
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-03-13 12:19:52
时间:2023-03-13 12:19:52     小编:zdfb















课 题:英语流行文化元素视听学 院:艺术设计学院 班 级:装潢2班


学 号:201010050056指导老师:许珂

学 期:2011.9——2012.2

ice age(冰河世纪)

and my friends attended an early press screening for the third ice age installment two weeks ago and had a wonderful film easily tops the second outing of the series, and is right on par with the firstalongside the visuals, jokes and general good person who didn't laughthe whole cinema was laughing through out the film and i really enjoyed the jokes-yes you saw most of them coming but hey its a kids story is easy to follow and every kid i have spoken to loves it


m=manny d=diego s=sid o=others

m: where’s the baby?

d: you lost it? sid!

o1: it’s so vely adorable.o2: hello, , little baldly bean.o1: where’d you find it?

so i just snatched him.o1: so , and i only wish i had one of too.o2: really? i find that attractive in a male.s: wouldn’o1: where’ve you been hiding?

s: yeah, well, you know? so as i was saying, ladies… , manny.m:what's the matter with you?

excuse me, ’ll be right back.o1:he’s not much to look at, but it’s so hard to find a family .s: no, no, , please, i’m begging you.i need him.m: a good-lookin’ guy like you?

s: you say that, but you don’t mean it.m: no, look at ladies, they don't stand a chance.s: you have a cruel sense of humor.m: don’t let me cramp your style.s: thanks, ’re a pal.m:without pinky.s: manny, i need him.s: so, ladies, where were we?

o3: o4: easy, frank.m: pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like aand that tiger…

yeah, ’t even find a am i? the wet nurse? what are you lookin’at, bone bag? look at ’re gonna grow into a great predator.i don’t think have you got? you got a little patch ofno fangs, no 're folds of skin wrapped in ’s so about you?

does this look like a petting zoo to you? huh?

right,.youa think that’s funny? how about this?

you’ll be a little snack for the 're a brave little squirt, i’ll give you that..help!help!d: where’s the baby? just put me in your got .d: get away from me.o3: it went this here.o4: tiger beat us to him.o3: wait a ’s dead all right.s: gosh, i hate breaking their like you know how it right, can put me down , don't know where it's been.d: i don’t eat junk food.



长嘴象1:why not call it the big chill or the nippy era?


长嘴象1:i'm just saying, how do we know it's an ice age?


长嘴象2:because of all the ice.因为四周全是冰

长嘴象1:well, things just got a little chillier.就连说话也冷冰冰的小河马:.救命

河马爸爸:come on, kids, let's traffic's moving.来吧,孩子,我们走,大伙儿都在走呢

小河马:but, but, but, dad.可是,可是,可是,爸爸

河马爸爸:no can play extinction later.别说“可是”还轮不到你绝种呢

小河马: on, guys.噢,走吧,伙计们

乌龟1:so, where's eddie?

我说 艾迪在哪儿?

乌龟2:he said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough.啊,他说他马上就要出现一个“进化上的突破”了

乌龟1: really?


乌龟艾迪:i'm flying.噢,我飞了

乌龟2:some breakthrough.好一个突破

小长鼻象1:-look out.-you're going the wrong way.-小心no.-没有

希德:-but you just saved him.-可你刚救了他

曼尼:-i'm trying to get rid of the last thing i saved.-上次救的那个我还没甩掉呢

希德:but you can't leave him here.你不能把他留在这儿

希德:look, there's 's his herd right up the hill.瞧,有烟 他的那群人在山上

希德:-we should return him.-我们把他送回去 –

曼尼:-let's get this is no “we.”


曼尼:there never was a “we.” in fact,without me, there wouldn't even be a “you.”


希德:-just up the hill.-只是去山上

曼尼:-listen very carefully: i'm not going.-你给我仔细听好,我就是不去

希德:-fine, be a jerk.i'll take care of him.-行啊,做你的混球,我会照顾他的曼尼:-yeah, that's good.-好,太好了

曼尼:you can't even take care of , i gotta see.你连自己都照顾不了 我倒要瞧瞧

希德:i'll return don't need that meany-weeny mammoth, do we?


希德:no, we don't.不需要他

曼尼:you're an embarrassment to you know that?

你真给大自然丢脸 这你知道吗?

希德:this is cake.i'm fine, i'm fine.小菜一碟,我行,我行

希德:i'm gonna die.我会送命的希德:manny.


