最新实用的外贸英语 外贸英语(大全5篇)

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最新实用的外贸英语 外贸英语(大全5篇)
时间:2023-05-24 08:06:50     小编:cyyllee


实用的外贸英语 外贸英语篇一



 declaration form报关单

three steps—declaration, examination of goods and release of goods, are taken by the customs to exercise control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。

the person in charge of the declaration


ocean bill of lading提单

air waybill空运提单

packing list或packing specification(装箱单)

shipping order(装货单)

letter of credit(l|c)(信用证)

insurance policy(保险单)

sales confirmation售货确认书

contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)

certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证

animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证

certificate of origin原产地证)


import进口 export出口

import & export corporation(corp.)

import & export business(enterprise entitled to do import and export business)

export drawback出口退税

import & export licence

processing with imported(supplied)materials进(来)料加工

buyer买方 seller卖方

the buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the (import& export goods , all import and export goods shall be subject to customs examination)cargo(bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, sea cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-owner

what cargo is inside the container?

the cargo is now released.)

commodity(commodity inspection)


article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)

luggage 行李物品

postal items 邮递物品

you don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vessel, aircraft, train, vehicle):all inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to customs control on arriving in or departing from the customs vessel船名

packing(bag袋, bale包,bottle, coil圈,case, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, set, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶,carton纸箱, wooden cases木箱,pallet托盘,container,in bulk)


gross weight毛重 net weight净重


quantity数量:the minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 ption of goods货名

name and specifications of commodity品名及规格


mode(term)of trade贸易方式

name of trading country贸易国

date of importation进口日期


total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying value

the duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal cif price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its fob price, minus the export duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the 价格unit price单价 total price总价

total amount总价

consignor发货人 consignee收货人

while the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packing declaration of import goods shall be made to the customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport;declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwise approved by the customs.进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。

 shipper托运人

carrier承运人(a person or business that carries goods or passengers from one place to another for payment)

notify party通知方

agent代理人:shipping agent装运代理人,发货代理人 insurance agent保险代理人

declaration of inward and outward articles and payment of duties on them may be made either by the owner or by a person the owner has entrusted to act as his 代理: china ocean shipping agency中国外轮代理公司


shipment documents运输单据 date of shipment装船日期,装运期

combined transport shipment port to port shipment

we’ll try our best to advance shipment to t

freight charges 运费 air freight charge航空运费 freight rates运费率



terms of payment付款方式 immediate payment即期付款

payment by l ∕c is a favorable method of payment because the exporter has bank’s promise to pay for the goods usually accept payment by irrevocable l ∕c payable against shipping documents.我们采用不可撤消的信用证,凭装运单据结汇付款方式。


port of dispatch发货港 port of departure 始发港 port of loading装货港 port of shipment 装货港,起运地 port of delivery交货港 port of destination目的港 port of discharge卸货港 port of entry进口港port of transshipment转运港


commodity code商品编码

country of origin and manufacturers原产国及生产商

terms and conditions条件

marks, marking, mks, marks&no., shipping marks标记麦码

to, sold to messers 或for account & risk of messers(后注买方的名称和地址)messrs.是mr.的复数 as per根据


per(1)for each, for every:50 cents per yard

(2)through, by:shipment per steamer


cif(cost, insurance and freight)到岸价格

c&f(cost and freight)

cfr(cost and freight)

fob(free on board)离岸价

l∕c n信用证编号


invoice no.:发票编号

contract no.;合同编号

b∕l no.:提单号

cntr no柜号

s∕c no.:销售合同号码

purchase order icate no.证书编号


case no.:箱号

s∕o no.(shipping order):装货单号

voy.n 航次

seal no.封号(seals affixed by the customs shall not be opened or broken by any person without customs authorization.海关加施的封志,任何人不得擅自开启或损毁。)

reference no.证书编号

customs ves. # 海关编号

marks & nos.:麦头和编号

container no.集装箱号


 mawb(master air waybill)航空总运单

hawb(house air waybill)分运单

place of reipt收货地

s∕s,steam ship)船名


 m∕w(measurement∕weight)体积或重量

h.s code协调税则税目号

your ref.(reference number)贵公司编号

modes of payment:


t∕t(telegraphic transfer)电汇

 m∕t(mail transfer)信汇

d∕d(demand draft)票汇


d∕p(documents against payments)付款交单

d∕a(documents against acceptance)承兑交单

3.l∕c(letter of credit)信用证

mt.(metric ton)公吨



 kg.(kilogram)公斤




 yd.(yard)码


sq.m(square metre)平方米

cu.m(cubic metre)立方米


australia澳大利亚 brazil 巴西 england英国 canada加拿大denmark丹麦 germany德国dutch(netherlands)荷兰 korea韩国 france法国 hong kong香港 italy意大利 macao澳门 norway挪威sweden瑞典 switzerland(swiss)瑞士

实用的外贸英语 外贸英语篇二



1.老外很讨厌一种业务员,平时说什么都说ok,都说yes,都说没问题,结果这个做不到,那个做不到,客人一肚子火。这样的人,口语中称为yes-man,就是应声虫。当客人要求你改产品,但你表示没法做,就可以直接说明原因,再来一句: i’m a professional guy, not a yes-man.2.英语口语中有一个地道的表达,white elephant,但千万不要认为是白象,而要根据上下文判断。假设在拉杆箱工厂,业务员跟客户谈判,是否要在每个铆钉上打logo?客户问,那要加多少钱?业务员答,一共要增加3美元;客人来一句,no, that’s the white elephant.这里,就表示昂贵而无用。

3.广交会,当客户拜访过摊位后,表示很高兴跟你见面啊,感谢你们招待这类的客套话时,业务员也可以来一句:we enjoyed having you.这句表达在美国很常见。

4.形容某人脸红,不要用turn to red这个词,老外会很诧异,脸怎么会变红呢?他们没法理解。可能是热,可能是尴尬,又或者是什么原因,形容脸红,英语中有一个专门的词blush,可做不及物动词,也可做名词。如:she blushed.就是她脸红了。千万别说her face turned to red,就闹笑话了。

5.做外贸时间长了,久而久之会有职业病。比如做服装的业务员某天去专柜买衣服,可能会摸一下面料,看一下做工,脑子里会不自觉推算面料成本和人工费用,这种本能反应就属于职业病了,大家多少都有点。平时跟老外说笑,别用career disease这样的中式英语,正确表达是occupational hazard。

