzihe pastoral scenery tourist area and tiantanghu water park. thesescenic spots have their own characteristics and are integrated, showing theunique charm of dabie mountain.

tiantang lake is surrounded by mountains and waters, beautiful scenery, andwith the changes of the situation, each has its own wonderful, deep "waterlight, sunny side is good, the mountains are empty, rain is also strange"artistic conception. qingtaiguan scenic spot is located at the junction of hubeiand anhui in the north of the main peak of dabie mountain, covering an area of106 square kilometers. it is a scenic spot mainly for visiting ancient times andsightseeing. bodaofeng scenic spot is located in the west of tiantangzhai,covering an area of 30 square kilometers, with dense vegetation and long historyand culture. jiuzihe rural scenic area is mainly composed of ancient countryheritage and agricultural landscape.

today we are visiting the tiantangzhai dabie xiongfeng scenic area. themost magical landscape in the scenic area is the mountain! walking in the heavenmountain, the mountains are overlapping, as if dissolved in the embrace ofmountains. or to see the solitary peaks stand out alone, or to see the two peaksstand against each other, or to see the peaks stand out, blocking the sky andblocking the sun. climbing up, you can see the mountains competing. some roarlike a tiger, some roar like a lion, some sit in like maitreya, some like areclining buddha heaven. the shape is lifelike and amazing. the sleeping buddhain heaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in dabieare known as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more ngzhai has many ravines, twists and turns, and springs and rocks arescattered in the stream. the trees beside the stream are green, birds aresinging and flowers are fragrant.

now our place is shenxian valley, which is about 1500 meters long and 30-40meters wide. it is characterized by quiet valleys and beautiful waters. it ispicturesque and full of magical colors. the legend of shenxian valley is that itis a place loved by laojun. look at this huge stone. it's a natural 's called rooftop. there is a deep hole under the boulder and a pool in frontof the hole. there is a two-stage waterfall on the pool. it is said that a pairof carp in the pool were infected by laojun's immortal qi. they swam intoshuanglong lake not far away to listen to laojun chanting longtan is actually the largest two wells in the nine wells of heaven, andthe two wells are connected. there is a huge platform between the two pools,namely "chanting platform", which is the platform for taishanglaojun to chantscriptures and preach. every time lao jun devotes himself to preaching, the twocarp also devote themselves to listening. after a long time, they all emerge asjackie chan. so later generations called the two wells "shuanglongtan".

the cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livesand eats, so people call it immortal cave. xianren cave is close to mountainsand waters, with beautiful environment. there is a space of about 10 squaremeters in the cave. there is a huge bed like stone in the cave. it is said thatit is the place where taishanglaojun stayed. not far away, there is a legendthat taishanglaojun played chess in the "immortal chess cave". in front of thecave, there is a magnificent landscape - "two dragons come out of the valley".since then, the river of shenxian valley has been spanided into two parts by ahuge stone. it flows down from both sides, like two silver dragons running outof the valley happily, and the momentum is particularly magnificent.

the tourist route of the main peak of the dabie mountains is eitherisolated or confronted by two peaks. the main scenic spots are xiaohua mountain,zheren peak, foguang cliff, etc. now the place we are going to is thephilosopher peak. zheren peak is 1518 meters above sea level. please take acloser look. the cliff is about 100 meters high, which looks like a big head,broad forehead, thick eyebrows, high nose and rich lips. the shape is lifelikeand lifelike. you can see it contemplating the north, as if thinking about amajor philosophical proposition. this is one of the three wonders of heaven, the"philosopher watching the sea.". my friends, the mountain road is rugged. pleasebe careful of the slippery road and pay attention to safety.

now we come to the foguang cliff, which is 1609 meters above sea 's named after the occasional magical buddha light. it has been a holy land ofbuddhism since ancient times, with "old temple", "maitreya temple" and othersites. in front of us, the mountains are in various shapes, like immortalsmeeting here, so it is called "gathering of immortals". here, there is a veryspecial mountain with three buddhas in one mountain. there are three stonebuddhas: sleeping buddha, maitreya buddha and monk. among them, "sleeping buddhain heaven" is known as one of the three wonders of heaven.

we continue to climb along the ridge at the border of hubei and anhuiprovinces, and then we can reach the main peak of dabie mountain. the ridgerises and falls, long and gentle. there is a stone like a turtle on the ridge,so it is named "dabie turtle", which is also one of the three wonders of , tourists, after our long journey, we come to the top of tiantangzhai, themain peak of dabie mountain. with an altitude of 1729.13 meters, tiantangzhai isknown as "the first peak in the central plains".

here, when you look around the world, you can see 100000 mountainsembracing and worshiping you. to the north, you can see the mountains and riversof wu and anhui, and to the south, you can see the boundless scenery of ng the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. it's apity that we don't have a good time to enjoy the beautiful scenery together. ifyou have a chance to visit dabie mountain next time, you must not miss thebeautiful scenery!

