
格式:DOC 上传日期:2022-12-22 16:07:38
时间:2022-12-22 16:07:38     小编:zdfb














各位朋友大家好,欢迎来到莲花佛国——九华山旅游,我是安徽旅行社导游王,大家可以叫我小王或者王导,坐在旁边的是司机吴师傅,他有着多年的驾驶经验,坐他的车大家可以尽管放心。接下来的几天就有我们为大家服务。大家的相遇就像我的名字一样,“萍水相逢”也是一种缘分啊。我们会尽自己最大的努力给大家带去最好的服务,希望大家有一个开开心心的九华山之旅 ,现在呢我先想大家介绍一下我们九华山的概况:





也好的,各位游客朋友请跟紧小王,注意脚下,由天王殿向外走,就来到了大雄宝殿。这里供奉着三尊身高12米的大佛,中间的是释迦牟尼,两边分别是阿弥陀佛和药师佛,而大殿两边上,想必大家一定都猜到了,对!供置着的就是十八罗汉塑像。大家再随我往后走,大殿后侧呢,供奉着的是文殊、普贤菩萨坐像。 这幅“海岛观音”大型立体浮雕,是雕在释迦牟尼佛像背后的,这是一幅浓缩中国佛教诸佛菩萨的全图。


现在我们就到了肉身宝殿,请大家看下匾额上的字:月身宝殿!为什么叫月身宝殿呢?因为以前的月和肉是相通的,所以现在很多形容人身体器官的字都会有一个月字旁。肉身宝殿的建筑非常有特色,殿中有塔,塔中有石塔,石塔下面就是金地藏的肉身,农历7月30是他的生日,也是他圆寂之日,那天会有成千上万的人来朝拜。走进肉身宝殿大家可以看到门头上悬挂着地藏菩萨的誓愿:众生渡尽,方证菩提;地狱未空。誓不成佛。所以地藏菩萨又被称为大愿菩萨。相信有大愿菩萨的保佑,各位今后一定会好远常伴。 接下的我们就去百岁宫,百岁宫始建于明代,供奉着无暇和尚的肉身。相传无暇和尚修行时,主要食用黄精.丹参等野生植物,并且刺舌血拌金粉抄写一本佛经,用了20多年抄完经书,圆寂是110岁。在百岁宫中肉身殿,可以看到无暇和尚的装金肉身佛像,头戴僧帽,身披袈裟,端坐莲台,享万世香火。九华山已发现14具肉身,多为年龄百岁左右僧尼留下的,可能与他们长时间吃素,圆寂时体内水份比较少,坐化瓷缸密封性好等因素有关。后面朋友请跟上,接下来我们就要去天台景区了,俗话说“不上天台,等于没来”,说明九华胜境在天台。天台峰是九华山的主峰,海拔1300多米。站在天台峰上可以看九华街的全景,天台景区的主要景点有观音石.大鹏听经石等怪石,还有金地藏刚到九华山修行的地藏洞,留有地藏菩萨神迹的古拜经台,地藏菩萨传经布道的主要场所天台寺,好了,让我们一起乘缆车向天台景区出发吧!