这个词大家都知道,indoor furniture,室内家具;indoor decor,室内装饰品,工作中经常会碰到。但是indoor这个形容词一旦变化成副词,就很少有人知道,是在后面加s,变成indoors。如:come indoors and give me a helping hand.快进来,帮我个忙。

ent这个词很常见,表示“不同的”,那加个前缀,变成indifferent呢?别傻眼,也别想当然认为是否定的否定,变成“相同的”,那就错了。这个词其实就是i don’t care.表示“不在乎”。当同事说,你不降价,客人就下单给别人了。你来一句i’m indifferent.就表示无所谓,随他去吧。

这个词千万别乱用!打开邮箱就看到一封刚收进来的开发信,千篇一律,介绍我们是做什么什么的,质量好,价格有竞争力……。最搞笑的是,她写了句i’m confident to increase your purchasing lust.差点让我咖啡都喷出来。我知道她要表达的是什么。但是lust这个词,更多指“性欲”。

9.英语中,常常需要表达“一时兴起”、“一时冲动”。比如老美问你,怎么买了件这么丑的衬衫?你回答:“唉,别提了,一时冲动啊。”英文就可以讲:come on!just a spur of the moment.当然,消费可以一时冲动,客户下订单,往往也会一时冲动,关键是,你能不能给对方一个nice的印象。

by这个短语,可以用来表示“顺路拜访”、“顺道拜访”。给老美说:be sure to stop by our booth in the coming canton fair.就是“广交会一定要来拜访我们摊位啊”。可以在邮件和口语中使用。

11.请求对方谅解,欧美业务员经常会用intentional这个词,表示“故意的”、“有意的”,但很少看到国内业务员使用。如:we’re really sorry for the poor logo realize it was not intentional.12.口语中,表示饥饿,除了常用的hungry外,还可以用feel empty。如:”i feel empty.” 就是“我有点饿了”,跟”i’m hungry.”同义。千万别理解成我感到很空虚,那就错了。但如果反过来,i have an empty feeling.这里的empty feeling,就是“空虚的感觉”。

13.库存不多,英文可以用low stock表达。比如跟客人解释,因为原材料库存不多,我们需要把交期延长到45天后,就可以说:due to the low stock of raw material, we have to postpone the delivery date to 45 days later.此外,没有库存,是out of stock;库存充足,是sufficient stock。

14.中文有“说曹操,曹操就到”,表示正说某人,他就来了。在英文里,同样有类似表达,是speak of the devil!比如你跟老外在讨论你某某同事的趣事,正好这个同事这时候过来,你就可以说:wow, speak of the devil!其实这是一句省略过的用法,全句是speak of the devil and he appears.15.薯条这个词,英国叫chips,美国叫french fries。至于跟french有什么关系?有两个来源。一,french在这里指的是“法式深油炸”,是一种烹饪方式;来源二,薯条最早出现在19世纪末的巴黎。平时在美国点餐,可以简单说fries,服务员就知道你要薯条。另外,土豆泥是mashed potatoes。

做动词,并非单纯指海运,也可用于指代空运。举个例子,when could you ship the samples? 根据语境,就是“请问您什么时候可以寄出样品呢?”很显然,这里的寄样,不可能是海运,一定是快递空运了。又比如we will ship the goods by air next week.这里的ship,就等同于deliver。

17.“一次性付款”,英文可以用lump sum来表示。比如客人下了一个很小的试单,只有500美金,这时候如果根据常规收30%定金,剩下70%见提单复印件,就太麻烦了,两笔款项的银行费用也很贵,就可以给客人邮件:could you help to pay in one lump sum for this trial order? thanks.18.有时碰到客户来公司拜访,老板往往会滔滔不绝介绍公司,介绍产品,介绍未来发展等等,长篇大论,生怕别人不知道。很多老外碍于颜面,只好耐着性子听着,偶尔还要附和两句吹捧一下。如果碰到个脾气没那么好的,估计就会来一句:please make a long story short.就是“请您长话短说”。

in the air,可以表示对某事不确定,还在天上飘着呢,相当于not sure。比如你连续接了几个大单,业绩很棒,客人非常赞赏,连忙恭喜你升职。但这事情毕竟没有正式公布,你也不好意思得瑟,就可以说i really hope ’s still up in the air.20.表示“很遗憾、很可惜”,多年前我们就学过what a pity,但这短语跟形容美味的delicious一样,中国学生用得实在太泛滥。其实在美国,还有一个短语what a bummer,也很常见。如客人跟你说,他没拿下最终客户的订单,你就可以答:what a bummer you losing the opportunity.就很地道。

21.谈判的时候,当你给了客人某个专业意见获得采纳,客人或许会夸奖你,可能会说一句you can say that again!意思就相当于great!或者wonderful!是对你的夸奖,而不是让你把话再重复一遍。

22.有的时候我们常常会碰到一些不知所谓的人和事,让自己满腹怨气。比如客人指定某个货代出货,而那货代可能非常麻烦,要求巨多,费用巨贵,服务巨差,实在忍不住想跟老外抱怨几句,电话里可以来一句i don’t like their red tape.这里,red tape表示“打官腔”、“做事不专业”。

23.客人为了跟你表示亲近,常常会透露一些“秘密”给你,比如跟别家供应商过去的成交价格,希望你提供更好的价格和服务等等,然后请你保密。这个时候,可以回答客人:sure, we will be dumb as an 在这里,就不是生蚝的意思了。

24.客人来访的时候,常常会介绍自己的老板给他认识,比如说,这个是我们的director,这个是我们的ceo,这个是我们的big boss,这类表达都很常见很频繁,总有用厌的时候,偶尔也可以幽默一下,跟客人说,这是我们的big potato,客人也会恍然大悟,哦,这是你们老板。

25.很多业务员写邮件特别爱用try one’s best这个句型,客人要早点交货,就回复客人i will try my best to ship them earlier.客人要价格低一点,sales就try my best给你最好的价格;客人要尽快得到回复,sales还是会try my best尽早回复你。其实用词可以多变,用go all out to do也无妨。

这个词表示幸运,但口语中,just my luck.的意思截然相反。比如客人是一个进口商,你上周刚报了价,寄了样品,今天电话过去问问客人进展,客人很无奈地跟你说just my luck.就表示“很遗憾”、“很郁闷”,下半句很可能就是我们最终没拿到订单。