well, tourists, it's getting late. please come down the mountain with you go down the mountain, please pay attention to safety.

dear tourists, we are about to break up. the tour of dabie mountain iscoming to an end. thank you all for your support to my work. thank you! whiletaking away the good impression, please leave your valuable opinions. i'mlooking forward to our next reunion. if there is any chance, i'd like to provideyou with better service. goodbye, friends.


hello, tourists! welcome to dabie mountain. after a long journey, we workedhard all the way. my name is he jie. i'm your guide. you can call me xiao is master zhao, the driver. he has been driving for many years and has richexperience. please rest assured to take his car. if you have any needs orrequirements, please feel free to put forward, i will try my best to serve you.i hope my service can make you have a happy journey.

when it comes to the dabie mountains, i think your first reflection is thatit is a red soil and a revolutionary base. countless revolutionary ancestorsleft their footprints here. in fact, dabie mountain is also a tourist, summerresort. with beautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has beendeveloped as "dabie mountain eco-tourism area". here, you can not only enjoy themagic of strange peaks, dangerous mountains, strange rocks and sea of clouds,but also enjoy the charm of heaven's beautiful water.

there are five scenic spots in dabie mountain, including tiantangzhai dabiexiongfeng natural scenery tourist area, qingtaiguan guguan famous temple touristarea, bodaofeng summer resort tourist area, jiuzihe dabie mountain pastoralscenery tourist area and tiantanghu water orchestra. the total area of the parkis 300 square kilometers, with annual rainfall of 1350 mm and averagetemperature of 16.4c. there are 1487 species of wild plants and 634 species ofanimals. in may 1996, the ministry of forestry organized an expert group toconduct a comprehensive investigation and evaluation on the tourism resources ofthe dabie mountain national forest park. they agreed that it has greatdevelopment value and was officially approved as a national forest park. todaywe mainly visit tiantangzhai scenic spot.

tiantangzhai is the main peak of dabie mountain, known as the first peak inthe central plains. the most magical landscape in the park is the mountain! thescenic area is famous for its magnificent mountains, quiet valleys and beautifulwater. walking in the heaven mountain, the mountains and obstacles are likemelting into the embrace of mountains. or to see the solitary peaks stand aloneand rise straight into the sky; or to see the two peaks stand against each otherand fight for height; or to see the peaks stand in a forest; to block out thesky and the sun, and to be majestic. climbing up, you can see the mountainscompeting in a thousand different ways. some roar like a tiger, some roar like alion, some sit like maitreya, some lie like a buddha in heaven, some look like agiant penholder. the shape is lifelike and amazing. the sleeping buddha inheaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in dabie areknown as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more spectacular. tiantangzhaihas many ravines, twists and turns, which show its profound shape. in thestream, the springs and rocks are scattered, and the birds are murmuring. theriver bank is covered with trees, and the green bamboo is hidden, showing itsnatural color. the water of heaven is beautiful and the waves are long. thewater here is known for its clarity, sweetness and moisture. the streams in thescenic area are winding and winding, lingering in the valley. they are oftendeep and abstruse. sometimes, the water runs through the mountains and rocks,flowing freely like the milky way, dancing like jade, splashing with beads andsoaking in the slurry, creating a wonderful waterfall landscape. sometimes thestream is calm, sometimes it twists and turns, clear green and sparkling. valleywater, weir like a mirror, small pool like beads. the weirs and pools areconnected, and the mirrors and beads are inlaid. it is pure and transparent,elegant and vulgar.

here is the fairy valley. it is picturesque and full of magical colors. thelegend of shenxian valley is a place loved by laojun and frequently active. yousee, there is a natural platform on a huge stone, which is called the is a deep hole under the boulder. there is a pool in front of the are two cascades on the pool. it is said that a pair of carp in the poolwere infected by laojun's immortal spirit. they swam into shuanglongtan not faraway to listen to laojun's chanting and preaching. shuanglongtan is actually thelargest two "wells" in the nine wells of heaven, and the two wells areconnected. there is a huge platform between the two pools, namely "chantingplatform". this is the platform of the sutra chanting and preaching. every timelao jun devotes himself to preaching, the two carp also listen a long time, they all emerge into jackie chan and achieve good ore, later generations call these two wells "shuanglongtan".

the cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livedand ate, so people named it xianren cave. xianren cave is close to mountains andwaters, with beautiful environment. there is a space of about 10 square metersin the cave. at the bottom of the cave, there is a stone bed wheretaishanglaojun is staying. this is taishanglaojun's immortal stove. not faraway, there is taishanglaojun's "xianyi cave" where he plays chess. next to theimmortal cave, there is "shuanglongchugu". at this point, the river water ofshenxian valley is spanided into two parts by a huge stone. it flows down fromboth sides like two silver dragons running out of the valley happily.