大家好,旅途劳顿一路辛苦,欢迎来到灵山宝地九华山观光礼佛。我是安徽旅行社的导游王萍,大家可以叫我小王或王导。首先,我代表安徽旅行社欢迎大家来九华山游玩,希望大家可以游得尽兴,玩得开心。现在,我们的大巴正在前往九华山的途中,坐在驾驶座上的这位就是我们的司机张师傅,张师傅是一位拥有多年驾驶经验的老师傅,所以坐他的车大家可以尽管放心。有缘千里来相会,是缘分让我们在茫茫人海中相遇,所以张师傅和我会非常珍惜这段缘分,如果大家有什么问题尽管提出来,我们会竭尽所能为大家服务。好了,现在我就给大家简单介绍一下九华山。九华山位于安徽省西南部,北临长江,南望黄山,东靠太平湖,西接池州市。景区总面积120平方公里,与清凉佛国五台山,光明佛国峨眉山,海天佛国普陀山,并称为中国四大佛教名山。我们的九华山呢其实原来并不叫九华山.在唐朝的时候叫九子山,因为九华山山峰秀丽,高出云层的山峰有九座,因此叫做九子山.天宝年间,诗仙李白曾两次到过此地,先后写下"妙有分二气,灵山开九华",天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉"等千古佳句,九华山之名因此而得并且一直用到了今天. 九华山宗教活动历史悠久,道教最先在九华山发展,佛教更加兴盛。在唐朝开元年间,新罗国王子金乔觉航海东来,遍访名山,最后选在了我们的九华山修行。夜间露宿在山上的山洞里。渴了就喝山上的山泉水,饿了就吃山上的野生植物,黄精。最后在他99岁的时候圆寂。佛教界认为他生前苦行,圆寂后与佛经里所记载的地藏菩萨相合,尊为地藏菩萨应化,因他在未出家的时候姓金,所以大家都称为金地藏。九华山也就自此被辟为地藏菩萨的道场。唐代后,九华山佛教声明渐著,经过历朝历代的修葺,到清代全山寺院已经有150多座了。祗园寺,东崖寺,百岁宫,甘露寺四大丛林,香火之盛甲天下。改革开放以后,古老的佛山旧貌重辉。现有寺院90多座,僧侣600多人。是一个特色鲜明和有重要影响的佛教圣地。九华山物华天宝,特产丰富,有香菇,木耳,石鸡,九华毛峰,黄精,其中九华毛峰又名地藏茶,属高山云雾茶,细如雀舌,形如佛手,汤色黄绿清亮,香气持久。待会大家可带点回去,这可是待客馈赠亲友的佳品哦。

现在我们已经到了九华山,请大家拿好自己的物品,我们下车,在游览过程中大家要注意安全,保管好自己的物品。现在我们进入的是九华街景区,游九华山,首先到九华街。首先我们看到一座大理石雕成的石门坊,高9米,是仿清的徽派建筑。横额上镌刻着康熙皇帝御书的九华胜境四个大字。门坊端庄典雅。九华街海拔 600多米,是九华山的中心,寺庙也主要集中在这里,因此有“莲花佛国”之称。这里实际上是一个山上的村镇,除了庙宇外,还有商店、学校、旅店、农舍,游人可以在这里住宿,并以此为起点,游览山上的名胜。九华街上的化城寺,是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,也是九华山的主寺,寺的建筑依山势布局,反映了高超的 建筑设计艺术。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约20xx斤的古钟,铸造精美,声音洪亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱 俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。过了门坊呢,下面大家看到的就是迎仙桥了,这座桥修建于乾隆年间,是一座单孔石拱桥。大家随我一起踏上这桥,步入仙境之中。

大家看,过了桥正面就是祗园寺的大殿。祗园寺是国家重点寺院,规模是九华山四大丛林中最大的,也是唯一的一座丛林寺院。由山门,天王殿,课堂,讲堂和藏经楼等十余座单体建筑组成,是典型的组合式建筑。它的山门偏离了大殿中轴线,大家知道这是为什么吗?因为啊,歪置山门是颇有讲究的,一来是为了辟邪,二来是门朝着开山祖寺化城寺。大雄宝殿琉璃碧瓦,飞檐翘角,地位十分突出。在寺的前院墙上有一条石刻泰山石敢当五个大字十分醒目,大家猜猜这是做什么用的啊 呵呵,既然大家猜不出来,那我就公布谜底了,这个是祗园寺独有的,是用来辟邪的。大家记住了吗?好,现在我们游览下一个景点。