27.动词decide表示“决定”,但有一个非常非常重要的例外情况,就是当后面跟matter的时候,含义就变成了“解决”,是solve一样,而不再表示决定。如客人抱怨验货没有通过,你跟客人解释了原因并完成返工,就可以跟一句:please don’t decided the matter.就意味着问题解决了。

28.“放弃”这个词,除了我们常用的短语give up外,也可以用back away来表达。如:we couldn’t accept l/c 60 days as payment have to back 是样品,但sampler这个词就比较少见,可以做采样器、取样器来解释。但在日常生活中,sampler还有一个重要的意思,就是我们中文里所说的“集锦”。比如某天跟客人去吃日本菜,问对方,有没有兴趣来一份sushi sampler? 这里就表示很多种口味集锦的寿司拼盘。

是酱汁的意思,但沙拉酱,往往不用salad sauce,欧美的习惯用法是salad dressing。如我们吃肯德基的鳕鱼条,可能会用到千岛酱,英文是thousand island dressing。如是蔬菜沙拉,配上橄榄油香草和胡椒的酱汁,就属于意式沙拉酱,就是italian dressing。

31.口语中,ring a bell表示“对……有印象”。比如在展会上收到某某客户的名片,突然发现这个客户是去年联系过的,自然会顺便跟客户聊几句,也问问去年报价的产品有没有消息之类的。也许客户不记得,自然会问你的名字和公司名,可能就会来一句:oh, the name rings a bell.32.很多客人非常喜欢砍价,价格谈完了,为了让对方满意,有赢的感觉,往往会拍拍他马屁,说一些你是谈判高手啊,你谈判很厉害之类的话。美国俚语有一个like nobody’s business,就表示“无以伦比”。如joseph, you have excellent price negotiation ability like nobody’s business!

33.形容“真遗憾、真可惜”,很多朋友脑海里还是会浮现出那句经典句型: it’s a pity!当年从新概念英语中学来,这么多年屡试不爽。可最近美国同事告诉我,这个说法没错,很地道,但是用法太老了,现在的美国年轻人里面,几乎不用这个句型,往往用it’s a shame!或者that’s too bad!

34.订单操作中出现某些问题,如订单要延期,但是具体原因不方便告诉客人,我们往往会编个理由、找个借口,可能就能体面地解决。但比较尴尬的是,一旦谎言被客人识破,受到责问的时候,也千万惊慌失措,可以先sorry,再跟客人解释一下,当初用white lie是不想他过分担心。

no avail这个短语可以用来表示“无用的”、“无效的”。如果要表达“品质无法改进,单纯靠降价是无用的”,就可以写成:it is of no avail to reduce the price only without quality improvement.36.往往会遇到以下这种情况,客人拿别家的低价来压你,跟你说,某某供应商的报价比你低很多呢,如果你心里有底,产品是完全不同的,就可以告诉客人:there is a world of difference between their item and ours.这里a world of difference就表示“极大的不同”,语气程度得到了加强。

37.有朋友留言给我,问我“女汉子”如何用英语地道表达。其实英文中有一个很形象的表达,a man of a woman,就十分形象了。记得很多年前,一个美国客户夸我助理能干,我答他:yep, she is a man of a woman.就可以理解为:“她是个女汉子”。

le这个词使用要谨慎!很多朋友喜欢说,the quantity of 20′gp is suitable for us.字面上理解没错,但实际在英文中,suitable往往是以否定形式出现的。如this testing issue is not suitable for our item.39.刚和美国同事讨论了incident和accident的区别。虽然都有“事件”、“事故”,在词典里属于近义词,但实际在英语国家,两个词用法差别很大。incident指意图发生的事情,如there was a special incident yesterday that i quitted.而accident指的是偶然事件,如车祸,就是car accident。

40.当客户在展会摊位上,或者在样品间里,我们拿着某某产品请他看看,英文口语怎么表达?可以说,please have a look或者please take a look。在美国,还有一个地道的近义短语,就是check it out。可以拿着自家的新产品,对老外说一句,hey buddy, check it out.41.请老外吃饭,往往在开吃前,很多朋友只会说一句,please help yourself.其实这句话在美国并不常见。一般都是你去别人家里吃饭,别人会请你自便,才会说这句。而在餐厅里,老美跟老美之间,往往会用一个更加简单的表达:ok, eat up!中文可以理解为,“好了,开吃吧!”

is english really difficult to learn ? are you still worry about the bad english in the fair? are you embarrassed of the spoken english in the fair? do not be afraid!i have experienced many times of canton i would like to share with you some relevant foreign trade foreigners hate the salesman who usually say ok for everything but finally can not do anything which is known as the the customer ask for changing the product but you can not do, you can directly explain why and say: i'm a professional guy, not a is a local expression in oral english: white not think is as a white should judge it according to the ng in the trolley factories, salesman is negotiating with customers about whether to make the logo on each rivet? the customer asks how much extra money does it cost? the salesman answers a total of $ 3;then the customer says, “no, that's the white elephant.” it means that it is expensive and the fair, when customers visited the booth and said glad to meet you and thank you for your salesman can also say, we enjoyed having expression is very common in the united bing someone blush, do not use “turn to red” because the foreigners will be very surprised how face turns red? they could not be it is hot or may be embarrassed or what other h has a special word blush, which can be an intransitive verb and a as:.she say her face turned to red, which will make a stupid doing foreign trade for a long time, there will be occupational example, a clothing salesman someday goes to the counter to buy clothes may touch the fabric, checking the detail and work, and calculating the labor costs and material costs in mind, and this belongs to occupational of us will have such kind of you are joking with the foreigners , do not use career disease and the correct expression is occupational all know the word often encounter the indoor furniture and indoor decor in the once the indoor changes into an adverb, very a few people know that is to add a “s”behind,becoming as: come indoors and give me a helping hand, which means that come in and do me a word “different” is very you add a prefix, it becomes indifferent? do be dumbfounded and do not think it will becomes the meaning “the same”.it means actually “i don't care”.when your colleague said that if you don’t lower the price, your customer will go you can say “ i'm indifferent.”

not misuse the word “lust”.when open the mailbox, you can see many development letter, which are stereotyped of saying the product, the good quality and competitive most funny thing is she wrote that i'm confident to increase your purchasing lust.“lust” more means “sexual desire.”

