英国爱丁堡大学官网 爱丁堡大学申请案例(三篇)

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英国爱丁堡大学官网 爱丁堡大学申请案例(三篇)
时间:2023-03-13 09:35:55     小编:zdfb


英国爱丁堡大学官网 爱丁堡大学申请案例篇一

professionally trained staff are supported by a network of older students who are on hand to deal with any issues you may have.

residence life

the health centre

the university health centre is an independent nhs partnership.

to use this service you must register with the practice and live within the practice area.

the centre offers:

comprehensive medical care

contraceptive advice

antenatal services

child welfare services

nursing services

university health centre

if you do not live within the practice area, you may register with another general practitioner (gp) in edinburgh.

nhs lothian: find a gp

the chaplaincy centre

英国爱丁堡大学官网 爱丁堡大学申请案例篇二

disability and spld (specific learning difficulty, which includes dyslexia, autism etc) advisors offer support throughout your time at edinburgh. they can:

provide detailed information about the facilities available at the university

help you apply for disabled students' allowance to purchase it equipment or pay for personal assistance (for example note takers, proofreaders, dyslexia tutors)

match you with student support assistants

make recommendations for specific examination arrangements

there is also a limited disabled students' support fund for those who do not qualify for disabled students' allowance.

see the student disability service website for more information on the help they can provide.

五、careers service

英国爱丁堡大学官网 爱丁堡大学申请案例篇三

study support

our staff will provide you with help and guidance on how to study most effectively.

we also run a system of peer support in the form of student-staffed helpdesks, information points, academic families, buddying and mentoring.

the student counselling service

our free, confidential service provides professional short-term help for any personal concerns, whether or not they are related to study.

our counsellors are experienced and professionally trained.

we offer counselling to help students work through their difficulty, understand themselves better and find ways of managing their situation.

we also offer a range of self-help workshops and literature.

student counselling service


