小狗的英语作文左右优选 写小狗的英语作文字(4篇)

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小狗的英语作文左右优选 写小狗的英语作文字(4篇)
时间:2023-05-30 13:50:00     小编:文友


小狗的英语作文左右优选 写小狗的英语作文字篇一

the black tiger is very beautiful, its ears are always erected, like where there is movement, a pair of watery eyes, eyes like a black glass ball, its a black nose move, like in the smell of what delicious things, a pair of long and big mouth, if someone to my house, it will be xxxbarkingxxx cried, as if to say: xxxsome people come ah! some people come ah!xxx it white of the small claws like four plum blossoms, and claws of the nails particularly hard, like a section of the short wire, its tail hairy, feels very comfortable, and always run upwards, nothing to keep it, it a black shiny fur, like black satin general shiny smooth, really beautiful!

i remember that in a stormy night, we all sleep, it stood there motionless, the rain gradually small, the black tiger jumped and jump, but also kept aoao called, let us dumbfounding, rain stopped, black tiger just go back to the house to sleep, alas! really a mischievous ghost.

when the black tiger is very young, my father taught it to roll, shake hands, etc., it can learn it seriously! one day, the neighbor child hu yiting to my family to play the dog, we call it roll, it lying on the ground, several, it also shook hands with us ... ... black tiger look very funny, amused us laugh, ah!

after a long time, the black tiger will be a mother, and it is very care for their children, do not bully the weak: one day, my familys big hens to catch insects, then a neighbors marijuana dog, came, scared of the little hens are hard to run to the nest, the puppies are also drilled into the nest, saw the black tiger ran out, it faces the eyes of the enemy stood terrible light, suddenly black tiger rushed to the marijuana dog overwhelmed, marijuana also did not show weakness, hard to turn a black tiger in the bottom, after a sore, the marijuana dog escaped with his tail, black tiger like the victory of the general xxx barking xxxtwice, and as if the puppies said:xxx children, we are brave dogs, encounter the enemy can not back down, like you are so timid, but not like the marijuana dog bullying weak, understand? xxxthe puppies seem to understand, but also barking a few times, ha! black tiger is really good mother!

later, the puppies were taken away, the black tiger is very sad, day and night in the yard and so on, how we advised not to return to the nest to eat, and finally, the unfortunate thing happened, the black tiger sick, i heard people say, put the dog into the heart, the dog will find their own medicine treatment, can be a few days later, the black tiger back, the condition is more serious, we have no choice but to take care of it every day, slowly black tiger left the world, small chickens seem to be very sad, kept shouting, i can not love the tears shed, the family are very sad? oh! lovely black tiger farewell, i was sad for several days, tears buried its it.

i love the black tiger, love it brave, its kindness, its cute, love it great maternal love.

小狗的英语作文左右优选 写小狗的英语作文字篇二

whenever i hear xxxbarkxxx sound, always can not help but out of the door, watching the neighbors small lion dog - want.

wang wang looks handsome. in the sun shining, the body was golden yellow, met me always affectionately shook my tail to me, from time to time licking my feet, strange itchy.

want is very naughty. once i played with it, i ran in front, it was pursued in the back, i am not far behind ... ... i am exhausted, it is still full of energy, around me around the circle. sunset, i and wangwang go home, we both seem reluctant to part. i patted its head and said to it, xxxcome back tomorrow!xxx it seems to understand my words and obediently go back.

of course, want is also a famous xxxgreedy ghostxxx. whenever i bring it to a large bones, it will always follow me, once the bones, it will relish to eat, left a mouth, right one, eat too happy, as if this is the worlds most the most delicious meal.

it is also very much like blowing fan. one day, my home fan open, want is just to xxxstopxxx. see the table is a rotating xxxwindmillxxx, it suddenly jumped up, the body of hair suddenly xxxflyxxx up. cool wind really comfortable ah! want want also screwed his eyes into a drunk like, and later simply lying in front of the fan asleep. see the sleeping wangwang, i can not help laughing, this smile, it woke up, it is very embarrassed to stand up, jumped out of the table, quietly home.

want is the most favorite or a walk. walking, it is always a arrogant look, like a triumphant general.

want is a good partner in my childhood life, but time such as foal, blink of an eye i have grown up, learning more time, very little time to play with it, but every holiday, i will still sneak in, with it xxx affectionate xxxfor a while.

小狗的英语作文左右优选 写小狗的英语作文字篇三

不明白dog years,别人损你就听不出来!

you are only 16...... in dog years.



“累成狗”可以表达为:to be a dog tired,非常形象的比喻,你睡觉,它醒着。你不睡觉,它也醒着!

work like a dog:像狗一样工作,也就是工作非常努力!

i have worked 70 hours this week. i am dog tired.


my sister worked like a dog to become successful.


小狗的英语作文左右优选 写小狗的英语作文字篇四

i have a lovely puppy, it is all yellow hair, with a black nose, i gave it a bell, it came to you you must think it cute, want to hug it

i remember once i finished my homework and then review. review the task is completed, you can easily relaxed, so i put the glass ball to play, playing with vigorously, i put the glass ball to jump elsewhere, i began to find, below the table, the sofa below ... ... half a day did not find. i was in a hurry, the dog called out: xxxwangxxx! i went to the puppy, see the dog in front of a glass ball, i think this must be found in the dog. im so glad to touch it like a satin-like fur. puppy really sensible.

there is a school home, see my puppy, wanted to make a joke with it. i went to the kitchen and took a chicken from the table, and went to the puppy, the puppy saw the chicken on my hand, jumped over to me and wanted to eat the chicken on my hand. i put my hand up a little, the dog did not grab, to come back again. the dog squat down a little, and then resorted to the strength of the body jumping toward the chicken here, i have a handle up a little, it is already late, it has xxxed away the chicken, in the side with reluctantly willing to chicken. the puppy is so naive and cute.

i love my dog, its my good partner.

范文一the dog quickly became ubiquitous across culture across the world, and was extremely valuable to early human settlements. for instance, it is believed that the successful emigration across the bering strait might...

狗是人类最忠诚的朋友,你喜欢小狗吗?下面语文迷为大家提供介绍小狗的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读参考。介绍小狗的英语作文【1】i have a pet dog named has white and soft furs with two small ears and a long tail....

写狗狗的英语作文篇一:my favorite animal is dog. that is when i was in grade one, i call it black, because of its body is black fur, so i give it the name....