the english, we often need to express “whim”, “spur of the moment.” for example, when the americans ask you, why do you buy a piece so ugly shirt? you replied: “oh, it is never mind, a impulse.” you can speak it with english: come on just a spur of the course, the consumer can be impulsive to buy somethings, also the customer often also impulsive to make the key is that can you give a nice impression to each other

10.“stop by” can be used to mean “drop by”.you can say to the americans: be sure to stop by our booth in the coming canton can use it in the e-mail and spoken ask for forgiveness, european and american salesman often use “intentional” but few domestic salesman example, “we’re really sorry for the poor logo realize it was not intentional.”

spoken english, you can use “hungry” or “feel empty” to describe the example, “i feel empty”, means “i'm a little hungry,” which is the same with “i'm hungry.” do not misunderstand it as i feel very “i have an empty feeling.” really means the “feeling of emptiness.”

can use “low stock”to express the low example, to explain that the delivery date will be delayed 45 days because of the low storage, you can say, “due to the low stock of raw material, we have to postpone the delivery date to 45 days later.”.in addition, out of stock means there is no stock;sufficient stock means the storage is chinese proverbed which means when you say someone, he in english, you can say “speak of the devil”.for example, when you are discussing some interesting with the foreigners about your colleagues, and the colleague comes this time, you can say, wow, speak of the devil!this is an omitted usage and the whole sentence is “speak of the devil and he appears.”

word “fries”, the british called it chips and the it french for what to do with french? there are two first one is that the french here refers to the “french deep-fried,” which is a way of cooking;the other one is that the fries first appeared in the late 19th century the united states ordering, you can simply say fries and the waiter will know what you addition, there is also mashed potatoes. is a verb, which do not simply refer to shipping, but can also refer to air example, when could you ship the samples? according to the context, it is impossible transport by shipping but by r example, we will ship the goods by air next ship here is equivalent to deliver.17.“lump sum payment”.when the customer give a small trial orders, only $ 500, according to the conventional rule, it should be 30% deposit, and 70% against the b/l it would be too much trouble and two sums bank charges are also very expensive, so you can give the message to the customer: could you help to pay in one lump sum for this trial order thanks?

mes encounter customers to visit the company, the boss may tend to spout the company and product and the development foreigners will patiently listen but when meet someone with bad temper, he may say, “please make a long story short is.”

in the air, means it is not sure about something which is the equivalent of not example, you pick up a few large order and the performance is great, the customers appreciate you a lot and congratulate on your it is no official announced and you are too embarrassed to show you can say i really hope 's still up in the express “unfortunately, it is a pity,” we learned “ what a pity”, which is over fact, in the united states, there is also a common phrase “what a bummer”.if the customer tell you, he did not win the ultimate orders, you can answer: what a bummer you losing the opportunity, which is very negotiating, you give the customer the professional opinion and is adopted, the customers may compliment you and say “you can say that again!” it is the equivalent to great or wonderful for the compliment, but not asking you to repeat the mes we often encounter some of the ridiculous people and things, and make you full of example,customer specifies a forwarder for shipment and the forwarder is cumbersome,with many requirements and huge cost and bad you can not help complaining to the customer and you can say, “i don't like their red tape.” here, red tape means “bureaucratic jargon”, “not professional.”

customer want to have a closed relationship with you and tell you some “secret”, such as the last trade price with other suppliers, hoping to get your better prices and services and he will ask you to keep this time, you can answer, “sure, we will be dumb as an oyster.”

the customers visit, you always introduce your boss to example, “this is our director”, “this is our ceo” and “this is our big boss”, which are very common mes to be humorous, you can also say “this is our ‘big potato’” and the customers will suddenly understand that it is your salesmen like to use the sentence “try one's best”.when customers urge the delivery date, you can say, “i will try my best to ship them earlier”.when the customers want to reduce the prices, you can reply “try my best”to give you the best fact, you can also use “go all out to do”. my your customer is an importer and you quoted last week and sent the sample, and you called him to ask the progress, he may said to you“ just my luck” which means “very unfortunately, ”“ very depressed ”, and the next may be we probably did not get the “matter”comes after “decide”, the meaning means “solve” but not customers complain about the not passing inspection, you can explain to them the reason and will rework, saying “ please don't decided the matter.” which means the problem is express “abandon”, in addition to “give up”, you can also say “back away”.eg: we couldn't accept l / c 60 days as payment term we have to back r is relatively daily life, “sampler” means “collection of the best”.for example, one day, you eat japanese food with the customer, and ask each other whether he needs a sushi sampler, which means the collection of the best of the sushi europe idioms, we say salad dressing but not salad we eat kfc cod bar, there will be thousand island vegetable salad with olive oil vanilla and pepper sauce,it becomes the italian the spoken english, ring a bell means “have an impression on something” for example, you find that you have contacted the customer last year and you begin talking with customer did not remember that so he will ask your name and the company name with “oh, the name rings a bell.”

customers like to order to satisfy them, you can praise is a “like nobody's business” which means “unparalleled.” for example, joseph, you have excellent price negotiation ability like nobody's business!

describe “ what a pity,” many friends will think the classic phrase sentence: it's a pity!but recently the american colleagues told that this statement is true and authentic,but too young americans don’t use it use “it's a shame!” or “that's too bad!”

the order operations appear some problem and need to be postponed, but the specific cause is not convenient to tell the customers, we tend to make a reason and excuse to solve the embarrassingly, once the excuse see through by the customer and you are being accusing, you can say sorry first and explain that you only want to use the white lie to ease your worry.35.“of no avail”means “useless” and “invalid.” if you want to express “quality can not be improved, simply relying on lowering the price is useless”, it can be written: it is of no avail to reduce the price only without quality often encounter that the customers use the lower price of other supplier to force you lower the price, saying others are lower than you know the difference of your product and the industry,you can tell the customer, “there is a world of difference between their item and ours.” the“a world of difference” here means “great difference” ,which can strengthen the tone.37.a friend left a message to me and asked me,how to express the “female man” in fact, there is the very vivid expression “a man of a woman”.i remember many years ago, the er praised my competent assistant and i answered him, “yep, she is a man of a woman”. the word suitable should be careful!many friends like to say, the quantity of 20'gp is suitable for lly it is true but actually in english, “suitable” often appears with negative example, this testing issue is not suitable for our item.39.i have discussed with my american colleagues about the difference between “incident” and “accident”.although in the dictionary they are synonyms, but actually in english countries, the use of the two is very different.“incident” refers to “something that intent to happen”.for example, “there was a special incident yesterday that i quitted.” while“accident” refers to accidental events, such as a car we want to show our product to our customer at the booth or in the sample room, how to express in spoken english? you can be say, “please have a look” or “please take a look”.in the united states, there is another phrase “check it out”.so you can hold your own new products and say to your customer,hey buddy, check it you invite foreigner for dinner, many people will say, “please help yourself.” in fact, this sentence is not common in the united y it is used when you go to others home for at the restaurant, the americans tend to use “ok, eat up!”