肉身宝殿,说到九华山的肉身宝殿,不能不提一个人,那就是前面所提到的金乔觉。据史料记载,金乔觉是新罗国的一个王子,24岁时削发为僧,并从新罗国航海来到中国。他遍游中国的名山大川,最后落脚九华山,结庐修行。并遵照地藏菩萨的誓愿:“地狱未空,誓不成佛”。在九华山修行期间,金乔觉降伏猛兽,采集药草,一边为山上百姓治病,一边传经布道,广施佛法,深得广大民众的爱戴。金乔觉渐渐声名远播,收了不少弟子。连当地的地方官也上山来听取佛法,并把他的事迹奏明了朝廷。于是,追随金乔觉的人越来越多。由于山高林密土地少,粮食不能维持山上众僧的生计,他们不得不食用观音土。因为长期营养不良,当时的人们把金乔觉称为“枯槁僧”,称其徒众为“枯槁众”。 金乔觉九十九岁圆寂后,尸体历经三年都没有腐烂,面容跟生前一模一样,这些超自然的现象正和佛经上记载的地藏王菩萨相似。正好金乔觉法名金地藏,于是,佛门确认他为地藏王菩萨转世,人们修建塔墓供奉,顶礼膜拜。自此,九华山便声名远播,成了地藏王菩萨的道场。肉身宝殿是典型的宫殿建筑,殿高十五米,门朝西南,红墙森严,巍峨雄壮。入殿需登八十一级台阶,站在台阶之下,举目仰望,可见南门厅上两块匾额,上额书肉身宝殿,下额书东南第山。塔东侧有明刻石碑地藏圣迹碑迹,为明万历年间刘光复所撰写此殿庄严雄伟,是塔殿式建筑,上盖铁瓦,四角有宫殿式翘檐。殿宇面阔三间,进深16米,地面平铺汉白玉石。中央为1.8米高的汉白玉塔基,上矗七层八面木质宝塔一座,高17米。木塔外为汉白玉神台,上有双手捧圭的十殿阎罗立像,朝奉着幽冥教主地藏菩萨。塔基四角有回柱顶梁,塔内是供奉金地藏肉身的三级石塔。塔前悬着镂空八角琉璃灯,终年不分昼夜,灯火长明。塔北门廊前,有黑底,金字的小篆横匾,写着地藏菩萨誓言:地狱未空誓不成佛,终生度尽方证菩提,为黎元洪所书。























导游词与名山胜景,犹如画龙的点睛之笔,面对九华山这样一座千古名山,一篇好的导游词可以帮助你倾听它历史的回音,追寻它文化的源流,聆听它美妙的传说;可以引领你寻访名士的踪迹,体味佛门的幽深,感受肉身的传奇……总之,好的 导游词就像窗口和桥梁,通过它,可以增强你的游兴,引导你走进九华山去观光、探胜。





liu yuxi of the tang dynasty praised when he viewed the mountain: "thesight of a strange peak is breathtaking" and "he is a creature of nature". fivestreams in shanxi flow into liuquankou and into the yangtze river through wuxiriver and jiuhua river; three streams in shannan and two streams in shandongflow into taiping lake through sanxi river and lingyang river respectively. themountains are full of ravines, ravines, pools, flowing springs and waterfalls."a wang wei painting by the river, a poem written by li bai for thousands ofyears.". jiuhua mountain is a fresh and natural landscape painting. jiuhuamountain is full of sceneries, which change step by step. in qing dynasty, thereare "ten sceneries of jiuhua".