what you see now is the philosopher peak, which is known as one of the"three wonders of heaven". please take a closer look. the cliff is about 100meters high. it looks like a huge head, a broad forehead, thick eyebrows, a highnose, and rich lips. looking north, you seem to be thinking about a majorphilosophical proposition. the buildings here are of ming and qing styles. mostof them are arranged according to the situation. it has the characteristics ofshanzhai. the mountain road is rugged. please be careful and pay attention tosafety. it seems to be a humble place. in fact, it has quite favorable militaryconditions.

in the war of liberation, liu deng's army advancing into the dabiemountains was the historical turning point of our army's transformation fromstrategic defense to strategic attack. on june 30, 1947, liu bocheng and dengxiaoping led the main force of the shanxi, hebei, shandong and henan fieldforces, liu deng's army, in accordance with the strategic principles of theparty central committee, with superhuman courage and courage, to cross theyellow river in southwest shandong and leap into the dabie mountains,successfully opening the prelude of the pla's strategic counterattack. by themiddle of october, liu deng's army had controlled more than 150 kilometers ofjiangfang on the north bank of the yangtze river.

now we have reached the summit of the philosopher peak. here, when we lookaround the world, we can see that 100000 mountains are worshipping. you can seethe central plains to the north and jingchu mountains and waters to the ng the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. when therain is over and the sky is clear, the morning view of the sea of clouds is evenmore spectacular. the vast sea of clouds, layers of smoke, the indigo coloredmountains, like the fishing boats in the sea of white waves, sometimes loomingand sometimes appearing, and like the dragon flying, dancing and swallowing theclouds. the scenery is spectacular. unfortunately, our time is limited, we can'tenjoy the beautiful scenery together. if you have the chance to visit dabiemountain again next time, you must not miss the scenery!

this is jiexingfeng, so it's called siyi. we are almost to the sides of it are abysses, with only one stone path to climb up. the degreeof danger is astonishing. the mountain ridge is covered with thousand year oldpines. the roots of pines are climbing the cliff, showing people their greatvitality. several huge stones on the top of jiexing peak are independent of thepeak, as if they were flying from outside.

if you stand on jiexing peak and look to the northeast, another dangerousscene will jump into your eyes. different from other places, there are countlessstone swallows flying together in spring and summer. they live in the crevicesbetween the cliffs and fly on the mountain jungle. they are called stoneswallows cliff.

it's getting late. please come down with me. please pay attention to safetywhen you go down the mountain.

the short trip to dabie mountains is coming to an end. thank you for yourcooperation and help. if you have any comments or suggestions on my work, pleaselet me know so that i can improve in the future and provide you with betterservice. i hope this tour will leave you a wonderful and unforgettable memory. iwish you all a safe journey and all the best. once again, i would like to thankyou. bye.


hello, tourists! welcome to dabie mountain. after a long journey, we workedhard all the way. my name is he jie. i'm your guide. you can call me xiao is master zhao, the driver. he has been driving for many years and has richexperience. please rest assured to take his car. if you have any needs orrequirements, please feel free to put forward, i will try my best to serve you.i hope my service can make you have a happy journey.

when it comes to the dabie mountains, i think your first reflection is thatit is a red soil and a revolutionary base. countless revolutionary ancestorsleft their footprints here. in fact, dabie mountain is also a tourist, summerresort. with beautiful scenery, fresh air and pleasant climate, it has beendeveloped as "dabie mountain eco-tourism area". here, you can not only enjoy themagic of strange peaks, dangerous mountains, strange rocks and sea of clouds,but also enjoy the charm of heaven's beautiful water.

there are five scenic spots in dabie mountain, including tiantangzhai dabiexiongfeng natural scenery tourist area, qingtaiguan guguan famous temple touristarea, bodaofeng summer resort tourist area, jiuzihe dabie mountain pastoralscenery tourist area and tiantanghu water orchestra. the total area of the parkis 300 square kilometers, with annual rainfall of 1350 mm and averagetemperature of 16.4c. there are 1487 species of wild plants and 634 species ofanimals. in may 1996, the ministry of forestry organized an expert group toconduct a comprehensive investigation and evaluation on the tourism resources ofthe dabie mountain national forest park. they agreed that it has greatdevelopment value and was officially approved as a national forest park. todaywe mainly visit tiantangzhai scenic spot.