实用的外贸英语 外贸英语篇三


this product has been a best seller for nearly one year.该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。there is a good market for these goods.这些货畅销。

our demand for this product is steadily on the increase.我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。we are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end.根据你地的市场情况,我们确信今年你们有望销得更好。

packing has a close bearing on sales.包装对产品的销路有很大关系。there are only a few unsold pieces.只有几件商品未售出。

i will send you some brochures, if you are interested.如果您有兴趣的话,我可以寄给您一些介绍产品的小册子。


订单: order sheet||order form||order blank||order note 订购帐薄: order boook 订购样品||凭样订购: sample order||order by sample确实已订: firm order第一次订购: initial order||first order正式订单: formal order有限订单: limited order按行情订购: market order原始订单: original order未能按时交货订单||尚未交货订单: back order开口订货: open order开始订货: opening order继续订货||再次订货: repeat order追加订货||补充订购: additional order分批订单: split order出口订单: export order进口订单: import order已收到订单: order on hand 试验订购||试购: trial order费用: charges免费: free of charges运费: freight交货||交付: delivery到达时交货: delivery on arrival

owing to the increase of demand, you will problem make an order.由于需求不断增加,您可能要下订单。

we can ensure immediate dispatch from our stock.我们可以保证立即发货。

we will inform you of the date of dispatch immediately on completing shipment.只要一装完货,我们就会立即通知您发货日期。

we shall, of course, do our utmost to execute your order, we are compelled to cancel the order.当然,我们会尽量在商定日期之前完成您的订单。


what’s minimum quantity of an order of your goods? 你的商品最低起订量是多少?询问订货数量

how many do you intend to order? 这种产品你们想订多少?

would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?

when can we expect your confirmation of the order? 你什么时候能确定订单?

as our backlogs are increasing, please hasten the order.因为我们的储备是越来越多,请赶紧订单。

thank you for your you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer? 谢谢您的询价。你能告诉我们你方所需的数量,以便我们计算出这个供应数?

we regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。


the size of our order depends greatly on the ering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept is a trial order;please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the successful, we will give you large orders in the can’t execute orders at your limits.感谢下单

generally speaking, we can supply form stock.i want to tell you how much i appreciate your you for your order of 100 dozen of the assure you of a punctual execution of your you very much for your order.客人询问交货期

what about our request for the early delivery of the goods?

what is the earliest time when you can make delivery?

how long does it usually take you to make delivery?

when will you deliver the products to us?

when will the goods reach our port?

what about the method of delivery?


i think we can meet your requirement.i ‘m can’t advance the time of delivery.i’m very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you..we can assure you that the shipment will be made not later than the fist half of will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated earliest delivery we can make is at the end of september.客人要求提早交货

i believe that the products will reach you in time and in good order and hope they will give you complete will speed up the production in order to ship your order in time.实用语句:

let’s get down to business, shall we?让我们开始谈生意好吗?

i’d like to tell you what i think about that.我想告诉你我的一些想法。

are those prices fob or cif ?这些价格是船上交货价还是运费及保险费在内价? are these prices wholesale or retail?这些价格是批发价还是零售价?

that’s too high.价钱太高了。

oh, no, this is the lowest price.噢,不,这是最低价。

let us have your rock-bottom price.我们给你低价。

what’s the price range?价格范围是多少?

the price is quite reasonable.这价格相当合理。

the price is unreasonable.这价格高得不合理。

can you make it a little cheaper?=can you come down a little?=can you reduce the price?你能不能算便宜一点?

that sounds very impressive.那似乎非常好。that sounds reasonable.那似乎非常好。taking the quality into consideration, i think the price is reasonable.考虑到产品质量,我认为价格是合理的。

i can’t make a decision at this time.我无法现在做决定。

it’s not possible for us to make any sales at this price.我们无法以这种价格销售。.i’m afraid i can’t agree with you there.恐怕我不能同意您出的价格。

but considering the high quality, our price is very reasonable.不过鉴于产品的优良质量,我们的价格是非常合理

¥2.5(two point five)] 两块五。how many designs?有几个款式?3 designs.三个款式。how many colors? 有几种颜色?

when shall we deliver?什么时候交货?where shall we deliver? 货送到什么地方?where is your warehouse?仓库在哪儿?

30% deposit.付30%的订金。

only one sample can’t give you.这里只有一个样品,不能给你。

too expensive/much.太贵了。any discount?有折扣吗? cheaper?可以便宜一点吗? show me this!这个拿下来看看。

good quality or ordinary quality?质量好的还是普通的?

what’s the minimum quantity?最小起订量是多少?

at least 1 ctn.至少一箱/件。there’s minimum quantity.有最小起订量。can they be mixed?可以混装吗?mixed packing.混装。

just a me check.稍等,让我查一下。

same price/size.一样的价格/尺寸。i will come again tomorrow.我明天再来。where are you from?你是什么地方人?what’s your name?你叫什么?

may i have your card? 名片给一张,可以吗?card,please.名片。

stapler,please.订书机。calculator,please.计算器。adhesive tape,please.胶带。

here’s our catalogue.这是我们的目录。here’s my card.这是我的名片。your card, please.给我你的名片。

what’s the material.什么材料做的?the cost of raw material is increasing.原材料价格上涨。.out of stock.没现货。.do you have samples?有样品吗?can i buy a sample?能买一个样品吗?

we’ll give the money back when you place an order.下单时退钱给你。

good morning/ afternoon/evening/night!早上好!中午好!晚上好!晚安!