after opening to the outside world, eight new scenic spots and more than100 new scenic spots have been opened up. the new and old scenic spotscomplement each other, and the natural beauty and cultural landscape blend witheach other. in addition, the four distinct seasons and the sky wonders such assunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, fog, snow, graupel and buddha light make peopleforget to return,

dizang daochang, a famous buddhist mountain

jiuhua mountain is one of the four famous mountains of buddhism in famous tibetan bodhisattva daochang, whose founder is xinluoseng dizang. inthe 7th century, under the background of frequent exchanges between the tangdynasty and the korean peninsula, king qiaojue, prince of silla, came to visitfamous mountains and zhuo xi jiuhua for decades. after his death, he wasregarded as the "spiritual manifestation" of dizang bodhisattva. because of hiscommon surname jin, he was called jindizang. from jiuhua mountain, there weremore than 20 temples in the tang dynasty and more than 40 temples in the songdynasty in the ming dynasty, huacheng temple, the main temple, became the totaljungle with dozens of squatters. there were more than 100 temples in the wholemountain, and the incense was flourishing, which was "the top of the southeastmountains". so jiuhua mountain, together with wutai, emei and putuo, is known asthe four famous mountains of chinese buddhism.

in the qing dynasty, there were more than 150 temples in jiuhuashan. fromthe total jungle huacheng temple, there were four big jungles: zhiyuan temple,dongya temple, baishuigong temple and ganlu temple. among the four big foshantemples, it was famous for "the best incense in the world". after the opening tothe outside world in the late 1970s, foshan, an ancient city, was bathed in thesunrise of the flourishing age, with its vitality reappeared and its oldappearance revived. at present, there are more than 90 monasteries, including 9national key monasteries and 30 provincial key monasteries, more than 600 monks,more than 10000 buddha statues and more than __ buddhist cultural s are generally maintained, buddhist activities are carried out normally,and foreign exchanges are frequent. mount jiuhua buddhism keeps friendlyexchanges with buddhist groups in japan, south korea, singapore, malaysia, theunited states, thailand, hong kong and chinese taiwan, and more than 100 monks have madeoverseas visits.

in today's buddhist monasteries in china, jiuhua mountain is widely praisedfor its profound buddhist culture, international buddhist taste, and integrationof monks and customs. it has become a distinctive and influential buddhist holyland.

it has a long history and famous culture

the combination of religious culture and landscape culture, and a lot ofhistorical and cultural activities make jiuhua mountain a famous culturalmountain with a long history and rich accumulation. more than __ years ago,taoists stopped at jiuhua mountain, and jiuhua is called "thirty-nine blessedplaces" in the book of "a study of blessed places". up to now, there are morethan 20 sites of taoist activities and taoist temples. in 401, the fifth year oflong'an in eastern jin dynasty, tianzhu monk beidu founded maoan in jiuhua, andbuddhism began to spread to jiuhua mountain.

in the tang dynasty, the new buddhist monk founded the dizang daochang,which was "a magnificent place with broad light"; in the ming dynasty, it wasfull of fragrance and became one of the four famous mountains of chinesebuddhism. taoism and buddhism make jiuhua mountain famous and attract numerouscelebrities and poets. after li bai, many scholars came one after another. theylived in seclusion in jiuhua and wrote books. they created books: gatheringpeople to give lectures. they went out to study and visit taoism. they expressedtheir love for mountains and rivers and wrote poems and paintings. there aremore than 20 book sites in jiuhua mountain, such as taibai book hall, yangmingbook and ganquan book.

jiuhua mountain is also the hometown of folk songs. there are more than 300children's songs, labor songs and ritual songs, many of which have buddhistcolor and vividly express the thoughts, feelings and life interests of theworking people. the imperial court of the past dynasties also attached greatimportance to jiuhua. the emperor of the ming dynasty issued imperial edicts andsilver grants. the emperor kangxi and emperor qianlong of the qing dynasty wrote"jiuhua holy land" and "fantuo pujiao". more than 50 temples in jiuhua mountainwere granted by the imperial court.

many historical and cultural activities have left rich historical are more than __ historical relics in jiuhua mountain, including nearly100 precious relics. after opening to the outside world, we attached greatimportance to the development of cultural resources, made great efforts toexcavate and sort out buddhist culture, established "jindizang researchassociation" and buddhist culture research association, founded buddhistacademy, and set up cultural relics museum. cultural resources were initiallydeveloped and had a wide influence at home and abroad. the culture ofconfucianism, buddhism and taoism, ghost culture, architecture culture, stonecarving culture, folk culture, food culture, tea culture and body culture areamazing. jiuhua mountain is a famous cultural mountain with profound culturalheritage.