tiantangzhai is the main peak of dabie mountain, known as the first peak inthe central plains. the most magical landscape in the park is the mountain! thescenic area is famous for its magnificent mountains, quiet valleys and beautifulwater. walking in the heaven mountain, the mountains and obstacles are likemelting into the embrace of mountains. or to see the solitary peaks stand aloneand rise straight into the sky; or to see the two peaks stand against each otherand fight for height; or to see the peaks stand in a forest; to block out thesky and the sun, and to be majestic. climbing up, you can see the mountainscompeting in a thousand different ways. some roar like a tiger, some roar like alion, some sit like maitreya, some lie like a buddha in heaven, some look like agiant penholder. the shape is lifelike and amazing. the sleeping buddha inheaven, the philosopher watching the sea (xugongya) and the turtle in dabie areknown as the "three wonders of heaven" and even more spectacular. tiantangzhaihas many ravines, twists and turns, which show its profound shape. in thestream, the springs and rocks are scattered, and the birds are murmuring. theriver bank is covered with trees, and the green bamboo is hidden, showing itsnatural color. the water of heaven is beautiful and the waves are long. thewater here is known for its clarity, sweetness and moisture. the streams in thescenic area are winding and winding, lingering in the valley. they are oftendeep and abstruse. sometimes, the water runs through the mountains and rocks,flowing freely like the milky way, dancing like jade, splashing with beads andsoaking in the slurry, creating a wonderful waterfall landscape. sometimes thestream is calm, sometimes it twists and turns, clear green and sparkling. valleywater, weir like a mirror, small pool like beads. the weirs and pools areconnected, and the mirrors and beads are inlaid. it is pure and transparent,elegant and vulgar.

here is the fairy valley. it is picturesque and full of magical colors. thelegend of shenxian valley is a place loved by laojun and frequently active. yousee, there is a natural platform on a huge stone, which is called the is a deep hole under the boulder. there is a pool in front of the are two cascades on the pool. it is said that a pair of carp in the poolwere infected by laojun's immortal spirit. they swam into shuanglongtan not faraway to listen to laojun's chanting and preaching. shuanglongtan is actually thelargest two "wells" in the nine wells of heaven, and the two wells areconnected. there is a huge platform between the two pools, namely "chantingplatform". this is the platform of the sutra chanting and preaching. every timelao jun devotes himself to preaching, the two carp also listen a long time, they all emerge into jackie chan and achieve good ore, later generations call these two wells "shuanglongtan".

the cave in front of you is said to be the place where taishanglaojun livedand ate, so people named it xianren cave. xianren cave is close to mountains andwaters, with beautiful environment. there is a space of about 10 square metersin the cave. at the bottom of the cave, there is a stone bed wheretaishanglaojun is staying. this is taishanglaojun's immortal stove. not faraway, there is taishanglaojun's "xianyi cave" where he plays chess. next to theimmortal cave, there is "shuanglongchugu". at this point, the river water ofshenxian valley is spanided into two parts by a huge stone. it flows down fromboth sides like two silver dragons running out of the valley happily.

what you see now is the philosopher peak, which is known as one of the"three wonders of heaven". please take a closer look. the cliff is about 100meters high. it looks like a huge head, a broad forehead, thick eyebrows, a highnose, and rich lips. looking north, you seem to be thinking about a majorphilosophical proposition. the buildings here are of ming and qing styles. mostof them are arranged according to the situation. it has the characteristics ofshanzhai. the mountain road is rugged. please be careful and pay attention tosafety. it seems to be a humble place. in fact, it has quite favorable militaryconditions.

in the war of liberation, liu deng's army advancing into the dabiemountains was the historical turning point of our army's transformation fromstrategic defense to strategic attack. on june 30, 1947, liu bocheng and dengxiaoping led the main force of the shanxi, hebei, shandong and henan fieldforces, liu deng's army, in accordance with the strategic principles of theparty central committee, with superhuman courage and courage, to cross theyellow river in southwest shandong and leap into the dabie mountains,successfully opening the prelude of the pla's strategic counterattack. by themiddle of october, liu deng's army had controlled more than 150 kilometers ofjiangfang on the north bank of the yangtze river.

now we have reached the summit of the philosopher peak. here, when we lookaround the world, we can see that 100000 mountains are worshipping. you can seethe central plains to the north and jingchu mountains and waters to the ng the sunrise in the early morning seems to be nine days away, andwatching the sunset in the evening is like walking in the fairy palace. when therain is over and the sky is clear, the morning view of the sea of clouds is evenmore spectacular. the vast sea of clouds, layers of smoke, the indigo coloredmountains, like the fishing boats in the sea of white waves, sometimes loomingand sometimes appearing, and like the dragon flying, dancing and swallowing theclouds. the scenery is spectacular. unfortunately, our time is limited, we can'tenjoy the beautiful scenery together. if you have the chance to visit dabiemountain again next time, you must not miss the scenery!

this is jiexingfeng, so it's called siyi. we are almost to the sides of it are abysses, with only one stone path to climb up. the degreeof danger is astonishing. the mountain ridge is covered with thousand year oldpines. the roots of pines are climbing the cliff, showing people their greatvitality. several huge stones on the top of jiexing peak are independent of thepeak, as if they were flying from outside.