.nice/glad to meet/see you.很高兴遇见/见到你。me too!我也是!

thank you.谢谢!you are welcome!不用谢!come again next time.下次再来。good-bye/ see you.再见。

would you like some water?要喝水吗?sweet dreams.做个好梦。have a nice trip.一路顺风。have a nice day/evening/weekend!祝你过得愉快!周末愉快!

you can go to/visit our factory.你可以去我们的工厂看看。you’re shrewd.你真精明。


1.i'd like to book a double room for tuesday next week.下周二我想订一个双人房间。

2.what's the price difference?两种房间的价格有什么不同?

3.a double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night, one with a rear view is 115 dollars per night.一间双人房朝阳面的每晚140美元,背阴面的每晚115美元。

4.i think i'll take the one with a front view then.我想我还是要阳面的吧。

5.how long will you be staying?您打算住多久?

6.we'll be leaving sunday morning.我们将在星期天上午离开。

7.and we look forward to seeing you next tuesday.我们盼望下周二见到您。

8.i'd like to book a single room with bath from the after-noon of october 4 to the morning of october 10.我想订一个带洗澡间的单人房间,10月4日下午到10月10日上午用。

9.we do have a single room available for those dates.我们确实有一个单间,在这段时间可以用。

10.what is the rate, please?请问房费多少?

11.the current rate is $ 50 per night.行房费是50美元一天。

12.what services come with that?这个价格包括哪些服务项目呢?

13.that sounds not bad at all.i'll take it.听起来还不错。这个房间我要了。

14.by the way, i'd like a quiet room away from the street if the is possible.顺便说一下,如有可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间。

实用的外贸英语 外贸英语篇四

1.what’s the size?多大尺寸?90x90(ninety by ninety)九十乘九十。

2.what’s the cmb? 体积多大?0.07m3(zero point zero seven cube meter)0.07立方米。

3.what’s the best/last price? 最低价是多少?¥2.5(two point five)] 两块五。

4.how many designs?有几个款式? 3 designs.三个款式。

5.how many colors? 有几种颜色? 3 , yellow and blue.3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。

6.how many pcs one ctn?一箱装多少件?12 dozen, 144pcs.12 12打,144件一箱。

7.when shall we deliver?什么时候交货?

8.where shall we deliver? 货送到什么地方?

9.30% deposit.付30%的订金。

10.only one sample can’t give you.这里只有一个样品,不能给你。

11.too expensive/much.太贵了。



14.show me this!这个拿下来看看。

15.good quality or ordinary quality?质量好的还是普通的?

16.¥180 for a set.180元一套。

17.4pcs a set.一套4个。

18.what’s the minimum quantity?最小起订量是多少?

19.at least 1 ctn.至少一箱/件。

20.there’s minimum quantity.有最小起订量。

21.can they be mixed?可以混装吗?

22.mixed packing.混装。

23.just a me check.稍等,让我查一下。

24.same price/size.一样的价格/尺寸。

25.i will come again tomorrow.我明天再来。

26.where are you from?你是什么地方人?

27.what’s your name?你叫什么?

28.may i have your card? 名片给一张,可以吗?



31. calculator,please.计算器。

32.adhesive tape,please.胶带。

33.here’s our catalogue.这是我们的目录。

34.here’s my card.这是我的名片。

35.your card, please.给我你的名片。

36.what’s the material.什么材料做的?the cost of raw material is increasing.原材料价格上涨。

37.out of stock.没现货。

38.do you have samples?有样品吗?

39.can i buy a sample?能买一个样品吗?

40.we’ll give the money back when you place an order.下单时退钱给你。

41.good morning/ afternoon/evening/night!早上好!中午好!晚上好!

42.nice/glad to meet/see you.很高兴遇见/见到你。

43.me too!我也是!

44.thank you.谢谢!

45.you are welcome!不用谢!

46.come again next time.下次再来。

47.good-bye/ see you.再见。

48.would you like some water?要喝水吗?

49.you can visit our website.你可以上我们的网站。

50.please have a seat.请坐。

51.how are you doing? 你好!

52. you?很好!谢谢!你呢?

53.i’m fine ,too.我也很好。

54.sweet dreams.做个好梦。

55.have a nice trip/ day/evening/weekend!一路顺风!祝你过得愉快!一切顺利!周末愉快!

56.you can go to/visit our factory.你可以去我们的工厂看看。

57.you’re shrewd.你真精明。

58.did you sleep well.你睡得好吗?

59.my future is not just a dream.我的未来不是梦!

take time while time is,for time will be away 机不可失失不再来

where there's a will there's a way 有志者事意成62 he set up a fine example to all of us.他为我们树立了一个好榜样。

实用的外贸英语 外贸英语篇五

一致性证书 cettificate of conformity

质量证书 certificate of quality

测试报告 test report出口信贷 export credit产品性能报告 product performance report

产品规格型号报告 product specification report出口津贴 export subsidy工艺数据报告 process data report

首样测试报告 first sample test report商品倾销 dumping价格/销售目录 price /sales catalogue

参与方信息 party information

外汇倾销 exchange dumping农产品加工厂证书 mill certificate


邮政收据 post receipt优惠关税 special preferences

重量证书 weight certificate

重量单 weight list保税仓库 bonded warehouse证书 cerificate

价值与原产地综合证书 combined certificate of value adn贸易顺差 favorable balance of tradeorigin

移动声明a.tr.1 movement certificate a.tr.1

贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade数量证书 certificate of quantity

质量数据报文 quality data message

查询 query进口配额制 import quotas

查询回复 response to query

订购单 purchase order自由贸易区 free trade zone制造说明 manufacturing instructions

领料单 stores requisition对外贸易值 value of foreign trade产品售价单 invoicing data sheet

包装说明 packing instruction国际贸易值 value of international trade内部运输单 internal transport order

统计及其他管理用内部单证 statistical and oter

普遍优惠制 generalized system of administrative internal docu-ments preferences-gsp直接支付估价申请 direct payment valuation request

直接支付估价单 direct payment valuation

临时支付估价单 rpovisional payment valuation最惠国待遇 most-favored nation

treatment-mfnt支付估价单 payment valuation 翻译词汇共享:外贸英语翻译价格术语 trade term(price term)


运费 freight

单价 price

码头费 wharfage

总值 total value

卸货费landing charges

金额 amount

关税customs duty

净价 net price

印花税stamp duty外贸词汇翻译: 数量估价单 quantity valuation request数量估价申请 quantity valuation request合同数量单 contract bill of quantities-boq不祭价投标数量单 unpriced tender boq标价投标数量单 priced tender boq询价单 enquiry临时支付申请 interim application for payment支付协议 agreement to pay意向书 letter of intent订单 order总订单 blanket order现货订单 sport order租赁单 lease order紧急订单 rush order修理单 repair order分订单 call off order寄售单 consignment order样品订单 sample order换货单 swap order订购单变更请求 purchase order change request订购单回复 purchase order response