hello, everyone! welcome to jiuhua mountain, our lotus buddha kingdom. i'myour tour guide. my name is wang ping. just call me xiao wang. first of all, iwould like to introduce the general situation of jiuhua mountain. jiuhuamountain is located in chizhou city, anhui province. it is the main scenic spotof the "two mountains and one lake" golden tourist area in anhui province. ithas beautiful scenery and numerous ancient temples. it is also known as the fourfamous buddhist mountains in china with mount emei in sichuan, mount wutai inshanxi and mount putuo in zhejiang.

jiuhua mountain was not originally called jiuhua mountain, but jiuzimountain in the tang dynasty. because of its beautiful peaks, there are ninepeaks above the clouds, so there are nine jiuzi mountains. during the reign oftang tianbao, li bai, a poetic immortal, visited this place twice. he wrote downsuch ancient lines as "wonderful is spanided into two parts, lingshan opensjiuhua, tianhe hangs green water, and shows jiufurong". jiuhua mountain is namedafter it and has been used to this day.

jiuhua mountain has a long history of religious activities. taoism firstdeveloped in jiuhua mountain, and buddhism became more prosperous. during thekaiyuan period of the tang dynasty, king qiaojue, prince of silla, sailedeastward to visit famous mountains, and finally chose to practice in our jiuhuamountain. sleep in the cave on the mountain at night, drink the mountain springwater when thirsty, and eat the wild plants when hungry.

finally he died at the age of 99. buddhism believes that he practiced hardbefore he died, and after his death, he was consistent with the bodhisattva oftibet recorded in the buddhist scriptures. he was respected as the bodhisattvaof tibet yinghua. because his family name was jin when he was not a monk, he wasalso called jin dizang. since then, jiuhua mountain has been established as thetaoist center of the bodhisattva. after the tang dynasty, the buddhistdeclaration of jiuhua mountain gradually came into being. by the end of the qingdynasty, there were more than 150 temples in the whole mountain, includingzhiyuan temple, dongya temple, baishuigong temple and ganlu temple.

next, we first enter the jiuhua street scenic spot, and the first thing wesee is a stone gate square. it is carved out of marble, 9 meters high, and is animitation of the hui style architecture of the qing dynasty. the banner isengraved with the four characters "jiuhua shengjing" written by emperor are stone lions carved under the two pillars of the middle gate. the gateis dignified and elegant. after passing the gate, you can see yingxian bridge was built during the reign of emperor qianlong. it is a single holestone arch bridge. please follow me to this ancient bridge and step into thefairyland!

you see, the front of the bridge is the main hall of zhiyuan n temple is a national key temple. its scale is the largest in the fourjungles of jiuhua mountain. it is composed of more than ten single buildings,such as the mountain gate, tianwang hall, daxiong hall, guest hall, lecture halland sutra library. it is a typical composite building. its mountain gatedeviates from the central axis of the hall. do you understand why? because, ah,it is very particular about skewing the mountain gate. one is to ward off evilspirits, secondly, the gate is towards kaishanzu temple and huacheng temple.

the main hall is decorated with glass and green tiles, and the eaves aretilted. it has a very prominent position. there is a stone carving on the frontwall of the temple. the five big characters "tai shan shi gan dang" on it arevery eye-catching. let's guess what this is for. in fact, this is unique to thegarden temple, which is used to ward off evil spirits.

entering the mountain gate is lingguan hall. when you enter the hall, youcan see wang lingguan standing in the shrine with red face and red beard, eyeswide open and iron whip high. wang lingguan is the dharma protector of can he protect the dharma here? it is said that wei tuo, the dharmaprotector of buddhism, made the mistake of "killing animals" and was "dismissed"by the bodhisattva of tibet, which made wang lingguan take the post. thisreflects the meaning of "cooperation" between buddhism and taoism in the templeof heavenly kings, which is probably the only one in the country.