租用单 hire order

含佣价price including commission

港口税port dues

回佣return commission

装运港port of shipment

折扣discount, allowance

卸货港port of discharge

批发价 wholesale price

目的港port of destination

零售价 retail price

进口许口证import licence

现货价格spot price

出口许口证export licence

期货价格forward price

现行价格(时价)current price

prevailing price备件订单 spare parts order交货说明 delivery instructions交货计划表 delivery schedule按时交货 delivery just-in-time发货通知 delivery release交货通知 delivery note装箱单 packing list发盘/报价 offer/quotation报价申请 request for quote合同 contract订单确认 acknowledgement of order形式发票 proforma invoice部分发票 partial invoice操作说明 operating instructions铭牌 name/product plate交货说明请求 request for delivery instructions订舱申请 booking request装运说明 shipping instructions托运人说明书(空运)shipper's letter of instructions(air)短途货运单 cartage order(local transport)待运通知 ready for despatch advice发运单 despatch order发运通知 despatch advice单证分发通知 advice of distrbution of document.商业发票 commercial invoice贷记单 credit note佣金单 commission note借记单 debit note 翻译公司 专业词汇

更正发票 corrected invoice

合并发票 consolidated invoice国际市场价格 world预付发票 prepayment invoice(international)market price租用发票 hire invoice

税务发票 tax invoice离岸价(船上交货价)fob-free on自用发票 self-billed invoice board保兑发票 delcredere invoice

代理发票 factored invoice成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)c&f-租赁发票 lease invoice cost and freight寄售发票 consignment invoice

代理贷记单 factored credit note到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)cif-银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer cost,insurance and freight银行汇票申请书 application for banker's draft

托收支付通知书 collection payment advice

--------------------交货条件---------------------跟单信用证支付通知书 document.ry credit payment-advice

跟单信用证承兑通知书 document.ry credit acceptance


跟单信用证议付通知书 document.ry credit negotiation

advice轮船steamship(缩写s.s)银行担保申请书 application for banker's guarantee

银行担保 banker's guarantee装运、装船shipment跟单信用证赔偿单 document.ry credit letter of


租船charter(the chartered ship)信用证预先通知书 preadvice of a credit

托收单 collection order

单证提交单 document. presentation form交货时间 time of delivery

付款单 payment order

扩展付款单 extended payment order

定程租船voyage charter多重付款单 multiple payment order

贷记通知书 credit advice

扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice装运期限time of shipment

借记通知书 debit advice

借记撤消 reversal of debit定期租船time charter贷记撤消 reversal of credit

跟单信用证申请书 document.ry credit application托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,跟单信用证 document.ry credit consignor跟单信用证通知书 document.ry credit notification

跟单信用证转让通知 document.ry credit transfer advice收货人consignee跟单信用证更改通知书 document.ry credit amendment


班轮regular shipping liner跟单信用证更改单 document.ry credit amendment

汇款通知 remittance advice

银行汇票 banker's draft驳船lighter

汇票 bill of exchange

本票 promissory note舱位shipping space帐户财务报表 financial statement of account

帐户报表报文 statement of account message油轮tanker保险赁证 insurance certificate

保险单 insurance policy

报关clearance of goods保险申报单(明细表)insurance declaration sheet


保险人发票 insurer's invoice陆运收据cargo receipt

承保单 cover note

货运说明 forwarding instructions提货to take delivery of goods货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder's advice to import

agent空运提单airway bill货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder's advice to exporter

货运代理发票 forwarder's invoice

正本提单original b/l货运代理收据证明 forwarder's certificate of receipt

托运单 shipping note

选择港(任意港)optional port货运代理人仓库收据 forwarder's warehouse receipt

货物收据 goods receipt

港口费用单 port charges document.选港费optional charges

入库单 warehouse warrant

选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be提货单 delivery order

borne by the buyers 或 optional charges for装卸单 handling order

通行证 gate pass buyers’ account运单 waybill

通用(多用)运输单证 universal(multipurpose)transport一月份装船 shipment during january 或 document. january shipment承运人货物收据 goods receipt, carriage

全程运单 house waybill一月底装船 shipment not later than主提单 master bill of lading jan.31st.或shipment on or before jan.31st.提单 bill of lading

正本提单 bill of lading original一/二月份装船 shipment during jan./feb.副本提单 bill of lading copy 或 jan./nt空集装箱提单 empty container bill

油轮提单 tanker bill of lading

在......(时间)分两批装船 shipment海运单 sea waybill

during....in two lots内河提单 inland waterway bill of lading

不可转让的海运单证(通用)non-negotiable maritime

在......(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment transport document.nbsp(generic)

during....in two equal lots大副据 mate's receipt

全程提单 house bill of lading

无提单提货保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of分三个月装运 in three monthly

bill of lading shipments

货运代理人提单 forwarder's bill of lading

分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal铁路托运单(通用条款)rail consignment note(generic monthly shipmentsterm)

陆运单 road list-smgs

押运正式确认 escort official recognition立即装运 immediate shipments

分段计费单证 recharging document.

公路托运单 road cosignment note即期装运 prompt shipments空运单 air waybill

主空运单 master air waybill收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments分空运单 substitute air waybill within 30 days after receipt of l/c国人员物品申报 crew's effects declaration

乘客名单 passenger list允许分批装船 partial shipment not铁路运输交货通知 delivery notice(rail transport)allowed partial shipment not permitted邮递包裹投递单 despatch note(post parcels)partial shipment not unacceptable多式联运单证(通用)multimodal/combined transport

document.nbsp(generic)---------------交易磋商、合同签订-----------直达提单 through bill of lading------货运代理人运输证书 forwarder's certificate of transport

联运单证(通用)combined transport 外贸英语翻译,订单翻译,单证翻译,document.nbsp(generic)

多式联运单证(通用)multimodal transport

订单 indentdocument.nbsp(generic)

多式联运提单 combined transport bill of lading/

multimoda bill of lading订货;订购 book;booking订舱确认 booking confirmation

要求交货通知 calling foward notice电复 cable reply运费发票 freight invoice

货物到达通知 arrival notice(goods)实盘 firm offer无法交货的通知 notice of circumstances preventing


递盘 bid;bidding无法运货通知 notice of circumstances preventing transport


交货通知 delivery notice(goods)递实盘 bid firm载货清单 cargo manifest

载货运费清单 freight manifest还盘 counter offer

翻译公司 专业词汇

公路运输货物清单 bordereau

集装箱载货清单 container manifes(unit packing list)发实盘 offer firm铁路费用单 charges note

托收通知 advice of collection

询盘(询价)inquiry;enquiry船舶安全证书 safety of ship certificate

无线电台安全证书 safety of radio certificate

---------------交易磋商、合同签订-----------设备安全证书 safety of equipment certificate


指示性价格 price indication

速复 reply immediately

参考价 reference price

习惯做法 usual practice

交易磋商 business negotiation

不受约束 without engagement油污民事责任书 civil liability for oil certificate载重线证书 loadline document.免于除鼠证书 derat document.航海健康证书 maritime declaration of health船舶登记证书 certificate of registry船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration出口许可证申请表 export licence, application出口许可证 export licence出口结汇核销单 exchange control declaration, exprott出口单证(海关转运报关单)(欧共体用)despatch note moder tt1出口单证(内部转运报关单)(欧共体用)despatch note model t1

t2出口单证(原产地证明书)despatch note model t2


业务洽谈 business discussiondocument.nbspt5

铁路运输退运单 re-sending consigment note

t2l出口单证(原产地证明书)(欧共体用)despatch note限**复 subject to reply **

model t2l

出口货物报关单 goods declaration for exportation限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here离港货物报关单 cargo declaration(departure)**货物监管证书申请表 application for goods control

certificate有效期限 time of validity货物监管证书申请表 goods control certificate

植物检疫申请表 application for phytosanitary certificate

有效至**: valid till **植物检疫证书 phytosanilary certificate

卫生检疫证书 sanitary certificate

动物检疫证书 veterinary certifieate购货合同 purchase contract

商品检验申请表 application for inspection certificate

商品检验证书 inspection certificate 销售合同 sales contract原产地证书申请表 certificate of origin, application for

原产地证书 certificate of origin购货确认书 purchase confirmation原产地申明 declaration of origin

地区名称证书 regional appellation certificate销售确认书 sales confirmation优惠原产地证书 preference certificate of origin

普惠制原产地证书 certificate of origin form gsp

一般交易条件 general terms and领事发票 cosular invoice

conditions危险货物申报单 dangerous goods declaration

出口统计报表 statistical doucument, export

以未售出为准 subject to prior sale国际贸易统计申报单 intrastat declaration

交货核对证明 delivery verification certificate

进口许可证申请表 import licence, application for需经卖方确认 subject to seller’s

进口许可证 import licence confirmation

无商业细节的报关单 customs declaration without

commercial detail需经我方最后确认 subject to our final有商业和项目细节的报关单 customs declaration with confirmationcommercial and item detail

无项目细节的报关单 customs declaration without item------------------贸易方式-----------------------detail-有关单证 related document.海关收据 receipt(customs)

调汇申请 application for exchange allocationint(拍卖auction)调汇许可 foreign exchange permit

进口外汇管理申报 exchange control declaration(import)

寄售consignment进口货物报关单 goods declaration for implortation

内销货物报关单 goods declaration for home use

海关即刻放行报关单 customs immediate release招标invitation of tenderdeclaration

海关放行通知 customs delivery note投标submission of tender到港货物报关单 cargo declaration(arrival)

货物价值申报清单 value declaration一般代理人agent海关发票 customs invoice

邮包报关单 customs deciaration(post parcels)

总代理人general agent增值税申报单 tax declaration(value added tax)

普通税申报单 tax declaration(general)

催税单 tax demand代理协议agency agreement

禁运货物许可证 embargo permit

海关转运货物报关单 goods declaration for customs transit累计佣金accumulative commissiontif国际铁路运输报关单 tif form

tir国际公路运输报关单 tir carnet补偿贸易compensation trade(或抵偿欧共体海关转运报关单 ec carnet 贸易)eur1欧共体原产地证书 eur 1 certificate of origin

暂准进口海关文件 ata carnt compensating/compensatory trade(又叫:欧共体统一单证 single administrative document. 往返贸易)counter trade

来料加工processing on giving materials

来料装配assembling on provided parts海关一般回复 general response(customs)翻译公司 专业词汇

海关公文回复 document.nbspresponse(customs)海关误差回复 error response(customs)独家经营/专营权exclusive right

海关一揽子回复 packae response(customs)

海关计税/确认回复 tax calculation /confirmation独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity response(customs)agreement配额预分配证书 quota prior allocation certificate

最终使用授权书 end use authorization独家代理 sole agency;sole agent;政府合同 government contract exclusive agency;exclusive agent进口统计报表 statistical document. import

跟单信用证开证申请书 application for document.ry-------------------品质条件--------------------credit---

品质 quality原样 original


规格 specifications复样 duplicate


说明 description对等样品


标准 standard type参考样品

reference sample

商品目录 catalogue封样 sealed


宣传小册 pamphlet公差 tolerance

货号 article no.花色(搭配)

assortment-----------------------外 汇-------------------------外汇 foreign exchange法定贬值 devaluation外币 foreign currency法定升值 revaluation汇率 rate of exchange浮动汇率floating rate国际收支 balance of payments硬通货 hard currency直接标价 direct quotation软通货 soft currency间接标价 indirect quotation金平价 gold standard买入汇率 buying rate通货膨胀 inflation卖出汇率 selling rate固定汇率 fixed rate金本位制度 gold standard黄金输送点 gold points样品 sample 5%增减 5% plus铸币平价 mint par纸币制度 paper money systemor minus

代表性样品 representative sample

大路货(良好平均品质)fair average

quality国际货币基金 international monetary fund黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve

汇率波动的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of


索赔 claim争议


罚金条款 penalty仲裁


不可抗力 force majeure仲裁庭

arbitral tribunal

产地证明书certificate of origin

品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity

重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight(quantity)

**商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau(*.c.i.b)

品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate


个数 number净重 net weight

容积 capacity毛作净 gross for net

体积 volume皮重 tare

毛重 gross weight溢短装条款 more or less clause