from lingguan hall to a small courtyard, there is a pavilion style squaredouble eaves hall, resting on the top of the mountain. there are four statues ofheavenly kings inside, which are called heavenly kings hall. in the middle nichesits maitreya buddha, who is always smiling and tolerant. "a bowl of rice forthousands of families, traveling thousands of miles alone" is his two verses. onboth sides are four statues of the heavenly king.

lingguan hall and tianwang hall are on the same platform, and on theplatform of a higher level, there is a great hall. in the main hall, on thefront, there stands the third buddha about 12 meters high. under the seat is thegreen lotus seat, and under the seat is the xumi seat (also known as the diamondplatform). the carving is exquisite. on the front of the offering table, thereis a large relief of the story of "monk tang's taking scriptures". in front ofthe statue of the buddha, the monk who presided over the dharma association wentto worship the buddha.

well, after visiting zhiyuan temple, we are now at the center of jiuhuastreet. what you can see is huacheng temple, the kaishanzu temple of jiuhuamountain. there is a saying in buddhist scripture that "refers to the city ofthe earth". huacheng temple is located in the southwest of huacheng peak injiuhua mountain and in the center of huacheng basin, so it is named huachengtemple. huacheng temple has a long history. it was built in the jin dynasty, andit is also the main temple of jiuhua mountain. the architecture of the temple isarranged according to the mountain situation, reflecting the superb art ofarchitectural design. in the temple, there is an ancient clock which is morethan ten feet high and weighs about 20__ jin. it is exquisitely cast and has aloud voice. it is struck with a mallet. the solemn and clear sound of the bellreverberates in the valley, which often makes people feel extraordinarilyrefined. "huacheng evening clock" has become one of the "jiuhua tensceneries".

after the rise and fall of the ancient temple, it still stands in the longriver of time. there are four existing dwellings, the first three are qingdynasty buildings: one is lingguan hall, the second is tianwang hall, and thethird is daxiong hall. 2、 among the three entrances, there is a huge four waterpatio, which means "four water guiming hall". the main hall is full of woodenwindows and doors, and the lintel is carved with ice lattice. the relief of"jiulong panzhu" in dingzhong caisson is an art treasure. sijin sutra house isthe only ming dynasty building in jiuhua mountain, which has been restored toits original appearance recently. huacheng temple gradually rises according tothe terrain, with rigorous structure, simple and elegant, basically preservingthe original style of kaishanzu temple.

under the stone steps of huacheng temple, there are a pair of stone lionsin song dynasty, one female and one male, which are ancient and clumsy. there isa release pool in the front, crescent shaped. it is said that it was excavatedby jindizang when he led the disciples to build huacheng temple. it is not onlyfor the fire prevention of the temple, but also for the release of monks andpilgrims. in front of the pool is a flat and open huacheng square. in thesquare, there is a "niangniang tower" base made of stone bars, which is inmemory of jindizang's mother. it is said that after learning about zhuoxijiuhua, jindizang's mother trekked thousands of miles to find her son back inthe mountains. she thought about her son for a long time, and her eyes weregoing to be blind. jindizang used spring water from a well beside the square towash his mother's eyes, and cured her mother's eye disease.

jin dizang attentively waited on his mother and told her about mother was enlightened and eventually stayed in the mountain to help herprotect the buddha. later generations built a memorial tower in the square,which is called "niangniang tower". however, some people in jiuhua mountain alsocall "niangniang tower" to commemorate jin dizang's wife before he became amonk. whether mother or wife, the legend of "niangniang tower" is beautiful.

well, our tour of jiuhua mountain has come to an end. thank you for yoursupport and cooperation in xiao wang's work. i hope i can continue to serve youin the future. have a good trip! thank you very much


